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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Jun 1944, p. 3

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After 1Si;-,king Sub S>a il0re rikTo Their Succea5s ABritish leva! officer told reýeutIY o trneting t,,hat hathappened ducalgWhis hîp's jiast voyage acrosn Te tlnt TheýYsighted a dreiifeboat a on athe , n.T11ey Iafou it as em-lpty buit for ;-,a-f cll kottle of capgerTe heard; afterwards that those Who ha been ia týehe bat hadocapce up. Sao they decided te keep the champagne for elebring theirý firat success aigainist a -bat It muiist have been an iîii Uhe salor saidbecause earlyte net oring a Sunlderlard air-. catof Coastal Commiand re- ported ithat she w'ýas eggiga U-boat. As their sbip raed for the spot, an unusal order wws givea by the captain -"Stand by for action stations ia tenia, Utes' tnIme." Sc, in-ý[ead <fthe custom0IIary soramle they hadi timle te ,dreýssproperly tand were able tahave acup of ecoo , T traed owut te be what the broad- caster tdescibled as a model ýîat- tack. Thie Canadian. corvette, IU!MC.S .Drumn Keller fhad b!la-( crack at the U-boat befere the Britishl escort shlip got th'ure. They made contact exactly wbecn and where the captain had anti- ipated. In five-andcl-a hai în- iites it. was ail over; tbey ade only one .attack, and Scorod CItwO direct hits, Ahniost mmdatl they sawýpatcýhe2s of -oilan-cdL wrcaecoming to the surface. When th1ey left the oh ptcb h11ad ext,ýended to 600ý feet indimtc, The folloving daiy an'.Irraft r- potd an OH urin àthat area, 1,70O yards long. Typical of the"setsvi" was the entry in the sh,-ip';s lug: "0629-mnade contacýt thU- boat; 031z-aksarnwe'E-x- actly five arn a baf minuttes 0f t,-their tim-e accounted fo! r. Tbe waited tiiNtey reacbed port be- fore drinkinig tchampag n ',a Neptune had awarded temin aJL- vanc a le"is a egis. nark lof ,Kellogg Canada Limiied, of oenl-popped se todayl C TANFRANKC H. S17AW CHAPTER XXII Dikedid flotanswer;hewas wacin vents in thec Pla',za, whlich wasthe city's heart. A few voceitili cried for, Lafallette, but their ferv\ourwa1 imnshd The troops wýerebeingflleri ïn correctly; and they,, obeYedth staccato oders of teir ofcr wVith mthngaprochinlg alac- r.ity, M\ach Iine',-gu"n detachmnients mjoved toL s tiait e gic positions, lo oking pbu1sinesslie. AS if to add a dramiieLi backgrounid, thýe Airante Hiîgýginis fired one oË h1er wl-nc unloaded with There wrecshieks ofalr from t he nmob, ithe vanlguard of which bgnto c s ac.Cn fuin reignd. A SwýifCtLtro picl do ýilpoet]rPbe- gal;ý it camie Idown in bu(ýcefls, increibly Asiany of the in~- surgutsas oudIfibegan to hulrry to shelter. "Nature away S"sles an aidote," sad Dick HiggisaiJ- mosthugigthÈbrs"Itsem to me Ithe reolutjian i v Donna Elenora -i sa "Oh. it's Wyne xha did the- Nay tufCf," h anl erda ittie dïifrfident 1 -j ly."nn's got a senseý, o)f thie draatLie;1suppo Se it ýornes of bisi ai-wrk Evnabove tCeciamour that, Rends bowed, thiis ita!'kinsl dier and his swethea,-rt 'plod aloag dusty Siclian oa-tbi last stroîl for a long ,ýtimne teciîe He's headled forie, orryprîsorî camp at Agrigento, iie,ýý ii guard, for Ittaianis center 7aïý voiiiitarily. Winnie asIsp# in her receait bo u~e daugter f te faousdiscov~- ,.