Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 29 Jun 1944, p. 6

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0,000 Am-YIeni- primie of if e, is, o-noe f thie onlic iala Lin-, a,, it ise Vie Stratford u t favora-uble 'Urs. IR. G. S1nydor, WiîUrd 1H> SqUlres and John W. Forst of tieHsitlfor SoiISnrgery, New YerkCity. The patients, subjeets lain six year stuidy, previously had failed te respond te the imore comnnion ferras of th'erapy. Thoen thoy were given the newv treatment--hnge doses (fr'ora 200,ü000 te 300,000 units per, day) of Vitamin D la the form oef anu electrically acti- vated hoat-vaponized ergosterol (Ertrea is Mthe trade am) Over extendod peniods tlie pa- tients eontinued Vo -te the cp eules by mouth. The lartl( ej caas detailed effeets ef the( vitaînlin treýatmient lu 50 senieus cases. On the basis of -a check made from tot three years after the drug was first nadiited, resultr in 221 cases were good or ex--celent, vo- rsuits in eighit Cases por, and the i-est eithben fair or undetermiiined because patients moved away. La *some instances pensons wliose joints 'appeared hopelcssly stff- enled ,ild swollen weýre able te, resume thieir normal occupations; one ras abce tepuay golf again, another, a star tennis player whe, had been unable te rîse fosa sitting position, resued bis ganie, and a third, aIl of wiose joints we,,re affecteCd, imade a The physicians say tînt white txe nr tct 0ins frore ma1ýssive doses of Vitaia D of a diffe- eut type have causadirouble in ,11e past, Ertrýoni>tself, causes noe sers txiit, Ely Aie Ashkey. Q. ow ea lI m1ake aL solion At i~1Cul) of vipega'r,-1 CUp) 0f krsnand 2 ups; of wnnmir W at1er. Tds is exýcellent fo r W a shin-,g C1eumed or p)a inted ý woodwvork or fr trgeing over a small porton ut a ime, thon driug ith a soft cloth. Ttwilroe grosse and dirt, leaving an u(e gosysurface, Do net seonrnisedsurfaces., Q. Io soud pa-iuit brussles ho washed? A. A paint !brn-sh ena ýliueden- ed by washing 1V thonoughL1yin hot soda water and sofit coap, Q. ,ý He -cn1 prevent stuii- eoss of awaxed floor?', A. 'Fry wsigUp the floor wihice wator a ýfter waxiag i and thon go over thiefloor roi a dry cloti.ý If this d 1es0ne help, )-t is probaly dlue te the fact thnt the xainish linsnet driedproperly, Q, o eaIkeep omesqýuitees -uway fr-onra the -body? A. Kenesene ]obedon the expesed part S of thearms lnud t3qdy is e ften very effective la k-eepiug away nmosquj ,ýi tee-,s, The od--or i's slom ntce fer a few minutes. Q. Hwcan ibodwkite silk1 tiat lins yelowed?! A. Dissolve a tablespooful of hyposlhte of soda la twe quarts of Pater andidip the sil ia the solution., ilinse lu dean, Water. Dip sufd nasýe seVeral tiîmes butt do, net allow the fabric te Stay la tlie solution for auy lengti of tie. Plea Fur Trees The value of a tiree waUs ne- 4CentlY nmade knowa by au eiatIl- ent enoologist, who lreports that 'A fair szdelmnswreecty sold for $-3,000 apioce udCthat îauïy iare WorthiS'5,000 oaci. A treo net ol lia,,s cash vailue, but it aIse o 0s-sose a werth tinqt caunot ho reckened lu dolla su cents, says The Guelpi Mkecury. It is a very sipl)e nuatter te foster its growt1h. If every prop- ert'y oWuemi' ade it a point to pkýut a troe on avaýi1able aspace and refnained fromn the ruthiless dest;'rnetieucof those al1readýy weil grown, miucli would be dene te- -wards eiiutugte fo0ie ,e pronmscous and tlionghtlss de- Mi Two v eteran-s ofDip, C.S.M . Jamles Murphy ý(ieft), wllo woal the MiltryMdal at Die2ppe, an"d Sgt. John Carrolî, of Toronito, whio was mnindini despatdhes for services ',llu ýt meacin pictured1 aboard iship aýs thiey aie with Canadian troop o h Siiinbattle theatre, GENERALISS,"iMO DECORATED Lieut.