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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jul 1944, p. 6

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Sheif nd n Rie e. Americans sicycIes FityIlthoisant amnonigi the moreL diencestatUSL rg.Geni. Albert EHUMAAN COMAEDY y William Saroyan LuanÇoedy is a story ýimer;cDalifamily inai ýd ini particuflar of Hlomer Y, thle fastast m-esseniger Joaqulin iValley. ;t)rw aoudaifnf or- arge are, .lJitefl tates ofLedeael M~oSt of these aeras r trasferedto .Sforce.s in- Dritain or othe oeres egi kng said For eapl, US. flyers who- use the bicycles ta tiavel be- tween the widely-dispersed bud- ings at British irdroes al the vehicles àHite rs secret wepn"Theyýý canî't get used to their frontw2heel brakes and mre CoAstatlybig pitced over the handiebars, And there ws itc we ,Americans askýed for garb)ageý an.The BIritish said thieycod not frihthis cmo tm Theni somYebod-y thought to ask for "dust bîns" nd U.S. sldiers got A the garbage cans they wanted. The 5,000,000 eay p igeonsj I didn'Vt cause aripe f confu- sion, however, bcue skeet shootng la recognibed as caluabIe triigfor arigunners. IMILTARY ATTACHE TO CHINA CanadianÉs Dra by Their General ern litea, aysthOtaaCizn are the impressions off Clîforti W bDaily 1Herali wrcoirres- pondent, nfter visiting theCae dan forces wich ceptureti Agira: "I - - - cýame niway inmmenseiy lipresseti with thair geneýrl býearing amd granld fightingqa- itis andthie remarkable manner hu whch tdey adapetai bemee to condtios bes" 11e saiti the Canadliens matie a 4'prsoal attr"of wipiag ot thec fira,ýt Panzer r-egimlent, part ofk the l5tb Pazer Divisioni in the battie for Agira, after chas- ing2 the regîm-ent aIl the way t) Webb1 ï) atideti "E'vaerywbý 1ere aogthe Caniiidains I founti the seacheerineas, btes anme bois- taýrons ireicome, the sam-e query: "othe peop1e et homne tbînk' we'redoîngaIl rgihbt" 20,000 tons of iran ni ate 500 tans off aluminum anti 25P tons off sheet alusinum mliHlY Meeaseti for industrial purposen tty tisedeiriion of Dohê ritiah Minîary of lWorl< to break wap Squater oDi a mllion tiswaeti froiin onvention rn Toronto rult'ingou'.or hancIst pow- i ý erfulpl atiresses, ofite wh( UOle Ilwar, crdon was il ap en fra ritîneispprso tepl ,1iey lf contlle anng0 h a uo hebekflllwno h itae the deluga "On i rl iete rs'rst wchIrefer arem.kngthm siilales f, ad Lbri justmnents ýal along the l1'InNt witbstadin Ilte wag celin maniy 1thousads of wg nrae are lying dciaifandladson mcla deit is rfett meit !ia the Icosts 0f',production wih iii turn, imeanis Htprssr, ont price e iliing ils rapidIIY cmn înisnpporitable,. "FIýoodc prices arecrengtad iijy npwardI s a heariatral incIlustry insiats uponl, anobtans hligher prica anler tha ,11eargencyf- of cutailment af essentie! sup- pies. i th f ,-ew x ceptionsbus- !ineýs and indullstry keptarea on ý,profit mIargins , and 1jeulotisily proteat any mýove to limlit -or coni- trol themi. 13aBlac.a]ketsaiecs m-elng ta dCeveio)p .Geaal spIeatk1ing ur courts da eini with offenlers Paragapha ike lthese nIy be descrihad( as among ;the mos potentdth-c Iouglt provok--ing Of the Utteranes 0fthe Prise Alin- lister unit his Cietct eaus thIat M.Cordlon diid not lve -1 sihlyinto Itle (etail ofthework igoz the price conItr1ol syste, nti s1oW Ithe honIsewives, man of V,1om11wil! remelmbersprlln prira0ftha 9920protjt ILt lau AilseNfrt- the MLUbor Gazette", a ofciipulcain ly iler Ill At tue begining 0f Jon, 134U the('anedan ost ol ivnide Ang' t 199, hl, iat ie o ing-tke lst wallte a VIa e1a 49 Inpr cent. Slice Itle etbielmn o h pieceiing tL he nexti alu ,f thle curren'ýtye. For thIle comipairable eitid P1) 1 l"Jn, 118,teaîoc ptvace ti 31.9prcît lt n 2 0.3 perU->cent; hlomefuihig anid servýices 16.7-pe1 cent; mc anL (îti lil ît 14].2-, p( cet, ia percett admimisn.n, Caelscosl (of iiviîug, lie diiý petsin Ce ber1,19, bi that 0f,,the UieiSae a~gn up 13 per cent. The aea u ftailprite- na 69 citeslaCanada f (aorceti stabvile foqds anIli.! tua i nucertain, dats htwýasn194to 14ar aiso cut iiithe Lhor Ca zett[e's ofiiai nlss nlsm 0f t1 c oat11rasý;t s etweemn Jnune 19 20 pr1ceslanIlto:se f JuÈ 194, are ais foios: Shortage of manpower bas comipelled Claadian inl Rail- wayýs Exýpress to employ women to perfun duties previously er- formend exclusiveiy by mien at the Central Statin 3u otra These wonien act as checkeshiad and unioad railway express cars. 1hîS season, thousands of boxes of baby chlitcks havý,elbee andled through- ouLt Canada by expre(lýs 's sshwa hel-re 19 20 Lard 3 Milk l 1 Btecr'eamery 6 Brall"d 9I1o" eeî,dry 1 Pat atoes 18 