irnes 19367 . Tirnes Office the potato, crop h ulrthroughout Înnenn'e Orono, Ontarjo Rates onreut Subseriptioni, s: R, A. Forrest[er, Publisher Iinseet as tt up-. We aise got go te srpin timies ny canl com-pel us; to e Che lessons eane le * nSive provide opportuniity for the tity of, preserves for winiter. o0 hc- prohibitive for the doing- Ve viere iniformied thiat rasp- enLS for a pint box in the ay. Tehis is a wide differenlce- ir vvomen have -so of tan been Labour is no dJoubt respon-. vers will e glad of -bhe hcigh- the great sread in Value is commliodîties w,ýhoS2 cost ha-s widbarries in the re as bounitifu-l this 'nity of going berry ,ht there is the prime are, insuLfflaîeitwok * in e e FIv Tîme ato 'Vfat tiinie of the sumrmer d by medicai authorities that .at least enie ofP the 'wor-st in ,rms of sickne(ss mnay Lie at-. is tchan Vo make avery effort We niay also (do m1uch in ýste miaterial of any dsrp o)f %var, and can do yeomnanl work zing hiow the litileracs il crawl over our noses ivn e are somne folk say, ifià is noton as it can frequanrtly he three or -shaîl flnd Ourselves lying awa-y id owl roibably encountecr scrm-e- Fuel xodrwho burns wotc i>ae nd store iV fori It imust noV 'be 0yerand ïin spite -on, Governmuent stockp nnnnxrýor is in zoeat c (ommu-iinîty ini a wejod- on at ocaad, if ne- ockpilas. Every bouse- i b le> buy his wood at iter was the -mildest in was nacessary Vo draw 'totl stcks f fire'wood throughout Uanada are stilil below normai, ,und uinless thase stocks are buliit up) during thea suiimer and autumul Ssevpee vinter might find us in a riu position. To guard against sd a possibility, it -is essential thlat ever-y bintarested householde(1r buy his wood fuel as soon -ias possible,.Svuch ctowlldoexnuch Vo prevent the posý,iilty of distres next w,-in- ier IVwill i pythe transportation of the vvood fluel. Itvv w il n able thxe nesV clear their yards a:,nd order more wood, Anicd it d-iL thusencourage nedaeProduction. Bundie Buggies tire.s and gasoline are blic moeand more eccessities lhom-e 3rncar. va, an us inad sDelurne estill further cutaieafind obigd oreîy poncarryixýig Ltons or ba<skets,. Neitha-r the use the ear aýs freely as efore, ngryj. Thiesal boy'swao a hel1p, and a big one atth. s" have been making thIr ap- rk UPOn a shopping tour withl and may carry quite an array atitaiand a ida easr me muaiht and oaiy ar elcin axpag he une 'ait orf the f avoýra-d cnidaýte and -itsideý, whue inside coud rpose , theýre are ail kiduf ru wtdc ble -lie nm'eýst potPnt one ports t over 2z thou_,sai better tection býecoinig pop- hoilda, ,i o. lTu 1943,Whlen ýrs 0,peteonaex y ear 11,5 nia- he this hss W-ith try w _______________ I Coeler d(in i Igood cn 1Iighit deamo- Saàt or. GCeoi. one. a-26-pn. adby lady For, Tay-i ei man MEDICAL A, F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHÎYSIýCIÂY asi-d SURGEON Offie Houri: 2.00 to 400p.irn.; 0.30 t .00 . PHONE 47r1 ORONo LEGAL Lawrence C. 'Masen, B&A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWIMANVILE, ONT. phones: Office 688 Home 653 W. F. WARD ;ARRISTER. Let's Save It Ours IMr. Ilsley's budgIoet lhas put m.,ore ni thousan-ds oCf pay enivelopes through'out CIan comulsry avigawhich ha've been deduci nlonger made,. EEtra weeLy sunilis froi areno goinig inito the hiands of wage earne $110.0()0,000 a year,. While'this 0c cfth anadianp -> s tep out Lto spend1 thley can dowitbou wiho sets up a sepeD potthsfme duigthe Sevent]' t0 himiseilf persona-t W7e epo battiefields drn iTyai ndo in our w, thie flco e 01wal.roc fores.