H E THE WRONG KINU inïStein ihas broken down a nd confesed tat hedoesn'ý t fully u-. derKs tarnd S p aceý. 2Ail we0 kno0w about iis that tooimulch onf it 'istae iup by ithe wog od fpepe UûNFOUNDEU I NFERLNCE Canuvaa is exportinig Bibles t thUinited States, buttisbol siot bc taken a 4a idicatin that We12ha'veý a surpïtlus of religilon bc wc zare sending to a bae-ot country, FINALL-Y THE HIIDE Sohomreorts syHte a iled to a baiygaddett first t'le hideouit and ten exi hidz. TOO TALKATIVE? H itn mats fined $40 or "irn persocnatinig a wra"The sor doDes ifotsay hocw the cops auh ABOUT HITLER Report fbas it that Hler i bu to gt iup Irny l thrcircles-7 tht feeling is rifetht e ibout to give, perîoid, -Ottawa itien To Remove Mud Stains From Fabricag If M"d i on a garment dme srs th!ing te do iS ta allo;:w it ta'dr M lOuten remove a gura deal. Washa,Ï)ýible f abrics shud b sokdin clear co e n tJhen ahed wth soaû'n11 ar w9a. -ter 1ta remonve the ud. snybe carefuiiy sp)onged - tib de-. layons alcobol may alsabe used diluted ith two Parts ofwtr and eue part or alcool,i WVhen mud cotans ail or greas, theestain is treated like a bard jgrease spot. Ta loosen the ges lardàs ubbd onp foulaed by s3panmggwtibcleanig fluid 111i'd shau-ldinot be ai wedt dry on sboe . it tan be remaved by wsig îba %wetlobUi ýnecessary Muid often does mr damiage ta leather thian ta fabric. if left te dry it manýy ;us, pr nnt ustain. Leather Slces and 1y did bfore tbeyarewrn Bo)uncing Boxes Wvooden boxes tied wit special csteelwreare. now being droppoed 10,000 feet or more wtbout a, paah tet deliver food and f medical necesities taeACEdStroops ini every tie-atre of wr A strong, ailiay site-elwr acts as sbhock aib- sorber to The free-falling îbox, 'which boucces about U0 feet nt Oie ir whecn it first bits, "ts a jmperle; n dLytO- mtake patteru 4908 bS las buttonq-clos- îing for back interest. Nice il, lalid Patteru 4,)O90 oïcamsincide' size.s: 2, 4, 6, 'S' 10. Jmesz 6, requires i yard 54-incbi. Blouseý 'f vrd 3-nb TROWBRIXDOÔ cWth eheur preiminaries 0nor thoughtofdIrectun swunl-g it again'st thie littiwite lbal 1Yin-ýgc the gras, Peggy's nmd, however,ý was fMt on gul.iler brocws e Cfrrowed, ber body tene; her wbole mannr tht o base.ad excite-. ment atherthan eiherate con- ccntraton. Therc asz hap oud s j t bail stuck ind a sudden grinding oC braks. she ran forwad t ee what dis-. aster she had caused, She saw za ow swung roadstr staning nàth býis back to(er, tarting at thewi- î"'m aw uil orr'y, Iho 1 o one'shurt" The n turnd onber' n gr..i llýy> denîal pett. H smied an eýd, Ti'm alonec,an thno-st. terale glass dMd is stucf.1É loos Qucly f owkwarýndîy, lPeg gy climhed t'hi- ld ce-dar fence. She Waddifiuty finding a footing' hrCough theclogngteidio hourysuckle ihat covered iC But atL l 's sue was ulp, and th!e boy> for nhe waýïs scarcely imo rttA. leaves on the gray tweed of ber skirt and a plinter frornth ri fence had broken a sitch in ber green woWol water.The brown braids of ber hair, coiled abot be bed ere smwa wy u Dh p i of berlittie os sk. quesions as she followed b»nUt the car. Sin l tey exarune the maze Af Ces upon tce srface of he' glass, wvas 'somelrCwllop ,)yoùu g-a veC-that bail, Wh wee ou oig ? Praýc-. icing;for tegl oraeta Locirtn? Fm nimyWay tne was tryng ta Work off My temper" Doyou býit tbiiu)g, etoowb youre ad? beaskdgrowing You Wil En3rýoy £aigA The ST, REGIS HOTEL TORONTO * tuy odel wNith RBtb, So- eV and Tewpshumez $21sg5, 250 qup- jdu S,$=6 up ý * Good F~ood, Didng ani an- Iusg Nightly, Sherboune a Carlto Tel. RA. 4135 1 SSu F 3-a1C4C rider in Che discovery o owvn head-then other boys, and MGow the first thung thatoine Peggy smiiAed, "Ido'heev P'm quitetatbadC, But be ya'emade afo iyusi yout've ,got to o smeÜhng'Soc took m, ily driver and a pocke fuY of balîs and just beganMb9g19 tbern aronnd," 3'You donu't eioc si o e2vermaeaooofouel"te young man toIldlber,;eyeng be 1apprasingy. "Now 1I1do-of Ïen. Tbiat's aone reaso2in I'mon my waY toj Lockton, To forget J va s a fool. Tfhe cueof my beinig a foo wvas ïa gir-l. I suppose yours wsz nnan " he asked, Peggy hesitated