Velvettiax Sunburn..........,, 9 CREAM 1BALMI A rich blend of ai ~tn eýrs that is uageay blares i........... - ... .... .. 49 After Shave TLalc 35, For relief fromi acîdingeio anid sItmae-hdiretr BISMNA - REX ;antacid pwdrof tested q uali ty, garnee atis- faetory. .0e and 75C. Large Eeonomy ize- ~$L75 MaeLan'sStomach ower 2cz s ....... ... 9 . nd 9 e. Charles Tyrreli Phone 68, ORONO I Past w'ars lha- of inflation. ve alwaysoowresac.Pres Thený one day the war induef e ge e adwgssyrcetdt rpe .carne --- -- ---- -- ----unna- -- -- --ra- -- - - -e- -- h1t-- -- rs bMue or brown, sizes zes3 to 6yer.,$10 ,-on~ fcr yoir grden ený -;výth25C. eath Srwec 29e ...,ea h ... .... ,., 2 9e 201C 1-5C. 'and 39e, 49,c Dr'essinig, large tube 504c tre ýand battb 0 oz roll each ...... 5c, RIES ,gara, 16 coz. otie. 5e oantaining -impr-over-s, Urne gooda be- ~lentiful again. Scarcity price8 coula j BANKRLJPT SALE ,p and "splralling" prives went "pop" fatrevi oe m and camle down wi ný bang. farma were foreclosed 45-. 'and$1.00 ~~~d~i we), lrebsel1 0$100 STORE SOPINGCENTRE and 'Smith s, That is why in ti waDrices aeCn trle-sa htte willlno)trunber inarise or seler1i aslumrp. ~- or 1MrLA~I 'S. TEiI E: EST PROW 3 ouince .I... ý.49e ' 1- 1- 1 - . ý2&1e SEttVIC the larest and