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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Jun 1944, p. 2

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amlouig rue atome nuuua, v1- denees that &JS. Landlease .is arfrom a "olne-way street. ri.Gen. Alberf J.Brwig 'iector of thle Armny Service, Forces Furchases Division, yes- teda old a Press couiferenre oubsraturai froni Great Brîf- ain thuf these and imany mare omdlinry f"orma, a,ýf aid offer im1- prsieproof o.f the Value tfa the Uxiiteli States of Lend-Lease in Motof theseabafeia1k are 'tacsferrad ta U,.ýS forces inl rianor ah~ ovenseas tri tre.BuLtlihe sitis not utwaî s ,accomnplishied smioofhl, B -lrown- ing said. yor example, US. flyes wh) use the bicycles ta tavel ha- tween the widely-dispersed build- iings at Britiali airdrome.s cal tie veh1icles fiters secret wepa" They ccn't gef uasedfl thieir fmnfwheel brakes aaid i3.-e constantly being ptcadover the handiebars. Adthere was a itch we ýAmericans aSkedi for garbag1)e cana. The British snd idtheycold ,(of furniish this cammn'on iem Then somebody fhoughf ,ta askc for Adcsf bins" and U.S. soldiers got ail the garbag aucane tey wanted1 The 5,000,000 daqy pigeonis dintcause a ripplef of confu- sion, Ihawever, b eecautse e et shting is recoguized as vuluable trining for aerial gunners. MILITARY ATTACHE TO CHINA Brgaie Oville "f'M. M'Lay, DauyAdjutant - G-'eneral (B) since 19411, wvho has been appobýiýt- e-(d C aaianLMil i t ary t at c,ïto China. Brigadier f(ay is a forcer tinpeg arriser and served Yi the Fîrst Great VWar w-ith IRoyl Fyinýg Corps. P1e was nfficer cmanigthe Wnîe London Wie' by Their General Bearing iea, sas the Ottawa Citizen, are the impressions of Clifford Webb, ýDaily 1He1rald war corres- pondent", after vîsiting dthe Canla- dian forCces ,wichl captured Agira: "- - - camie away irnmensely impreaèd ith thieir general bearing and grand fighýtin1g quai- ites and the remarkable manner in whiihthiey adapted theniselves to conditos here.", "He said the Canadians made a pesalmatter" of wiping out flhefit Panzer regiment, part ofthe lSth Panzer Dijvisi4on in the battie for Agira, afterchs ing the regiment ail the way ta Webadded "Everywhae among the C"aaias I1fond the s;an1echeis, hte samIe bois- terous welcme, the sme query:, "Do the people at hompe think w're doing alilrgiht." 20,000 tons of ian and steel, 500 tons of aluminumn and 25C an ofsheet alum-inuiwilj be raleased for industri purposes. Ly n.e decison of Tje Britia Minitry of NWArkta breakc up É, quarte-r wamili!qsse OTTAWA REPORTS On 0on1ald Gordlon's arng against the disasters of- n flation wvhich onfly strict &5- servance of pr-ice elng a "IfthedambreksGod heop us,"decaredIopld niGoîdon, Can- ada',i lusfy andfotrhtdr- tor, of that naf-weot and biggeatec onoik exper'uiut olModm c 7iition, wari finiepe contrais betore Ithe Wekly NwpprAs- Deieigonu of Ithe m1-ostpo eflpublic adresaefs of the i woewarl, G0-odanwas ppea"liag for, eotinued (support for 'the' pof- ïtCy 0f cnri-w igo, t3re rulinouIs d stto fhoead sue upn-)thIle breuking dowa ot th11e raprsbuit gîntinltin 'in teiling Ilhemauatrfr- er and warkiaigml au btcotne group pessurefor iglier pnices *tate ithe deluga- "On ever-yide the pesrst 1h rfrare making 1them1- salIves fatehasaîd. "Labar le, miitant anI .mnd1fiý1(iing wagu ai- justma-nts ,afliio!jg thlina. Not witstadia lte wa geCccin mauIiy thousands of wagýe inIcreasea,ý are biug ,dnaanded( and alson waeadjustýýmeut after auathe lai madep itfarelcedimditl fil the costa0fpodcioohih IiLiltara, mans Lothepressure onte pnlýe u eiling is rapidly bcmn finsuojpportaleI. "Foo pries are crepingatad indutryinsits pon, 'aad abtainis, hiierpices nethemrny ou crilmeat of essential, sup- plies. uWithfew exQept io:ns bus- iness qand îndusiý,tr-y keep )thleieyes 01n profit mrgsand jealoasl p)rot[eat anm love ta limit or cou- froi01 tem.Bl3ack omaI1keti re omA- mneacing ta aaoo eeai speakiug auolr Courts deal lenienitly with ofn r par'agraphs like these eau i iy be es -cnîba(ýd asailolig the moCsi paotenit anld thouigbt pravookinlg of the whlole wa, ot excýliuinig al thu uLttaraces 0of the Prime Mia- i star and hlis Cabinlet collaugue"s. Itsaemd dd ta tisca oullmni-st thatMm.Garon di i not dalve shightly intth le detil flthc-, k iagoufithe prieconitrol ssa and show the hueiamn 0f whom1 wilwmmber apiralling pirsof£the 919-20period, jt, 'hT price coutlrols haIveefctd Itl il st frth in itheLao atte, ian officiailulcto s I cdby