-. coîsof radiumI tells this chbar- annoteiti smto of Prime Minster ChurcSll hich ilustes the type of courag1e ta a nbe hlm te, lead the BiihEpr oufd of desperate def ont te tCe vergeef asuredvictory. Itws told te MisCurie by Brigad(1iecr !Bihop, commander of the BIt- ish forcs la West Afrca: It happeaied la England'sda- esrt heuri-laii the fatLal Junie of 10.Brigadlier Bisho(p bappeaed to ho peseat aýt a- m-eetinig o-f the Wa ainet. Chutrchlill a just returned fromi Tours aane. aaaeunced that France was (el the verge of asîgHitler ferý hIis ternis. Drawjig a djespe2yatc, pic- ture of.the istuatian, ble cocilulýd- edclu an lo, ' firmi veice: "'We are now facing Graycmitl Iselated. We airc ln. Te, SBrigadier, Bîýsbop said, "thIere was ade-ad silence the~ 1 Sball neve)r [h oid filed the square he sund of braying bu-gles wasaudible. But, louder even, than that cmeln baist, asthee harkj of a, gun: no)t a bi.- twelve-inee, but onie of theAmirante Higgirs ssecond- ary armarnent, "Aha ý!" sa id Kin lggis -it's ord "This -wascypia Vo Doinna Elenlora, but sheý did nlot worr1y: tings wrehappenling und(er her aze tatcaiaed ber' interes-t. The suni, nelyù VI upil1 shlin jilag downi a a ide valley la the his thiat forrned the eastward walOf Sin Josef' harbour., lit the wr ship up as if it wr spotlight. And pla'in to suee wasth Nationial flag Of H-iyatala beaghauled in determind sweepato thAlmir antes msthad.IV waýs as if a doefinite aswrhad beengin te a (question; as f this waere a chlen"1ge to0the re VO 1L!t iuna1ty balnnec bcif.nei vrFr JuIan. Thc gun had been fired tion. was fireod; thistmenu, blank Iy ocez Fort juan and exlodod "Well il thaneGd h" Ad Dn icie Th caroo l te laza10 con thNaytherefreevryoy over to tak, charge, I fancy," thesouigutiettmeI spoeI'd boýtter -get Lnck tu rny jobi; yuibe ail rih boeau. "Ad olereus thuugbnt She pr- climedDorssmter "ov maceh have yen dune?", "Oh, i iibits hreand toe just 0odd "things, yýou know. Bu-t I r-eally ogtotebe gottîag bc "iViama - wat is haippen- inIg?." aske'd Dolores.. Shie steed patio; anid br ids xeestili i's Fednnd "insisted îDolore's. "The îviuins2eems te be ever," said ber miother wthan elaborte nonc-halanice co pie, d froml Kinig Higgins, "But Don Ferdinandýo doesa'nt seem-toi b, ave turned up at tNerihtie "look here!" said Dickie hast- iHP 'l reaiy have te go !" sue Spared a mcoment te coli t the girl te ask how she fared, if went wîthouit Turthier pariey. "Corne backfor hbreaktfast!" Donna Elenora called afterbi, nd waved her hand, "As for you, my aiigel; goý back to bed or you'Illget the since y-ou came hbe! she said f irmly. King lggJiuns returaed ïto the Consulate, bis feet slithering ù-, debris. No atteaipt at molesta-. tioil was lmade; ail the officers lie passed saluted himr gravely, if hal-ahaedy;many of the bodies of tr-oops actually peet ed arms, "si Sr" hissed Seb'astian softly%. Although he tried slav-. ishlýy to imitate his mast1e,he inii la hisown bjeart lhe couldî nev'r cqaire this ini'itbl sang "WvelI, how's (ltin? e- maddDicie. "Tel! Manuel to The teehn iakled as hie spjokie. It was Spofforthi, sdea-1 il-g fromi the Callaio inies; aend Sp)offor-th wavýs illy ectd "The lava hias stopped flowing now,,, sir,," hie reported. "oeherýe's a bit of1 asb stili, but it's casing a lo0t; and this raja is doing a ' lot of good. live turaed the peons to to denanup the mess." "Wha's he arnge ?"asked Dickie, yawing. "Well, to be sure, thie workiags are rather guamed usir; aq thiere'll be a delay.bu-bta rather astonishing thing sems te have hOpnd f course. t' too early to miake a proper re- port, bn-ut-weil, sir, there was a rather vioent rthqjuake shoclk a whiue ago." "WsthereC? IdaT hikw niced it here. Wll? "WSirn bio- rock awý'ay on tGecoaut Ide of the mine field, i'si t tHL selfrhonttop tu bottom; and se far as I caa see. it's fCul ofgoil.And theliode a1ppea1rs toru dowal righit under ev tig u itLe a promiising "GoodeggSpoforth I'mde-. "We shold getougol than before ont o thse ines, on1ce *~iC ts 1rain1iag b ere,' for oething, ranin ;qite ia bit. That's qute ood nos bourthOe goltd, Suforh;well ed af b igg otu to rpi the damj- age dne lhere ],'St n1ighh t Carry onthn-ndif y1uu aeed extrai banda, lil sue ewatca o dne about them" Diekiereplacd thereeer H1t wartteHgistoutch that ing turiiinthe aff'air.s ofthe aine;but-e coud1flt help bu1t seemo prety seud. Even ani earhqultehadits uses, appar- entiy; aald witb ewveilus of gl dislosng hemelv ,those Wbo bad tr.