lrs. Jamets e hallhas a.i shca spentthe hsprents Joùyce f-Jones, from thie hospi been brought honi ,Dougla~ J'ack M guests Sunclay The '4 Mir. jaýs. i±ýagIson, ivrs. Jas.ý son", Miss Bec), ý)nd Miss Fi speit Saturd'ay k1alt'r ,Êteroor( iM.Jus. Eïtgleson and. 'Mr. Gi Jesare spening a couple eof this wek . ýat otaeat Bem for a fiýsing tp M.and Mr. . C. rossley Soù,day -wîth Mr. and Vrs. C. Bl end attended church .service GoyWanvifle hrh Jehanmie Tmln is lRhaing nrrt olidjay pending tis week Mr.RginalM fEdhnunds -and Mr, ,MirsMoowlat Millbrooûk. -~ Ilgt ~egt.auj Mrs. C. D. or fsummerside, Prinýce "d, ïIsland, visited wifit teir gragnu ent, ,r and Ms Fred Duncan, ïeave withiMrs._Lo',wery and e Pïri-vate Br-uce Mercer osf-the Bacon, lb, for ~r eIl hav read abouità $2.65 t( wn-ý adWhit. also Browni, sh e . ............. mnit can get yivushou-ld vo 15c gai ins MlcCormick'S Sodas 1lP. ïy has DOý SPORTSHS Ladies'Wit and Tan Ox Saýndails in il colorred, bine, sand and mast.,,$L.95 A few pair of 10-11 of s- audî panfco soles. Special $3.00 Shredded 23c, 20C Prunes Loini Pork Chops g 35C Fresh lb. 3Oc. 35c f. je dv' So, cqme