1944 Counti Counties Not -in Fý Payirig Full Cos County Pupi] SIight increas-e in the mi raise the necessary amouL.Il expenditu res was foreocst budget p)resented at the o ffhe Junie session oýfNot .and Durham Ceunties 'Co Monday of last aveek. The be seven muls as coanpared ]ast yea and ths wvill amount etiniated at$28 Items in the budget are istration of justice $19,90r and cie1fare $51,000; d ?'741700; primary educzatio1 general admidnrain$A, puryoffceS $21m0; grant 192. A ltter fri th bank the council that Ohe iSte fiom February -1 would 'be -onborwig insteaid of L., 41/e pr cen-t. Tihe qitestiru, ilent if two iots aai 'ditioaa alnppointees ýat the Jail wsreferred to a Join o f the Fane and Spcecl Property conisit tees. Educatiion Csts Repq Reeve C. . CarveUhb", epùfoKrting on thle Speeial Commhjtpp vrilh rdmeme t( Littb 1 YoungBd the b ig the uend!tisat the cuelconsidler 1)ng Coonltiiuatio[n schools 0on same basn ass igýhscos ïsncsw th,-ir costsý have golenei) think,, b osver, that the coi shl-~aree to paIy the fulI co ~eduetion fmcruty pupils In sehIýoolsas theywolthrb ail ontr-ol over their seicool e Reeve Bet eid, sea i nection w t ie proposalich tubecino'sis hosPitai be buit dering the eastern ene- of thec tiesaid that àt had been suggE at the meeting in, Torconto thad 'kospital 'be iocautedf eithecr in Trý r Beli1eville, insteadl of Kinig ITo'ever, the counies;' shaizre be bot $5,00and it wvas ný 'DY the comi-eS. WAdenKeI-y obsered dm!t counities miîght' some time bi) i position of havîng at hospitel te serve tise fi-ve counýties f o t1in~erindand Durhpam es Remnember Orono , sports onaJ uly 3 rd, consenin CitW.A. CTo I Tise mi around anci fe] nl in msi)t 'or thlis coý s ycsfi vnn iewa ttvepO d uction r fr tie flt SnwtOtas, ,3 et , and Grace C~a ~gged race nstrong. inties Better O. ln 1943 Than For In order ta is aadaW ilman,'s Armîy Corps ilmay adequatu suppiy the dmnc o1sle placements in the Canadien Arn heeis aprsigdmnfo5, nore wN'çnef1r' vlntesbetee ages of 18 andi 45, Whso are in So, heaIth and lhave a-gooc -'standing leaseci frm uty i Caa1 vl f vreasa eifr m- ns Fl to F511 ~anning sugar ~ hcok) become j < gooci fo- one wvaîd, ouj the 'l'tie due . pîctuilre StuL" 1fw.irther, the a-:i di - the ea 94 o report pointeci out. Report of th- eonneetion cwith couatyrod anipre fas curreat blncmhetso , n19J4: ove-r 14,ani na-td blane ~$4119126 yers previus-. Cc fromtje provncial goveraentetwen1140 ari e"m ral lrpus i:- he Jamnry session of 1944 conw rde upu,$ a recommenation, wh c86, mkn a sui in order Finie *, Éthe wý 'the sD umuar 50 Ewing the the nati