Hjeads bowed, ithis Iainsol- dier and his swehatplod plong -dusty Sicilianrod-thi last strol for'.a1',Long time o crne He's be-aded fortmpar prison camp at Agrigento, iee l o guard, for Italians et ap Facing Huns Alonre Winrnie Was Isie In her recenit book "ore mngWarriors,," Eva. Curie, dagtrof the famou,,s discov- eýre-rs(of radiuml, tlsti hr aceitcstory of Prime Mnse Churchli, w ichilustrates the type e'f Courage that hlas enabled hmte lead thie BiisLire ou-t of despuete deet to the ve-rge of assured victory. It wýas told te Missý Curie bY Brig-adier. ispcomimander, of the ,Brit- ish forces in' Wesýt AIrica: It happened in Ealn'àar-I eCst ori the faltal June of 1940,Û B1rigadier Bishop happened te be present at a meeting of the Wia r CabineQt. Churchill had just returned fromi Tours a nd( aanounced that France was on the verge of askingl Hitler for biïs ternis. Daiga dseaepic- tare of the istuation, he conceludi- ed in a lôw, finm voice: "We. are ~now faeing Germnany eýomletely ieol.uted. We arc ln. "Then," BiairBishop said, "therewa CHAPTIt , XXII Dieke did not aaswer; he mas waitcinlg eveats ila the PlazaL vhic wasthe cil'ihart. A few voices siiIc(ried for Lafallett, but thleir ferveur -was dimlinished. The troopa ere beiug falien ia corectiy; aad thley obeyed the staiccato orders of their, officers with somletingapacig alac- 1ity. Machrine-gun detacbmlleats mloved te st-rategi oitos ooigbses-ie. pAs iftes aIdd adrmai background, the(- Almniranite HIggl fired one o f ber twelve-inch gus, lodewith blank,,in the direction of the Plaza. ThereC, were shriekýs of aa from lthe umob, the vngurdof which begain te pres bair.Cea- fusion riud A Swift tro0picaldowporbe- ganl; it camne dewa 1 bcktfls iacedily.Asmnly of the ini- surgentIIs iascould bgaIo IhuIrry te shelter. "Naur aas supplies an aniae"said Dc ign i mest huging thebalrs. I em te me thel re-ývo!uti nis ver, D o ina Eltenora - usi esas "Oh, i's Wyîue whodid fthe difftidetlg"Wn eluiases cf thle dramatlýIi(,IsipoeI Eu-en abuve the claur that Go for Ogiden 's Thec Ponvy Express, in thG old dlays, of thoý West., carried essenitial mnessags . . .Here les one for you: For complete smryok-. ig satisfaction- fofliow thù Exampl(e of theolti ul ad go for Ogdns-adistirictivû blend ùf choicer, ripertbaos Ogden's qvcabty foe pipe smokees. toc, ;n Osdep's Cui PIug C Is a hint Ëef b1a11s wei itIlýC no. Everyu eeCvatur1ued , I one the iý ay;throeeeree saw the greatpiayaraen Commcand tue city. "The Navy's sending sacren over te M, .chalge, 1IYfn9," Diekiercportd. "Ail oer lut thc shuutL[ing-uLnltli int rne, I suppose I'd bettr get SA tery job); yoU'l L be1ailrignt lhceeaw" Anld Douores theught >s1he pre(- fred LafaLte te o ýu !', e- claiimecdDorssmhe."o "Oh,CCelu bits neeMad pee; ju'st odd thinigs, you 'l' ut I really ogt ebegttn bc cfdtse otyo,ï secwa I mean!" "Mamma -whatishpen ing?" asked Dloes Sesto onl tueebalconlysrrudgte patie); and beri idsweesij beuyfron)i sleep. "Whant bas happered? Whepe isFediane " nsisted Deo oe s, "Th"ie reveltiÀon semste be( over,ý" saidIerehe r withanl from K iIeg, Higgins. "BuIt Don Ferinéando doesn'tseem te have tuned up atbthe ight time." "Lek em!"said Dekehast- ily, "li really have te go Y" H,-,spared a mmettecai t the girl te ask bow zshe >fard1ifI a io;anÂu nsai, isJo t401X15 ao of good. V've turn.ed the peons tto ipean up the mess." "Wh1at's thedmge"as'ked Dickie, yawing. "Wlte be Sure, the