before nswer-. taîjkîng abouit it. I, gotmsefn msand that's aill hee s -o i But hae beiig mdeafouïof1' she fiiedhusigioany tears. "Doni't pa nyateton mne, l'il be ail righit intainut." "Stdw here onteruig gilIwsengaged to wasawy crying when she got Md, tcich ,vias pretty ofte, s Cm seJ ea rsWbe you ,weep I înto- yvou'r,,-crying iwitiia srangeri. -I'ni JHarryWion-usgrdtefoi Yae.No , job ut the ad anba enoub, s I'mnotwfrryinIg. Until yesterdayTIas engaged ta a gi wh"S abny but spoild t,3 deatb, So am 1L only S admit it, and she wn'î got jealous bc- cause sont viiting guy uas pay- ing ber tono mutcbtetin ndlk a dam' ýfool 1 I intiateýd tahr wav's an out cof tOwn, girl i tCougé was pretty swellSAe got sor and gae e back miy ring and hExre Ji arn trIyinig iaiyto ide mybroiçen hc,,rt." Witb a finalsuifoiepegyiped at bîm. "D)ont,"sCe peaded. I'n ail tbrough. !-do e p eeur Ai- thougb IM fightfuily aamed af go on anid t1 eilm orh i- about the girl Wbo tried ta koi l e beýfore zsbe even saw me-." peggy lhesitatedl. She did not bke the damnage she had doue ta bis car, and so tct c, hei(ttaou ber ou 1tbu)ilrst 0of tears. n vy tbere, was a feel1ing -À omaio- s5%psiting here inhA teScithess oftecouxtry nonugzn acostheradinto tIlehe neadw aS thei(y tle.It iniduceil a no for the excbange of confidences îThe jersey Cattîegrazing h green field raied teir hýieas til Stare at them in evidentsrpst The b1ell On the lead c Lisad tleftover' dse WOI LU, nire v (Contielued Next Week> SuNIVD A y S CHOO L L E S S0N love thee, For Sauli am rufor CI'ose n ,,, go? If Saul bear it, t And Jehovab suid, ' pisb tee, and Say,1 Sac ri fi ce1toJeïo v a fear of Saus revais only too va euiptatin conf1ession of s in t change Mf Part an( even kHl! the Prophel shaht do: and thon un'îto cnie him whinl tbee." Samuel was tý w'iIland sýet whom cd- wus ta hete LoA's ùfteu rev'eals bis wi] "And Somu!ld Jehbspake, andc lehena, . ,and lbt s; Mud is sans, and c, the sacrifice."Sanui eI1ders thlat the obDÏjeç was en1tirel1y peaceal rcgu ervue e "And :) the Lord Il - of GINGER' F-ARM * .l On) a farm et\ery seapso-n !bas itsg sond. nt Acouialost ut,11 the sping there is the humn of trac-. tor, flloedby thiat character istc sqeaing of dsscs and dri. lu- summl)er we hearmwe, wagon-wbees and hayloaders, An nlat.e ummner and eyfaiîï Ah- cbugcug-cug of the tre'sh- souud even tbougb it ad a n' soud hat idctsteend of weeks and eeks a okand worr an forshaowsgrqanris wellfiled itbfeed- for cattle and polrior yet nohe yar. But a a id td hreshing as ils problemis, atiuary w t ihe pre-sent labour s1icrtage.c Farrn Commandos have due wonderful wýOrk acýcordin)g ta ail accounilts but it wou1 l ardly 1bC reasoutableý ta exetacity m-jau ta belp -,aL a tbresbmng, t is bad enough for thoe wo ae uedta it. And yt if ý liearmer goes hmsifash often hbas ta thFee-Las -- Lben the workat ome s 2a a tandst-îill eventboub thre nay stiil beý grin w-,aiting ta-.be cut, This bap-. penls moerequentlly now than il used ta because many tbresings are tamub arlier fthan forilerly', Ea r 1 v f-ire fllOcrflif n pke-, s, burt that is Tu fhIlre shjiilng machiiý ne mve(,si district thlere is notelig Ge'soat stand 'w ain Corneoverripe andi fa apnsto cornelou01g the c are tc field is lf t ,fiat cowpab We have been ilucky f' I- for oiy onDiebafdy'-tr But tLucreare other farmlers haýVe beenie ss fortunaite. timcs 1I woader why faïrmlers wýithin a liixited iarea dng lcb anin n a ne than 'lje paes , that if farm on ichl nefcessitaitedci y wourld akl ch about il bult I ha thie aid fasbIioned -ation vas reii hose days, nese Etiquett la and same otheric ries it is consîdei etqet or a perS ing of iý sp e cta c anid 1t1-kinil ta aý assanîts by fesse,I ussacuon, VTWO-WAY TREATMENI CLINICALI -TACS ifVITAI y' Relief To BuiId Re lleu'gi-t bs und I2Take a VtavaqiCac est Dtrsig ing the Maly Fever i A Simple, sur-. bas fatigue und exlh ent cofflosing vgor and'yitallty. Ragwee,ý d 10I11yv reparation rma heautifl al,au a David frc 'lpon, iato aý baeu c arrne-'l lJ.t Th~ Il tel~ )ut t~ be so5 n~or~ > Aud n bad .nging bette~ don't ve an 'bee~" weU suit sonae-