Britainýs Lease-L.end hi Re- verse, Providezs AmeriCanà Wilth I 30 icyc!les Fifty lthousand Biihmd bicycies, 5,003,000 dy pigeons' foi, skC('eet s hoottniilg 1andIlargý e cnlabers of garbage cna are among the more unusual evi- deinces that U.S. Lend4.-Leg8est is faýr from a "onec-way streï-t." Brig. Gent. Albert J, rwig 'dfrlector of thle Army Service, Forces Purchases Diision, yes- terday tMd.a pess conference on his return fromi Great it ain that these and mnany more ordiary forms of aid offer im-, praieproof of thle value to the United States of ied nesel reverQrs e. Motof thiesemteis are tra-nsferred to U.S. forces in 11ritaili or theý' over'sas terri- torIes. Bunt the shift is Ilot al'wayg accompishedsmioothil, Brwn cng said. For example, U5. nfyers who. use the bicycles to travel be-. twen the wideiy-dipersed build- ings at Briftish airdrmes C ali1 thie valides "jie' e crvLt weapýonY "They can't gefusbe4 t o their frontwheel baks and Ire constnnfly being pitched Mover. the handiebwas And there was a hitch whean Amrcn skredIf ori.garbage carins. The British sa--id they cni not furnish this ýommnonI item.ý Tlien soi-ebodly thought to askç ýfor "dusf bins" aind U.S. soieris got ail the garbage caris they wanted. The5,000,000Clay pigeonis d4int cause a ripple of confu- son, how"eertcause skeet shoofig is reeogWied as valuabie training for aerial ui es MILTARY ATTACHE TO CHINA BiairOrvilla M.M.ay Dapuy Ajufat -Geneml (B:) sînce1941,win a beau riïppOiýt- eti anaianMilifary Attachîe Chn, Bigadir yij. s a foMe 'Winnipeg ,barrister aniservetlili thie Firaf Greant War vvith o, Royal Fly ing Crp. Haws ofiarcmmni i te Winniipcgý Grendier 1ah isa outbeak 'of London Wie' Clifford Webb I S lmpreSS"d by Their Genemral Bearing Rae, -'snys fIa Ottawa Citizen, ns-athie impressions of Clifford WabPaily Hemali war co1r-s pondent, affer vîiiig fie Cna tian forces which !)apLIurat "lipr-s - camei way imm--ens iely,, bear-ing anti grand figlf;ing qual ifes andthfiarcmarkabla mariner lanwiich tiy adatedt hmacives He sidthIe Canadians mate a "peronal mme" of wiPig ou-f hie firat Pae regiment, part of fIe 15h1 Panzer Divisýion lan the battia for Agira, aftearrhs 11g9fthc regimntAri alhie way tho Agirfrm ammihd era. u tmhgfe Canadias I 1foundt fIe clerriiess, ite sainme bois- temous welcoma, thiesanie query: -Do hie peuple af lb(ome tiink W'edoingràailrgi" 2P0000 osofioiandisuee, 500 tons of alumiaumi anti 250 tons of sheet aiumiuum will bc reased for intuafrial purposes L)y hý- ie dciion of teBrifisis Minitry of Works ho break ulI m quter 0f a nmlon disuse lid Gordon's wrig the isasters of li -which only jtric, ob)- -e of price ceilinigs can toi, 0 fo rak, God help aid Gordoli, Cal,- ïorflLrigt dirIc- tadbiggest ec- f of odem iv Àý- ioi laToono dee o f the portI, for the pol- -wamjniulg of thle on of hmsandi huilman apneswlh eol n- su pntle bekn dw ftheý ramart bot aaiatilaýtioni, laï telling[the rmanufacturer', far- er aind wriga hiatcoiue gop presu1re for hiLýPer prices, and higer ages would pecp îtathe ein "On every ,ietepesrsf whc efer areml- gfhm savs at, asajId. "Laboir is