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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Jun 1944, p. 7

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After SnigSuib sailoro Cprpnk To Theii, Success A British naval ofier toid îreceatiy of ia etrange tiaig that had happened dhuring his bhjp's latvoyagIýe aCross theAtlnntic. They ii i ige a erel Jiwtlieb- it was emipty b)ut for" -- ka fil bottle of champagne! ýTJàey hieard I afterwýarde tIhat those who fia bceen in thIe boat had be picked Lp. So they deeided te keep the ch!amipagne forceertg their firt uccess agninst a U-boat. t mustt1have b(-een an o1 'Pli thie sailor said, because early the next im-oriniiïg a Snelr air- ported thlat she was engaýging a Cl-bat. As their ship ruced for thie 'Spot, an unuILsuLal order wýse ,givea b'y th capan"Sndby for actiojn stations in ten min-~ ue'ti-me." So i ota f thc- cus,ýtemnary ecrmblatheÏh, t'imce te dress properly and were abeto have a cap of cocoa. trned eut te be what the brôad- V aster described as a mnoçiel at- tnck. Trhe Canadian corvette, IL.. Drumn Kelle'r had1 l ad(1a crack at the Uboat belore the BrVitish escort ship got th, rc. They miade contact exactiy -whIen- and where the captain had anti- cipatted. la ie£ ad-ahaîf n- mtsit wn~ail HOver;theyEmade only One, attack, 'and ecored tweû direct its. lmstiimediuiaLyI they saw patclles (ofromland Wxeckage comiagte thesurface. Whea they left the oi tchhad extenided te 600 feet m indiincter,. The following day ain rratre- ported an oadstreakintbat ae, 1,700 yards long. Typical of the "sulent 'rce 'wsthe ent-ry in thne s îp'og: "062-ma e0cntact w Th - boat; O6341/a sank sane." ils- actly five and a baif minuites of thir ime ccoanmted for.Thi watdtili they racedport- c fore drinkMing 1the champa)-ýgne ( that Neptune lad awarded 1cm ln aï- vance. LOVERS' PARTI Hleads bowed, t[is Iainsol- dlier and his. (-weethe art plod along dusty Sicilianroa-thi last eri for a long timle to cre Hei eadted for tempo)'I-.v rio Camp1)at Agrigentened' guard, for Iain ne a 'Voluntnirily. Facing Huns Alo-ne Winnie Was Isia la hier Lrecenît book "ore Aimong Waros"Eva(C'u rie, reeof radium, tells thtis char-i ac.teristic stor y of Prim-e Mnse Chrhlwhich iilluestrates thie type of -uag 1ha aseabe him ite lead the B IrýiihEp ount of desperate defetetothe -verIge of 'nssured victorýy.lit a told te MIiss Curi-e by Brigadier îshlop), cmadrof fthe Brit- ishi forces inWs fia Ut happened iin England's dark-~ est hu-nthe fatal Junie of 1940G. BiadePishop happenied t60 be resenIt at a mleeting ;of the W ary Cabiniet. Cuchl a jitreturnied froin Tours annd announcedl that Franc(-e was on the verge f ask-ing iHitier foir Ilie ternie. Drainl)g a desperate pic- ture of the istuation, hie conlclui- edl in a !