o0r1ki1ngs are rather guneme up, sir; and there'llI be a deIay. b3ut-bjut A rather astonisbing thing sms te bave bappened, 0f course, it's tee early te muake a proper re- port,, but well, sir, thiere was a rather violent earthquake shcir a W hieago." "Was there? I don't thînk we "WellL sir, that big rock away on1 the east sdeof the nmine- field> it's spi telf from topl)te bottom,; :and se far as 1I can seeà, it's fu of gold. And the Iode appears te radown i ght undel, everyhingquite a prmin idwhich I'd neyr sspeced. "odeLýgg, Spofforth;Fin'm de- ligteds" MWe should get nove gold than before out ofrhee inesUý, once "Wiit*s rai1uing bherýe, for e01 tin1-auigquite a bit. Thutcs quite goud news about the guld, Spefoh; we'Il need a bigger output te iepair the dam- age dune hein Lust nipt. Carry otn-and1u if you need etr bansl:l ecwhteaube dn about theni. hadbrocgbt abut this astouish- ing -toril in te a) aisof the nine; buýt h1e ùceud not heip) but ad it i te Hi insluCk stili seemedprety oun. Eesi an earthquake hadits ueapr entl; an wit nawveinocfgold discusin tbeselv , to\e ho3 hadttd hlm voldfind the-ir faith wellplaced. He bacl't let the saeodr on 0f C2mmbr of a London1, Enind oy SotTrop, ý19 are,, ionissieued of ficeros anld ý31 The l2th ,Wes t HamBFoyScu Troop ilu Englau1d is par1ticularlIy preud cf o (ne cf its mmerJim Oýsbeorue cf the .A.F ., wboha-ýd the huou 1c shooting dowvn th1e ,O thplane over the island of "Don't ferget to put plenty of moth Lbinlamy Sco u Aer," a Briti sSouat servoinudte arnmy ia North AIcawot is miothler. "'I shh ant the uni- foli imdaeyIreturu home1C and clothies mit stil! be rati.Jon- ed then," One bundred and sixty Scouts, who will o the nlucieus of the rergaaized B3oy ,Scout Movemeat DeVilled ýEgg Salad Wù led hard-coeýked eggs e tf1di'S9 MYONNAISE 1. tabi, slice. Fiai a o f six eside thenij p Arsiy Fspr Boy SouscF Canda aego -_______________ îng to d hi part in r-e-estnbý lisIng ctig in Europe after1 thewaCndn Scouts îll Pay the cost ef prînting 1,000 copie's cf Lord BduPwi "Scutngfo loy"inechof the Fïeh, (Me Netsluds Fle mmisp ow~an and Poish__ ianguaes. Mney for tîs pur- pose sol cone from tHe Chas Upsrc i Fulidfor'-?c Cndinscouts have aise ouealy $800,The mnoney has been used for reliev- ' ing Scouts who lostbheir ihomles in the bIuton Bnita., whiea portion en set aside3 for the rehabilitatoin af Scouting in!" Europe Hw n hewerld eaua w«mau ave Amw< m graites t U, charm aud Ipoîse.if she feeýs "ail '-sAong te graat:ýýes a t - wouu up" withi ncrvouis ten]sion? (On iandsAIrpot, Otawarecetly, he oh ....,CIM, stroog unerves was thiexiwan sScut, Luis actuallY gMea woman puose and quiet nevstiIre the hard, teueno,- fei Pee-GomIe'ý, a Mexico City. erfailmuscles. if nre ohr Luis came ,ýte Ottawa lmore thlan treat t'hem itbrswhlsmlood y' ear ageoard wars uable tô ewr ciîieýs, pleuIcty of nhn and frcshir, uthmetmeak speak a word of Engish. DO, nerve seaie.. r iesNrie mainand Distict -eadqurdn s Nervicehm as i epedso f wmert of th-e Boy SCots lassisted the ho suffred from vraeievs TaieNervine a ýccordijng odrcin cad aud Cared fer hiu auije he to lheîp relieve gnrluroses aLtten,;îddOttawa Tec,(hnical Schiool sielsusnevu Ir nsD u r to ler ïgîh ae uws vu edce ffervescin)gNrve Tbtsre35c- and 7,e evn adnitted lotothe 1 .AF, n iqunid: 2%c sud $10. he receivd hb ings iat th, bands s s N -s N N N N -s N --s N N N *1 N N N 1-~ -s. -s- N N N '-s -s N s-' N