m'ilitant and demýýialdrnlg waga ad- juatillenfs al aî,ng Ilhe ina. Nf withstaudin1the wage cilng nraniiy fhousanids 0f wage inicreasas arebinc e man a d as rone( ~wage ad1jîjstent afte-r .anotlier Us maede it is1 rfleted lmadiafely ilu ise costsof production wh0lich, ilu tomri, lmans the preur,7e onth price ceiling is apidly bec'(omling insupportable, "ýFooCI picsare crea-ping stead- ily upwards as tneagriltMral indusltry insisupnand obt:ains, hligiser pricesu-dmtiseemgny of curfailment of essentil up- pilies. Withi few exptosb- iness -and idstykeep their eOYe.s on profit mar1,gins andjaool potst any move.fO limif or con- trol tamu. Black maicefs0ar 11o mecnLo devalop ...Gelly speaking ourcorsda lenlienfly wifh tiffendulrg Parîagrapha lilke these cari i oly bc dascribeti as among thie os ptent and lthoLught Lprov)kinig ofi tise whoie war,]lot Èxl-igal tlie uternesn the Prliime n Isier an101i his CÇabinaf cOllIengues. iteaa odt tis clmns thatMm.Gomop id n[ot dlýve siighfly itohe detaili niIthewr- mng 0f te p iceontrol syStOmn 0f wom ill mermember spiiaiiiug prcso£ le 9920pri ,just whtprice coatrlshae tictti Itý la'aisetforthlu tl he Labor, ,,a ctt, anl officii pblctinis- suet by thie Faderai Labor De par 115tbutl, ,,l oure, ot ie tlle egi n fJilne, 1943,; va 7.6 par en, ibe tan ti August,1939, he ita1tre-wa 49.3(î,r cent ise th etalihrnntofth prigie c ailing th index haail d- twee Ocobe 1,194, ati une For the comparle iod ur 1916l and Jue, 918 th d,auceli was 28n. e et sadvanced: 31.9 par e ;;clnthin 20.3 per cent oefnsig and ls rvi c167 ar et;fe parct;a nti mmscell;-,)eols 6. d aal(s i(r , (1's.oa I living, a di x sciibasuineasIIIt ouy thatfof e cni rý1steti States1baslgona up913 o l li stablme fats nt fel tceti waysnprs formaild exciusi Ouf Canalda by June 1920 c, Porir 40 Bacon 60 Lard 38 Eggs 54 Mllk 14 Butter, dairy 59 Buffer, creamary 66 Breatiz 9 Canned fomatoas 21 Beana, dry 13 Potatoas 118 Sugar 22 Coffea 61 Cocon A few ~xeeks ago newapapar poblisheti of mianipower bias com-pelle, teo em ywowen f0 pai iveiy by maeriah the Central chceaJoad, ndunload i nids of 'boxes of baby chlicks rexpre,ýss as shiown hure, June 1943 c. 45 18 41. 10 36 39 14 6 5-2 g 44 19 a Winnipag comparisons and 194, anme f Uwhlcb wer a $55 ri2,vrae 35l 1903 shirts, $19 oulu o1920 nt$,0l t o $61 $; onti'. man' elettiffl pg e contoalba Noe.Tough Enough Glden oy , a igbcon nt N o"rseS Czmra d Swimng 500 yards in hIe J4anuar'y waters of fIe Atlanfblc te g-et hold of a looselfba, anid flan rowiig if ing e Iatdad bnktoward fIesiig hp uc(ra fwin dada wvhicih eanl eaarned an, unnametiNrwla Second mlate a double nadfronl Lis Kngand cofy eel The Monfrel Star.Furat fIe N-orwegianLgai-.,Hn Dne S 1ue-leNorwegtan initr se aanfa this2, -yeauoll nant sailor wihh bceSf. Oav Mataidt fia WVar Matai. Bacauwe ha bas sfafhermtestaaat brothers liing in Nony, hi narna annof ha nantoncti, nov bis pichure taken. In naigthe pr.esanat'0slu MIJ'r. StLen sal -titd tint I c nwiru wvas for 'prou alnr"o tha second mIate, wýio Io lad ar- la isMaasy'naa pr 1et hSc me2 '1dlï, a a igu0of bi vi ratitude, as Wel as fiat