çow, firm voice: "We ar-e owfacing Graycompletely isolakted. We lacion. Te shewer isinlg "n jette was. ,sceis to lu sweet, het "Fil C, ff As fo KING CAPTAIN H. SHAW ý CHAPITER XXII Diche did net anewer; he was w,,atcilng-,eVen'Ilts mLalte Plaza ý wvhichwa the ciy' earzt. A few vorlces- stîll cried forLfaete but thleir ferveur was dlimiuîishedJ Tic troop wer e being falien- ila orety;u they obeyed the staccato orders of their ffcers wji'Lt somethinigapprvoaching ala- rity Mahinegun detachinents mioved t imtgi ositions, lookling basiitses-likec. As if te add a djmamlatic backgr.oand> the AlmrnteHigginls fired eule ofJ ber tweýIve-incbI guns, ioaded with bl ,il, île direction of the, Plaza. There were ebrieke ofaai frein the mob, the vanguard of %bch began te prees backCon- Asvwift tropica! dwnour be- ga;it came downl buceketfules, inccdily.As maaly ( of imi- sargeus as ou"!lbegan te ur "Nature niways supples an' antdot,"sathDck igin scai- te c tice revoi!uiýn is overý, Don Leh-o ai-busýiness as Usuai.Z' demaudcd. diffdenly. Wyue'sgot a sense e ic dumatc;Jsupse Ev A aove tic clameur tînt own eTsle gde nS isi tha oid West, carried ls . . He'ro la Pew tno, rs anid go tive blend mis, filed the square the sund of îbray-ing huglus wiis adihie, 1But, loudcer evenhn that comipelling bla, wae the bark oCf La gun: no)t n bigIecice, but one of the Almirante fliggine's second- ryarmainlent. "Ah1 a!" aid King,-Higg ine; "it'e oke "Thie wae cr-yptical to Donna Elenora, but ebe did llet wTorry:tbng wrehappening ander bier gaze tAnt cbained ber intereet. The sun, newly up, sbining downi a wide Valley la the his that formed the enstxvard waIl of San ,Jo"ef'sfharbuir, lit the wr ship up as if it w-ere a spýotlight. Kald plaiïn to cee waýs tbe Nationial fIag (of Iyaaa -cîghailed in deterined swce'pb to tlhe Amr antie'sstha Il w\as asif a dlefîniteanwehad bengiven! to a qeto;a if tlis wrea bjannýer wbicbf 0%-te (overFort Juan Th.gunhadbeen firýed lion, 4A]-moment iner nohr u ly oer Fort Jua n nd 1 lo "Well - ink Gd " ai Dýwic g n * . * ne. Thwe clapour in te Laka had wnsaoli; o 1 beaties aw l eil'i( ne', Every olelws ure on tic NLavy; thizor*.r- oy coMLmnn e Itybn. n Um tOvort o11ak.chae, i fnc, Dicki repoted, Ail vr ut jnto; you'lla e ai rigit ere now." ferre Lufliott t yo a"ex " aboh, lellit e e nd ile juetodd t".ings,"yen taow Bu I really out; teho ett aveac te tc Cneua, in casie-peelt of,11 duty, se forhv,Ëy o!se«ha Il mena" enetý ci ineg" task Doores.Sll es-'ood bodies of trýoopEs ed arme.'s "SiSno! Socftl1y. Altbou1L ishly te îimitaIc knr.e w ini hie ow neyer acquire 'Il froid(. iandedDiie brinlg somne.cof now, sir; ne reptrteil. 1hete's a bit of ush shi but it's ený,sing a lot; and this rai ledoinig a lot of goed. I've Iurned the peons te te dean up the mess." Dickie, yawing. "Wlte be sure, île ,vorkings are ra ýýther g"unîmed ü(up, Sir; and lhbere'll be a deiny. But--but n rather aetonishing thiag seeme te lave bappenied. 0f courjse_, it's tooee eriy te make a proper re- port, bt-.weil, du, Ihare was n rathor Violent efirtbquake Sdock a wbileugo." "Mis there? I on't thik we atcdit hem. W Mell ?" Welsithat big rock away onithÉle enel side of lite in- field, it'e eplit *Ieelf frein top te b)oýttoin; and sefar us I can "ee, it'e fit of gold,-A]]('!the Iod(e ppaste, rua down IIrîgbt under everythînfg, quite a pronsîiiýng iode,;AhcP1d nover susccte" "Good eg Sofo ;in de- highted."' ~aWTesioalg~tforegod tian bof'ore eut ofthe0e, mnesloce "Weli, it'e rniniug lere, for one tiý, aiin qito a' bit, Thaýt's qiego nveaotthe j'-ger o îut 1 te rparuhdamu- ug o Clbere hst iigt. Carry onuien and i ifyunedxt. had brougbt aboultus% astoni- igtli-ru ýtluetho fklîrs et the aine; bt-be cold net eip but amýËit h eH i'in hock stii scemci roit sond, venan eartLIquI'lae bud its uses, uppar- entlýy; ad %wLi inev veilus of gold disc.isugtemcio, those wh,11 bund tti"Sed hIllm wovuidfini'd their- faiti woll piacc'd. FHo hadnl'tlet the eaeblerlownl. 