salt uier w-ith eaeL p ae &I1 O., . RELIEF FROt lM L-Fever Prices on Popular Remedies fo:r f of Asthmî-a and Hay Fever g'r. dozen , __,.,....., 5e. 100 fo .,....$15 ~Reief wt phdie ...,..... .e.... 0e .. ...d..e.........,,,,.,..,. . . $1 2 ...................................50-. _a7rhzoe ........ 2e 5 eQmpletO ou....... .. .,,.... . .$..... ............. ,, . . ....... 5 San 1 5% ............ ?,r 2 bïoxes for 2..... er, strongoer, boýx of 300.....1,.,., 15e, FIy Tox -.,..,.. ..... .. . ?23er3 , e Shel Tox.... _...... ..4 . 9 Shil Live Stoýek SpDrayà l,, ,,,.. 15 S Cerilled Live Stoek ýSpray,, 1gai . 1U 60eý T A T AtTz-ýaps,,.,. 35e fr ., IVED Preseripions r Speialt I v Nwthtat I can gý; o m noc goingo leite otherfeow do it- B'Il and JatAk went o7ver hast ek over thecre a, year.NoW is my ohan It's gong to tk mo'nthns of traýlin, get fightng-fit, Sso %d btter ;g es-, and YesFi! Im ong now, to t 1e1i.Da a NwRayon $eam Bnig sotdclr,5 yard rolW ,..,,....,,,,,..., 5 Paper VWindow Shades, 3 eet WideC6 ft. long, color'.s of white, Cre-am or'ý green (no rollers),7 Mops, ,Strfing Dec-k Mpeache .....,.. 3 9C. I P1aversi1e~ Dust Mops, long cotton flUer, set àn twisted wreframe, smooth finihandiie .,, 5c Plastie Plate Scrapers, each ....,...10 Lavolonflair Rinse,. tints the hair as it rinses, 12 shades to choose from. ackgecordtains twvo ïrinses, pkg 1........... .15k Child-ren's Cuddle Cut Ups, anmai-s to mkeup including filling, etc, ieach ..,.. ,,.. 9 Whitet larnnelette, ,ppoodrighwdh27 in- chles, y'ard *...........,.,,..,, 1-7 Lais Blouses. sizes 14 o , eaC. ..$10 Nlugget Shoe PoliSJh, lt or dak brown, am', blak, in....... ................. 12 School SpleCom1-pleteStcicdigPbc SeolText Books, Scri1bbl, encis, Jn eC. Safety Cedar 011, cleans,.plse ntr. U's e it on your floor mop, large 12 oz. boUl ,... . 15c Nqabob Coffee, ra.dated. If you like a god cuqp of coffee try Nabob, 1 lb 1 coupon..., ý...4%e 1-2 Y àfr ......,.,.,,...,25,, Dalyos Orange Pekoe Tea, 1-2 lb, 2 coaupons 44C. Miracle Whip Salad Dressig, 8 oz btte....9 Roaste-i, Eopped Wheat(pfed heQ lag bus'hel bag for ,..,,,,,,,,. 9 Grape Juicq, made from if"re"sh ýripe , ConcordJ Grrapes, For .quick serving dlute to taIste wt wYater, ginger ale or fruit 1"uic2es, 16 o, bo)ttie 2,5e, URQNO 5c. TO $1.0O STORE YOUR PPLJLA SHOPPING CENTRE .utand -h Smith COURTESY SERVICE nr o t Aiûdst uL a nt Èth2 moast ,ar-ze asas s the1-u laýruetat s the w Somoi