charz,?ý DaeNe Poastlea Oai'i Holiday Sports tcher. Tx'ikr nM ChresD yPoinilrequet isýbennidead osus- Day wasa avr esuleet sa lace-bhdnt'heplaeacu ofmuu Lao asDn~ ension ofthé holiday with pay se- omencing Sept. lst the stand-tion -f the act ihas enodrd. both in regrdt inanciastnll_)f cin kigwekfreipoee nEvery pro otnpsyendydand good atnane he weatl -1Sor ylaig estaurants, and retail s ores by tesheepoe fra ra o ii ai~a da, nice ami t ho shall be 48 !hours. prier to July let is entite V e ith the bioot h onga trsng n. Cm s. ...... .... - naiu ok ekrgl.-c'eaveek's hld ae ness truot h ftron.4wani1,.. ... OOOOi - decied uon b th Ontrie er ent.of ttaleatnngsthedate - 4 herewasa god lio o sof amI ThaIIec gam oathe fteroMn eations Board frolwing a ýto he set by fthe emph>yer and wher- esnliard hal lpayed, thre games of the wes te,, oftball game played he- ice ovinhail parties invol ed eerpssbe magemet'i1ar-former and one of the latter. tween nnxed teame. orOrne ad. r considerinig al problemcs in pîoyeos," ïKi. Daîey pointei m~t Nt~ h ir~gm a ewe ~ Newcastle forie~don ten, hl rde ~~ i inutis athe construction iundustry in thi Thastijnior4 nia s ïNewtvle. TîNew etDra redheter'Tl ahote indstry the maximui poic hc ainemtetassgaine had togo to eight i- inigs as astebtadcoatgm ly tem of Vacation redit Stam-ipe le be- ~ek e ecluiveof ealtîm in se the- score at- the eriof the seveuth-ewt ltf amhvigacac and overtîmie hours of workï was tied at 8 all. hi the e<ghh. t be the wuinner. The gansie eided nitd srqurdsbeo o "At the end of each working day jnne ecclescrd n u, aa" for Orono u ecateh oit betwe~n empluyers aud or worlug ,veekthe emiployar shai bui~ss not enoughi as Newtbon- a score of 5 vo 4. The West Durhia-m Ys "along a h rsn fi oec record book Vaainvla- hi afsoe i us otasgtaa eafig start 7whaen ,Ws exisaand Deho demand of Credit Stailipe issued !y the Miniis or vi tllee hoor balf ore of 14 t . he e d four inus otû aff te elie vin acut". of Laobor,-'lie said. "Emiployees miay The battery for Newýcastla was Hocar o)f Johnli Lowery, ptce forOrn a-,eysaa hfat in retail stores, rsetheehok n rate ile YASTATNG ALLIEI) AIR OFFENIVE P ~AVEI) WAY ON D-DAY pitcinig and Britton catching, wiile u Newcastle, bu after tM ise oking hours ay becrrng 3 0 each yeai, to any -ProvincilSav. -sted dawrni o workpart fonthr miploer 'i h hs emloye s geOffice and receýive tChe rmoney ac- FHiter's Europe ila hmg blased an -d shatemd l y the greateet con- Newtonvifle battery %vas Vinckle -and 1asfo hspato ieos ýd eight heurs on a specified Ail emtpAyers must k2e;precord nta o f aerial imlg.,ht Che wol'ais r en Hu fe l~~ tey sptc aer. on wee nover in r=e e.Abe West ,aa,..bttermnn beoks of employees and worlng uddy 1 dyvst armadas of AHI mI.paes are smashing Germaan urScore by 11dLunixis iëTeRckr ,l ws cays of the work' weak shall'c-uig thOn=s a-5vaatoncredlit pilants, air fieldsansd omuncaioshro vstsmkn.,,,f, 2 130 2 01-9 for HePir'tearil wthtfi fth runibe C'ed bY he slunibel of hours 'i ofie"our Armnies ihave landed on the C urinent.1 05l1s this ar4tists's itoprasasonRune in exess of eight in any day Typhoon fighters, bmbers of the R.AF. are seen deivering a i ýlevel îl o ., 1fo 1OO -4 i. -Wstscoedby-J -L ery. Rvn to tha an emloyeeshaH -- attali ona German ammunlition duil- norhrFac.Thse second gamé< -f the afternoon Blorns uls Gr.s edb or thtan 48 hoyeae ok.! was between Orono and NewocsteBmkbu,(- ISWrysd ____ _____ a ood game to,. Cl'emeace. ýor-hptbrH s leur________ Fa we.girls. This was borne gfor the -l- e pnd- Job-Lo"- Season t xwd 20hmcthou-Lglh it wac a itie onel- cal is ar yaaforpl1 ltheth usant.. mployeèsas et beMigrato Birds ne lu Crhe C~ptuils o therothe gr0s plingD.On-t soneisedoe-wl ndsrc Allow For Meals a scor~~~e of 22 t 7. The mmdwd away o n Lw-yise ny oa dIA1 ad -truk otorig b ter, wll -'------- - ---~~------' - - - ight uns onSEt.w he gludfoNw- utoe ate. n Ie Ilini~