ot Weatl, Ne! £-ood Crowd Atteni ~uder the auspfices tC.haîimber of Commet, There- were four -softball -nd one gi teamris were Bowmlil ýville, ýOronio and Pr te-anms, New.,castle an maaville and Provid winniers of the priz, tanen's sýetion; -while Con Newcvýastle deif ake the prize. The first game of thie aftetîn -vas between ýBow'rnville and Or avýlh-i h owanville rwon by a s( oýf 'il to 9. Thiis was anyone's g; right up) to -the kist. Both te plye ood hall th'-roulgbout, w the wo îtcersCoiw4eh ýor B mavile ad "ic" orton Or-ono, pitchied good bail, both al h- twelve bits lai the seven imai -~played. Dîck had five striÎkeý Chl olweill had none. The B -ManIvîie 1players were epre nien wbîch gave tbem- an advanli ,)Ver miost of the Or-ono paye - -wvere youIng. A number of advýar unrscouid have been put( -utin-' off ruas Ithat výwre later s( ' but instead thev y eito If 1wlkikeOrono clouted iuaany rignt at - ~ar opposinig player when fits wevu-d 0 '-..éTav eant runs. Score by linings- IBowanville.....i O 083O02 5 x-M~ <Iproio -. ....... 2 02 LI0 05- Second Gaule The second .game wsplayed ibe- ~t~eeuNOwtonvllle and Providenjce, wththe latter team wining by ajD -score of 12 rans to 4. IL Osborne 1P atarte ionthemoud for Prýovid'ence ipitch1inig thre ilanings, allowing no hîs, riking out 5 batters,the of the e striking out iia the 3rd in suc- 011io. ïT blar fr-oni there on pit- ~ched thie aext four ininiigs, aL.IWinýg 'ix its for four runls. Vi11ckleý ) ' Newtonville, pitched for, Newtonville, i giving up 16 hitýs for 12 ruils. lie nad trestrikeouts. 'H.Oson f7or Poiec conected1 for the on- '.y homet rua of the afiernoon in ttis gamp with no runners on. Th'ip seen providence baters fced Vi=kl 1 -in t'le 3Srd inaings for to',talsf seven runs on1 7 bits and 2 walks, The snportbehnd inclewas wealk , Score by inilgs TPovdece...........1I O 12 i Third Game The Swo Wnning teams, Boma- y vile an! Proidence, pIayed Off'sr, i 'Ch he leadJing position, -Vwý1-ý TkownaavilHe inhiag by a score o i D to 5. IR. Osborne, pitehing for Providence, alloýwed ine bits, îssued two(' walks. Bowmianville had theirp -QUeen 's Prark Rî Grai A favoýrable jacýrease iin ProvincialÏ granýyts to municipalities fortecr of indigant cases bas been announced ,-t by Hlon. Dr. R. P, iin naî Minister of 1Heailh. Dr. Vivian rvasta nteUn- P ~aio wher th Proinc pas te z7lntire C'ots ofidietcr hin Cces«!1be frM $235 pe-r dansa -275prdim In rais i Score by Innings .26 9 5 0 1 .0 101 o01-2 s proceedings wvas brougbit by a dane ,'in the veig round two hu-ndred were Russ OegtnsVarietyý dwsin attendanice ald ïa -able evenling wvas had by Cb after-ýl( Lycet't, SILn Dorees- Ana Peý li-ains. ýMiss Ruth Goodel Boy Now