0f f62 m ubr to a Londen,7 Englaud, B,'oy Seout Troop, 19) alre cormmissiened ofcosand .31 Thc l2th WsIt1am ByScout Troop ilu Eugliand !is priual proî)ùd of eule ofis mmerJin Osbornle of the RAF. had the boueour of hotu down Lhe 1,OOu paneevr ic islaund of "Dont frgo teplut plenty ef motb bulîs iinmy Scouit uniformii," aBrts Scout serving ila the amiily lu North Africa wroe hi mlother. "I Scha111wunt lie Uni- fomi'n immedIC"iately I rcturn home and clotheCs migl stili be ration- ed then."' One bundred and sixty Scoute, w-ho wiII be the nucleu'ms of tbe reergaahzed Boy Scout Mvmn Devilled Egg Salad With Tomvatoes e cheled hard-cooked eggs à teaspoon dry muetardt «U cup EGG.TESSý MAYONNAISE 1 aheeoo hooped chives o jteaspmoo sait finieîy-clioppe& onjiion Dahpeppeï. 4 toe 6 email peeled tematoes Dash cayenne i cup wctage cheese Cut each hard-cooked egg in hall ' Remove Yolks arefuly, pheae in a hcowI and add salad drseig and seasoning& e. nd smoeth, Bestaf eggwhite haif Wth thiismxtr and decorcate with paprika. Peel toniatoes (hy bacig and suc. lae two etufed egg Imives in neats of crsp lettuce on eae of six chilledsaad plates; arrange tojmate sues, verl!apping, beside them. l'op toma-te lileeLi wi ýth otge chbeese and grihwith parsIey ar.S-ERVES 6. e te r, ef in Belgiloin after libe war, lro- of le ýenltly held -a camp ha lGreatBrt Erif ain. The beyýs are Belilun eau aiIst ee., Their camp wasateed dLu by scouts of several otier Ero ed 1upen1- hl penn coanitrýies. A Seo utinazýster et 'LCoveaty, Enigland, 'shot dowal behîaid ic Gern1an unies lu Tunisi, eaght refuge wi thlnaFreirci farline. The inex daythre Nais c,,alie aI the furmbeuLse fr :we,!aad ilie cout nter uiing Ilinseif fîth oae cf r irervolver-s, lar-cliedîthmoin e tle ti( ritisI Iines a roes et wuir. Bo Solîsof Cnaaireco in edo thieir paýrt u rin é l-iisbn uîg in Euope fter île Y1W. Cundian Scouts lh p)a y the cost et priluthug 1,000 copies of Lord BdnPwl "cuigfqir. Boys" lu oac e tie Fîcui1, C.zcbý, Nteins Flomiishi, Norogin nndPoliel lunguagecs. oney for tis pur- poe i re fr i theChine Upi FondI, for \w1ýiC~h Candian SýcoutLs have ruisjýed 1nénrly $800Tic mon 1 asbeen se'd fer.relie- ing Scouts wholet uheir homes,1 in tjic bîhîz o nBrtiwhea portion us been sot usîde for tic A ngthe graunates ,aitUp- lnnds Airpori, Otawa, receaitiy, wsthe exi 10~Y Scout7, Luis Perez-Gomez, af ,eico City. Luis camle te Ottuwý,a more lina n yeur uoand wam"is unabie te, .pe , aword et(if ib.De- ýiiîiiuiaîîd District heudIquurters of tic Býoy Scoute ascieted t'le ladl nadcred for fhlm iwiie le toleiii Yli)ra Engisi. Laler ho was ndittiled inl,)te cR AFanld lie rcceived his ans t 1t1ic bande es a pilot, TIlc b ho ad- cire ss il Hwin thle world ceianawmnhv churin j.1adpl e fscfecis "ahi the other band. assiclan, trognr actuliygîvea wmunpois an quet nere sdatve.. .Di. Miles 'Nerv ine( Nerînelushcledscores 0f w-,omcal wbe uf-r-dmro funvetazdnrv. Iam Nrm n codigt ircin N

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