ýued lm wuldfiud their faih ell placed. 1,e hdn'tlot the shrhiesdown. Cf"2 membor's of al Loadon, E;ngad, Boy Scout 1Troop,,1 are oa-ommssinedofficeùrs, ,mokers ~ Devilled Egg Salad Witli Tomatoes ý6 shelled hard4-coo'ked eýggs 11/, iteaspoon- dry mustard Scuip EGLESS AONAS abepo chooped chives or Steanspoon sait finei~hpe no Dach peppue 4 t(ie 6 aail peeled tomatoes Dash cayenne cup eotbge cheme Cut achhadoke egg la, half. Remo)5ve yolka carefully, laein a bowl and add salad dressig and seasonng. Blead smoiýoth, Re-sttuff eggwite haîf wi,-bth tis mxueand deco-rate -witb.papika _______ peel tornatees (ybacig and suice. Place two stuffed egg balves iiineýsta o:f cipltu o ) ech of sx chilled salaidplt; - arotrange tomate ucs overl]apping, esetIlem, Top tomateces wihcotta-,ge cees aiid garish ith parsley s 3T.'ý,RVES 6. Goriman propaigandlist teli the world thiat Ailied a wager-ing econquIeror. Axisý hopes of apoaa thec Royal Canadi'îan Sigr,-, b'iscuiits teO a Sicfilin'boy. in Beguni after the walr, r- icently heljd a camnp;in Great Bu 1air- The boys are Býelgian ievacui- ees. Thei- camp was attended by scouts of several other Euro- pcan count : es,. A SotatrOf Ceventry, EnLand, shet dwabbind jbie German l inous la Tunliszia,oh refuge with an Frencb arer Tle nxtday tbree Nzi calicei at the farmhIous1,e for aàwashind the Scouttiser, arming bîmselIf wi onIle uf their reolvrs mn-he hem Ioff te theBrth B'oy Scouts ofCandaae go- Ing tede thleir part in-, sa thle wr, CaadanScut1w% paýýy the cost uf printling 1,000 "ScutngforBos"laeach io f Fierish Noregin ad Polishi languagews. oney for this pur- peose,' vil cerne fruai jthe Ch11ials tUp unfori. ichCanadian Scouits rïînny bs u o uedforie-ev ngScets h0 o lst b hoberes la hebltzon riah, hie a Portion bas: been set aside f ,or the reabilaton of Scouting la Amng th grauntes at U p- lands Air-port, Ottaw«, -recty, was te Mei jaoy Scout, Luiis Perez-Gcome, o f M1ex-,i Co C ity.- Luis ucame teOttawa more than ,a year ago and was uabete speak a word of Eaglisb. Do- nlion ïamd Distric-t haqat of thle Bey Scouassisted thie lad anjd cared for hIiilm while hoe attended ttawa Technicai School te leara alih Later ho waIS adnite ltothe .C.F.,aad be received bis wigs at tht aads 0 have beeýn ,ihle te cix ilianls was that of, Us completely' sha,,tter . HI. Wbiitakýer, (f I., gives caad(y and of the Gýovernior- Genieral , the Ealof Athionle, ,iniet ly s thdCie f Scout fori an ada. 'Lis wav's aise commiiissioni- ed upea b is gr-adluation as a pit A Smile Toleader of t'he pryvînt-, ial'g amna nttto ot te a group, of ïlamaltes staninig nlear tef aVeicieliho d- dressed one of thorn. The otheur gýined, poiated Jte, the party, amd gave the simple repuy:"Because we'renet a tl er.-insrStar. HIow mIllte world canawmnbv hamandipuise if sefes"i we und upl" wthevos enioOn the other Il,)and..cai,1t1n ere aýctuail1y give awma oread ue nrstaethelbarud tns ,)ookfrem1 hrfacial muscles, If norvesbter treat thiemitb resL.("t, woeoefood, fewer aïctiviiis, plenty of sunibineý and fresh air. b he meantime take a ï1nrveSedtve. r ie eye Nerin bs oled soeofwonm,î Take Nervinle aCCuýrdinjg te iecin tbeprLieve geralnereuioîs eleepisînoî ner eusfers mjd lne- abesae35_c and 75c. Ner1vilne

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