-Gen; J-oseph W.S\% lelcoJmumnder ofU.S, fores luiii laý, Chna ad jBurmaL, conlfers nlew mria order of Lgo fMn ftoniýes at Chnkn nsxhanvrayof Ciaswar i, thJ - HaveYuead did ave smýoeting in the ak but since I met yo u 1daul,Iter ft ias -ilgn, Fathori:"Epniecutip eh',? Wellj, yo kow lve akes Jones: "Yos, -, jut Iidn;]t't tiukil it wol n nke melose my bal- you kow iy consultingý boaurs are fromi 6 t(,7p..î Pain:"Yes, but the dog LADY HUINTER FEMALE PI-LLS For Paýinfi ua nd Delayeýd $ 2. ù, pHO; NE-P1LýL. 136ý100a Fer City pelivery s KY-v;sDRî,,uGsTOï CRE 1981 O'avenpnrt Road <Corner Uxbriclge Ave.) elee istress from MONTHLY FEMALE WEAN ESS i70nmpOýuaneilt on, !helps reliïý,ee mearth!Y Ipainbundise wer o- eu felings-due te ontbIly fune.. tional ditubac s,73 uel ld up resîstanc agsist îress et "off enît c l ila Canada. Professor: "Ev, y dear, wa' thle m ean'ing of Vhs vase of flow11ers on thIe table oay? Wife: MannWliy,toa' Prfess or: "ned Wel is se mayIo the mmune foriy, . Clak:"Ma 1Ihave kthe aflern1On1 off to go sopn Boss: "Certainlynt" C!elark: "Thank you vr Husbnn: "Daring,ddye ever stop te realize that ifyo knje\w how to cook we'd be le1 Wîf: "esand if you kuewý ho osave 1money we ceuld Wie (to thertris 1il 0,16Autrlin Jaýtpnese mi Tlita-orautoî-i btje have S wreotdt h Inerna1tna RîIed C1jrosat Gocenevý-as tat liy including 898 o fficers, rsn taloin Army MisnisteMr,noce Receny.nip An adition l 332sure trua- lhanso wee oprtdlield by the fime, ithy are oillylse RaiceanTrnp Lod olo, Ifeel Se, iwo-ld- fl ie to k ciw o! i a ce who ceuldi a ifae sorasethin fiee ! vie ý n turnips ca,_qau P n t n i c F i t z e r-.dle e t u i n g Jt Jiffer-eat flavoz' every tln-e, a(I, very 5. Shi ,with liej eýveninig anescoi I t a Londe)n. itive i- ila the Ie, buit Th, S t ïs eostuimiiated t!l p)1 lnes eaul 1us e op of sal1-a rm s ammilu) mrinut11e, -as miucli asý Napoleoai's army weîi ila a dCay's batleo tebe I 01.10 pa la u aod A/DVERýTISEM ENTS AU TU lxJJI'ES- U SED See us first. Mounit 1Plsant Mo tors Limied Ued Car Lot aI, 633t onn',I ,c Pleaat cd LAÀST IGLR HA HAC liah1r t bee-p1 lt and a Je,. othens,)1rderuow for1i mediate q- or fal ide1î ie Fy nBry Ilitchery,' 13 'Jhnl N. , Hmj1oil,Otr LARE BLESFOR IALLLANT- ing tInbo Cllctontulips, 2 dz.$1 0.MiWdafodi Bib HAV YU AN VTH11NG NEHD anwe our qulestions. Dopa i - Limnii ted. 7!91 yo ngetr-eet. To- anid "qui pment!I. 1opa ir,rwid StrootTononto VALM FOR SMAE jrescue or, ne' gapparatuls was read(1ïie so fer Operatiens CLASS iFI ED A DVERTI SELM ENTS %vtoNoEl Nurses, sTf ut, l- ary, $13. t ma Il- m or. n t Meral Hospl N tal l'ruOt POSTýSPATENIES E FEDTH1 TONHAGH & COMPAN Patent Soliio. abîshed Su zcema, Rahes and We uep e SkiancToles OIs zm SlvÊe Iýl]PHOT DOinERVICE I t ;ie wt ir la expilosivepro "Icio ervessels 'spas s '(,ai îe mon wer withdrawn fromi te vpomtaioed lIp i case 3ark fromthe fun PUIS causean tplesîon, te i the fîrst bottle djeesfo îtify By rm your druggist, CLASSIFI ED IADVERTISE2M ENTS WVE HAVEBUES ÂTJ1NG for Chieken EaLrmils, Market Cr b Ilparts ofPrvneSedfl sel. Pwel ad Cman5S. Clair cc, Troto. jIT'S IPR NTEEYSU'- fe ,zruCof Rho umatic Paiis or STMCIAND TEREAD WO-- VRM01-Ns ofien pre tile cause et tîleat le humns ail a "geS. Neoe e im- nmune! Why. ni fnd)ut i tOu 's yur troùuble? tneretin ,pr- Remdie, SecilissToronto 2 gineBuley Zmmr nd Prior lef abcc, it rdiesDu ftav 1ing $3Il stAidv thvL Tobaco xohageRutbenOnt TEACIERS ANTE DINOWIC TEAHERwANE 91 SS.No5, Suhot u Hariman ditrict of saT yepce;dte ocm -~ ~ ~- ~-..aa~a' ..~-sitfs~ia ~v ~a.- ~s, OAnc Fa '97

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