< ¶r, ~R E LoanSpent iv; iSusday at Bewdley. s à, z, Arthur Beaniish, jxse t ovel the we-n ihM.adMs C. W.BYlinil Miss Jeanne ForseEres vileritrndhome on Tuesday for pr the cumumer vacation.a t X, The aninual picnic of PrkStreet Al (to-day), Thwsdaylanthe pr. troi Mi-ss d'na M4yles, of Hmlopart spent the holiday -week-enîd with hei Almi paetMr. and . Mrs. Deb. Myes. * /M.adMr. .Walter tntn n he failiy, Ajax, pntOverth eI-Bl end ith hibis parents, Mà%and cMrs.1the Mac. , Caeton.urd High School ATTENTIÔN- n, of Tc last 105 oz tin Business some and âtions. ses and 'n. King -aileSilver St. ~-WeCan Buy yn t,4vo ug Ilp rofi t inrg, bg thee stwor fol ks5 biew, th *toc seoonit was follow ouir'qgove rn me nt is,-d etf',1 ceikngs a ndocher anfiti kepour' dollar volue St MARY Anison aster Dog Biscuits, pkg 15C Theat Flakes, 5 lb bag 22c eady-cut Catefl Macaroni, pkg 12c Erif t Soap Flakes-, large pkg 35c rtificial- Vanilla, large 16 oz. botties 23c PRIME COMMERCIAL BEEF J. J. CORNISIH Way Into ersaûmultitude of sufforing 4q.n will we suffer less! Remember Ao in ýedless spending coused priîCeS tu ise for 8ticst1,85 ten; wkie Labq's COCA <1f,1day. This wois inflation and aIl fabl deprsin Tot% W4~ inflation now. ..wth there are pic Blule, Sandc, at SH-ORTS lite, Navy, Air- Rlue. Priced ai a nee~less Iuxuyq ~ , , . ivoid Uaok mavket spendinq,. '-e R.E. Rubber Rings 4 dozen Ja PAY CASI RATS Ail Sumifer I-fats, Straws and Feits,cie, ing at.......$1. BATHING 'SUITS Ini Elastic Print ai Crepeclearing 25c. 2 tins 25C New Catbhage Porkc Chops lýb. Fresh Sausage s ~J. *âge-, pà Îi,