ougar2 Jane 1943 c. 32 45 18 41 10 36 39 14 6 52 8 44 19 a Wînnîtieg comparisons anti194, ne0of,,Irl iie we('Ie ns follois: me' sute,5wii i 1r $5 i190iveaei 3 n d93 shirt, $15 la 920 ivid 11 i 1943; sacs, $150 u 11920 n oga ine 5 n ts ( ul , 14; o ýil 11 l stchne,$15ta $27 ii , 12 anti 69 to $I, ý15 tnay;ol ocn $16 to$in 1 920 ns IeýCOmpareI ta $ a $2 ta;a ontIi'.meî ta $40 lu-1943. eiti theeof1929showilcr effecteti by p, uce contmo ba gone l itoheL aiybui ial whiteEnlish setter ai Slishaw akaIIana,)1 l is(backhomel is-I causerth(eî i\ tA.eacul a Nourse iSeaman Sâ.ves iComrades Froi Seas SwiMMig '500- yards in tbe January wasters of the tiantie in get froid of a loose lifebat, anti thea rowing it sbigce hanidat bactk toward the sinking ahîp, nretwin deds îvirerently srconld imate a double awerd-i fronn hi inWg and cuntry, reveals The Morel Star.Fom at t1e NrganLagatir, Hfon.Doie sieen, NreinMînister, pre- sste his 25-y-ehr-old ulnnîned sailor withchest, Ohav 1Medol antiî the War Medl. Bacata he hiasý, a fater, otbeî, siters annd broher liinginNolway, lbis anme cenot be Imentl ionstirnoa lin maicèng the prepentatlon Mr. Steen said that thé award, the-second -mte, vwbo hlid - tierti grat ervice ta Ring "l- Bs-a!sn ameIpre- snt theemedls, as a aigu off is; o,ýnagrt aud , asirelns tet of Il orîegln popl,'~lie seîd. Ase te1-1 i bisown toy h saiorpieedittogetoher,, with --ofe in h vse from the, port a-ý,ide. Ten g fei1 minues inter, tbeystedtacoe ro the taroatýi. oefu h ai ned then that i ae ireeha bitIn(t' gun stand. "Afteg tgdte inendierie- st t'O ago ,iil(l the sbip cuh fin'Yberecaiied, 0 re of tise lfeboatsbre ,,ay ead thÉe unnamed saîlor jumpeti overboard hito the Jan- ary seat,nti swsim for it., He rnecheti it sucecesfuliy, climbet abcoarti and rowed tde heavyba to the shipi here ha pilcked up 18', of thbe ce )11 upeJatoVJ. nj tic a bottie ili the deskc z the shlarp reality ow'ng mcsagsof anti anand dleatlh; hI a love forP the ; llo o er's older uesinig aste wicv- hesits hurtiesý i Coîedy cpturs, Comety-byWil- Three cents a ý,paunti for h-anti prepared i iikwI,ýeed bIaves will beý paiti by the Departmnent of Agi- culture ina a Gaveramiient-sponi- soGreti projeet of the National Pesearcb Concil ta secure large quanijitities1 of the rubbeï produc- ing plants for eprmna pur- posce, it was announceti receatly aIt the University of Westerni Ontario, London, Ont. Thle prîce, aivises The St. Thomas Times, wHIi be paid for leaves which have been strippeti by hanci and weil drieti. An a Itei,- native prîce of $80 per ton wil bc- given for niilkweed wihieh has been eut by binder and stooked in sheavea. Soviet Womnen Farmners With ailabi-bo i en ila tle Soviet figitling forces w\om-ien havýe takan thleir places l frmning throu(ghoat Russia snd fin the ls twa years 700,000 Womnen hIavýe learaed !(3 ruatacos n p binbe rvses vOI 1c E- POF lHES Living Co3Its ln the Uiteti States, the cosf, o-f living rose 24 peru cent, an!d the cýost. of foodi-46 per enlt. bce- tween JanIuaryý ,941andiMy 194zi3. l]n Cnaahe cost af living went up 12 per cent, anti the cost of food Y18Per cent-. la tje simaprioUS(. -Edas-onlton Junl BelatedArva Anew Germ'an gan, wjIth a longer rnet han ou hers ta shlete d Briitaian's c oast fromý Clisnlathe past, is eprtdIni London ta be la action. lits lai- ventor, however, will be sdee by tMe thought tuathe go tgto th party just as it Vwa"s breekilng up,. The Day's Round An old coboret womaa ex - plined hoiw sho kept contenut v th bler barl"Id lot by ayn han wors,1Iworks bard;, ýiea I 1sits, I sits soft; whea Iî starts ta -w'orry, I goes ta sleep." On1 the Food Front sThe Armydcarstt u soldiers are beter fed than t1% cïvill.ans. Next tLhiag wekow the boys willbciewriting us anme2 cheery lattera ta keep up oaur moraule. --The New Yorker. Three Qpinion IAges O)pinionsý change. When yetu are youn)g you are sure you a-re rigbt. Wheni you are midie-agati you bagin ta vwondier wbether you were ever right, Wben youar aid you know you were wrang- but thiere isai't much you 'can dco abouit it, - enSoun-d Sun-Times, Sneak Goal We leara that fotal s pla-y- eti a gonldcdaIi la Japan. Andi of c"ourse there is keeýncmet tion ta score a faw goals before the kick-off. --Pe-terborough Examiner. Tha potataj is onýe of the moast popalar items of foýoti ini any sr By Galbraith "I rlon't like fishing eithier, but if 1 bang aroiund the bouse too mx1ch m agte-nlwkeeps thiinking up littie. jolbs for me tos do'- REG'L ARF FE L LE--RS -Pý3i nhie ad's F inrii sh - EBy GEN E 3BYý'RNMES 's "s- A' r t'. t'. F t'.

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