-, ýe 825 SOLICITOIL- .NOTARY Phonies : Residence 40C' BOWM,ýANVILLE,, ONT. rue rnavbe * * * As surea afmiga state ca2rried a bourden niew liglit. The numi-erous taxes0 ed deene upon ly the urge for maid ca value in rig-ht Vo have a ( -DR. W,W. SHERWIN and bat- DR.,J. T. SHIEPPAR,.D * Iri, EERNR SURGEONS timfe. PhÉorne 56 r 7, Orono MO0 J. C. GAMEY INSUIRANCE seeni urdy FreCasualty, Aatomme. ast bile and Liability touchOoa -Otai lseems tobe es AUCTIONEERS '7ED JACKSON âctiomneer and Vahiator IlLts A'einSlso iuejs cation fteo To carry eut 'the necessalry i:eformsý a smiall grou Vo be ppi te to ake laws and regulatiqs and teo 'wera carriad out. A city or a.itown miighit be the area or it might be a large ares sparcely ipopuilatüed. Thus 'term mMunicipal affairs appearîng 'which simiply nieans lams for the zood of the ci'tizenis of the City, town, vil rmul area. Populatio usually goveras the 'houndaries at municipal council works. Although iQuebec ,ve acsaticl division into parishnes in the dayss of dhe bias been uised for -civil pur-poses in thaý-t pr-ovince. Te-day evary province hias its ownin iterpretatic iunicipality sheuld be, the onfly thing in mn bel urban and ruraL. Mlen Chen the deifinition for rur-al, For example, rural miunicipalites are called township districts in British Coum imunicipal districts in A ies in New Bruniiswick, miunýicipailities in Nova Scotia, townships én Quebac and rural nui cipaýidias in Manitî echrwan, natter w] ifinane ýd by muinicil Leans tha t t 'lon i st'Ls I V (2,00D VAI ba'it a o u s ekerpi ngý- vwe - -!. x Pert repai: w~ipIv , C. T C IshxP I acre Also gu lubricatio 1..on. Di iLhe stou be, spent d keep jthý * * will excite oUr adirati -niuch lessateio W same fiowvets, for t'he sil pntif ul. Last winterc ini the stores of 'any gre Now with die gna gard seemus to grow,- les, tellng of the numbar of sigeday at the cannir n'a had the pleasure 'of go through the entire nearked 'Vo usn 'Herei enýough, a vast quanýiitity fuiture use ofimany peop ak an eat of these g they were so easily ac nxi-uch. A -like opportur a, treat. iStill, 'we are beas rafrigeration iis cmaking Ginimunjate -with hmxrat ?oeý_ ý Perry, Ontario, or we bis Cerk, à,, M. Mort0n, at Oonfor date. JACK mR^EID Licensed Auctioneer and, Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture'Sales Conisult me for ternis aniddates Phoe 1620 - Clarke FF. Morris & Son Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE, Phons: owzanvileDay480 Nigbt, 7,14 and £75'I Or0ono, '27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Mlodem Funeral Service in Durham IDur >,ervce-THE BEST OtrGoos-THE NEWVEST _ Our PiesTELOWEST IMORRIS & SON BOWMA&NVï5LLE - ORONO moi-ýre shtsof ration coupons. Gu poxis in this folder ar!e good at any time. llhe front of this ýco1desut Le sramjPed -with the ship or ordarly room stasnp an signed by tîheis- ing officer, Aservicemnansaiu at a sum1mer hotel forý two eek.s or hlong-er mils, lessve his L t - wekration card with of4,72 and 4n-s given a J' tense cold which is our salvation.