oil Nrwe ianpopla," ha snnd. Azres anti Bemua, ha suts sae!d oaa darir rugt, sel tit te mi i o ta asalfor sfIa pâot sda. TIn undfwmiue inter hey tLArtt dteme fmom nie." ha rnd. atfaso demate.e "Ti enfianarefor M Hoe lit on fIa g'un stand, Ede1 strirfed eo a ntie hmyip cag lira," li rca l ie î!e 1Sumpfti oembrd ltohi Jnu THE HUMAN CONEDY By William Saroyan ie luman Çoxmedy is aitxr n Amerric2ýan l£miiy lu a and in pirtîclar of Hom-,er mley, tefatstmssne "an Jo0aquin aiey -e story abounfds inifr Lblescens. omer ruinning two-twenty hurdles, fl, ses imprisonied in the bear- brother Marcuts ni hroop train in which han ý away from home. The EHunran CÇomeciy b'ut doas nlof oversfep, esty\ of ordlinary humri If is a ývery sîmipie nove very grant achievemient. !liani Saroyan]. -Price $.0 ifs urie ni- heisiles c. '. -a -ty1 WCi~ ï SiteA Are BadlyîNee-ded, Tlree cents a poonti for baud prepareti milkweed ieaves wl ha pnid by thIe Deanrment of Agri- cultusre in a Gvrmn-pn sored IprojLecfof the National Research Council ho secure_ large quantifies of the rubber produc- ing plants for axperimenfal pur- poses, it was announeti recenfly af l; University of Westerni Ontario, London, Ont. 'l'ie price, advises The St. Thomas Times, wHIi be paid for leaves which have been strippeti by hanti and well drieti. An aiher- native prica of $30 par ton will ha givea for mikweed whichlihas, been cut by binder anti shookAd in sheaves. Soviet Women Fariners WVithIlail aa-bied mri,-rltin theF Soviet figlrting fonces wOme bave fak,,lieal their plajc es iii~ farmi iug fhrooigbiouf Ru al an u he I asf fwo years 700,000) won hav learnied tf0 rua tr>actLoe, ra ntfc bine hrvstrs SIDE GLANCES cePr. lf Sa ByNE ýS YIvCE, TC. r.t "f dloni't ike fishing too eluch mv ydau REG'LAIRFELLERS--Pînhead's ýFinish MYdOODNUT OF T HI E Living Costs In te UitedStaesthe ces of living rose 24Per cenL t. and the cost (of food 4(; per 9 14.Ian andathe cos't of livng enýt uhp12 par cent, n trie coat of fooid 18 per centa A ne Geran 0gn, wth shaelled Bîans coast froma (!ais ý i th pastL, is reported laÏ: Lonidoi to bin acion it in venfor, how ver ili be sde by the thought lhe he gt tOth The Day'sRon p1~nedhow 8hekept content wiil her hadot !by snyh g* 'WheI wor'ks, I works har'; wheil1 sits, 1I aifs SOft; we tesfsf0worry, 1 goes to sap' On, the F&o7d Front The K-)rmly decies Lhths sildiers are baffer fed thian the civilians. Nex\t thing- we kno -' the boys wl be wrifing us son chLeery letters to keep up our --The New Yorker. Three Opinion Ages Op)iionis cînge. Wheln Y04 -ire younitg you are sure yoùu are rig1-11t. When youi are midle-aged y-ou beogin, ho wonder whether you wvereý ever righf. When you are oIci you know you were wrong-- bii th-ere isn't mucî you cari do about if. .-Owenl Sound Sun-Times. Sneak Goal - We iearn tint foofbl ïl s pa ed a-a ood deni in Japan. AnA of cus there is keen opea ion to score a few gpoals bfs thekieck-off, -PeerbooughExmnr The »potato is One of tis emot. popuilar itemûs of f0od ia any cr- By Galbraith but if 1 bang arouli th je ouse -lwkeepa thlinking tip littie me to d. G ENEEBYRiNE sf