theFadraiLabr D- At the bgnigofJu,19, s Is ile carre nti ao Gzte the Caadian oatf ol iinginx w s 76 arcent igheiàýr ïthain l 11u1 13 , theLait re .u-warý in~thesatwarthle vnewau Si'Lue the stabi 14en Ilflth pc celing tha ýîindex bas ad- vnad .6pe. cnt, ha is b- twe1andOctobnc1,141, àndJne ingt21 sf ý itan, etwen Ocob11 191,a ndd an, 1, wcte aiance, Ilas 28.6gi 1par 2cent. 11 ýi . advancrctd;31.9 par cn;c lothlîag 1par cent. Cailad a's cost o0filiving, hlie dld cent sinceDacamb-, 141, wbile 1 tbat of the Uitad Stutes as onaý u p 13 per cent. The average ai t fail p islu 16 9 ities la C an[aalor erai !staIble foodls aýnd flnoat (certainî dates btwaen 1914 tao1941 a re .alsa "[cilc'Ouded lte Lab'orG a- ze(ýttes ofca nalysisý, andr son 1 f tacnsabtie waen Jact 1920 priucesaad t o0f JaIne c 11943, aramas folows: Janev 1920 Colc. Park:4 J une 1943 c. ' 32 45 18 41 10 36 39 7 14 53 8 44 19 a Winnipeg companisons nd14,socua ofwhcwaas lua Ilmes' uiswc wr shirs, 195in 1920 and$10i 1943; aocs $150 in 120u againat 65 centsila 'ýil1943; wamý 'in' stockiga, $175 ta $2.75 ia 1920P and 69 fa0 $135 toda,; scas ta $6tI$2toa;and wV an' ta$0in 1D3 tu aig iavec-abillion dllr affmrtd by p-ire ontl bas goneint tb tomlemd ~ i Goldnenpo, a big bnaw n -md aka, Idia lni. bc om a ma1ke a "saIldianL" ont0fhmay thu HamiiiltltanSpa-L:rta .~H a to afatontind cold nlot alri l ta hut1a aay oil-. I!ad h bea 1u c l1 onfrantud ith ruai Naýzis sud Japaite oautcole m11.1igt hve beudiffara,11balt hI uaw oud' nalad howl aýt amo a-eiv foo. Tîtasu wbu kuuwlthis nloble bedwill inudarstand aud ap-v tha bonotabla diahanýga'whc N 7orse Seam an Save C mrades From Seas SwýimmIiug 500 yards inth January wtesof the tani aget hald of absaeieot ealidHCn rowing i sng handad back twudthe sir1king shipc, %_- (areCtwviuà dadai ",hich ract'ntly earned au u1nuamed Noreu a second mate a doubleaaardfronm hiý- Kiuig and couuitny. reàvenLa TheMara Star. Foi) at thaý Nrgian egatc'ni, Hon Dne Steen, Norwveglýai inse, r- saented this 2-erodunme sailr witb te Sf. Olav Meds! ne the War Macd. Brcaure ha has at father., mother, ssusand brothers livingi', n Nray is numie canat a uniondna bis pictare tukjien. - la nkiugthae rsnfto Mm,.,Steen siithaýtteawr wais for "parsoinal gallntry" of dercd agrntsevieto Kn sent thesemudl, s; aaguo bis owa ngrlatitude, çus walH ias that of ail Nreinpeolae," hasaid. H is lip was between thaý Azores and Býerm,'uda hI sid anud canadaýrk ight, shIA strfa ta, fal on Ithevaslro th "Iknw toenLta we wece bw inig sheliedj by taslmrn , suîdiY hesecond Mate. "ýThen itheei, eeforabt fired, and l es,ýe includecid a direct, bit on fIe gun stand. "Afferi-thu[t fe jcnire stredf go, nind the slip cugb fie," ha mucuiied, Ona af the lifeboafs inbrakýe a15y aad thA unamad sailr jupdoverb:our.d inoa fe Janu- ary suaand swumforif- -H rcacchud if succeasfuiy, ebiaied aboard and rowed Onh bavy boat tA fe ship- where ha picked up 18 of the crec-, Thre-e cents a pound for baud paîd rý ýy by the Dpar-tment of 'Agri- culture in a-,tGoverame nt-Spon- ,oradprjet f-heNational Plesearcli Couneil to secura llarge quantlllitieS of the rbe produc- ing plants for experîmental pur- pases, it was annaunced eceIn at the University of Western Ontaria, Landau, Ont. The pnice, advîses T ha(,,St. Thomas Times, will be paids for leaves wvhich have been stripped by haandnd wýell drieci. -An alter- native price of $,30 par ton will ha given for Ililkweed(lwhich h las beau eut by bindar and staokad in Meuves. Soviet Womnen Farmners WitLcail abe-bodied mula inthe Sovie-ttfighItinig forces women bhave takea Ithaùir places ila fariug thrliouigbiout russia and fla Hla st two years 700,000 Wamea have iearnled ta rutatr u coml- binlehavte, SIDE GLAN-CES -Thea Naw Yorker. Three Opii on Ages Opfiions Chung'el When y-3 atre ,young yauara aura you a- righit. Wihan you ara midle-agad, you biegin ta wander whethar you iwvee ever righit. Wheu yau anaý- aIi you know voau wara wrong- 'ut thiea su't uceh you ceau do -waSouud jSun-Timies. Sneak Goal, We ler, that foatbal ig apîa:y- edi a7 gaad deali n Japan._Aaid of course. thare is keaucopai flajn ta score a few goals bfm the kick-Off. PetaborughExaminei. The Wafanta la one of tama popul'ar ~esof f ionluany ser- vice 1(sS By Galbra-itb é, 1~~~ RVICE. lie. 46Y REG'LAR FE LLERS-Piha' Finish MV dOODII~SS1 0C-I CT i, but if 1 hang around the toune *nlwkeeps thnin p littie or mie to do!, ~~y~ GEEaBrc,- 7à IL

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