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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Sep 1944, p. 1

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1Our Entries Thle Direoctors of uramCenr; Agoricuitumai Sciety varesagn aum)teursowatlherFlair in Oro01 on .Wednlesday afiernoonl, Septernbe 204h. at 2.45 p.m. Vlal a ~prizes are offered and it is hloped t, maîý ,ke thisvan annual popular aeveni P1-ease fu ýard yýour, etries taO W. Ridel, Oon , b ouaSeptem ber lsth. The foilfawing prizes are affere! wihno entry fea: GlIass 1-Public Spvakiu-, open ù public sahool pupils w1ho did tiot pas Migh S'chioo Entranice previous ti Class 2-~Publie speakdng, open tL boys and girls 16 years and uade- ,$2.0O, $.1,Sc class 3Grl ini G 6yearn .and udr4i0 ~5,$,0 Clias s 4-Gir-ls, 12 yeaIr Gas5--RaysS bg'n , 16year ,iud underý--42.0Q, $150, $j,()O. Glass 6!-Girls or Boys "Tnp Dan- ~ca 6yasa!n1d u11d e r--$ 2. 00l Class 7lovhOrgan'Cnte, fL M ,yvears and nde5C.50 $0 , Glass 8CMuh ran Qntest, epen~$100,75c-, SOc. lass 9-Ltp anicing - open-, 1~.20,$1.60, $L00. Glatss 10--Oid TuaieFi 4dl er'i otest-"'Two nmes 210 lass il-Quadrille Caling -Open Sigal your. naine and addresss oin the limes ew and send your entry eW .Riddell, 0Orono, ~Naine . ..... ...-- . ..... .... ........... ............... . .. The Society is edeVOIng t11 o pro- vidje a splendhl id hue f ettertaînment t0 the iny who aittend the fair.î Send in your entdry ini any one or iiore of the classes atiove. With. yorhelIp this enýitelrtaLinnlient can bie ~niae a ucces.)o #urpart and le'.p im:ake the(- Durhami Central Agri- cuualFair a suc-ess. Butter Production [Down B utter routinin Ontario ur ig Jlyshowed a diecrease oIf 6 Per, cetfrom the 4lgures for thesam notin1943, .accor-ding t eot Df cemr instrucetors, i t isan moun.ced by C. E- LacknierDi'rectLor of teDryBrandli of the On1tarioDe partment of Agriculture. Ini sonie ~sectioans thýe drin production is fdue o o extrecme dyho v'eather and -there is still an urgent need fo-,rtram- ms >had s" been w-'elncfoi Ssp'ray-ed orcli tf ofthe orcharn itario Gounities hb an estrnated >Cilhlï -iU ( am vu.~~~oýj .tL U11apteý.J ni Onitariois njw etiinat ioxiinately 3ý00 0100 ~arrels, Sept. 8 h rd-geýh e ad( I.WTON VILLE LdIauiniPeance, Torno, vas Ja(ck El-i'ott isý in Potnt Hope Ca s. Watters s-pent ithe, KENDAL 0)shavwa, has h( il her. queer sen.satioi kenied to i 3Mr1S. sidnley Ruthierford yr ha've rctuirned tO their hkinia. Mr.Keith Bradlley, and fiewek-ndwith Mi . spent j points of flyigl ruade arouindl faýrty aver teContinent rovescapes. SALE REGISTERS On J'Vonday, Septenmber lilh, 1944,ý ther-e wîll be off ered for, sale by pub- lic a-uction fthe fatIim tcipe ments, etc., the praperty of Miy. 3arcus Saper, Lot 4, Concession 7, ClIaîke Towavshîp, 1 miile east of KÇenl cal. Sale ta comimene nt one o'lc.Termis Cash. The farim has been sali Jack Reid, Auctioneer. Thuîsday, September 14, 1944, there w'ilI be offered for slefi uîachinery, gardon equipmn-ent, car- peurteîstois and furiture, the pro- perty af-'IrM. Aif.Sunes at Loýt 259, Coli. 3, 1 mnile north of Newcasý- tie. TernisCash. Sale ta commience utf j-30 sharp.-Jack Reid, utin eer. ifail in these arealsl During July On Mondfay, Septemiber 18, 1944, 1 'maaýily treaneoies took advanitage- of there will be offered lfor sale al tÈhe th emss iongven to pick u am) stoclk and Îiimlem)-ents, thiepro- 4,creanm twîce a week and in' these pertýy 'of M . Wml. Lalyton,. Lot 2Î1 ýcase-s a diecided improvemnent hinqa-O. 4, Clark-Ie Townish'ip, mil west iýty mrwas noted. In mrost parts of thepof Clarke Church. Term-s Cash. Sale ~Province the proýductioin deciline is ex-1 to com"mence at 'lcksap pected te continue ia Auguist. lJack Reid. Auictioneer. Hardball ÎBeingRevived Now In Oshawal August l9th was a red , three, in Oshiawa, under the su- fYDcui and an executve huiasts fi at carnied ou programmne of hard bail anis of bafttams fram 10 0af age gave a rWealmxi- rid'gets) lever for theï-r fMIlowing the real oepent- Put Porwers, 40 YeMUs aol liher, Ed.i PankbIIIurs- ýt. c it- tdate, Russ Ga-Y of Cour-. fter cisotd 0yOro Acm- Con-1 nlected auý1d Bo field ed Nibs 1 Lef t.v 1 i lus alnd MNSs Lu.reen oMcCulough s issi-oml>moedt mng ber cousin, Miss Lizzie Burgess, week. 01 ono. Miss Beatrice On Tuesday evening Mir. and AMrsC spent the îwee'k-( F. MMienentertainled 'a charivariMec. Party. Miss Georgen ?M s.villis Joues nad Fae, and sendngsaineho Mrn C. M. Joncs nwoord to TmoooGDaintn on Fidiay. . Mi. md Mrs Mis. W. C. Lane has been visitîg Mand d M ber caughte-rAMis. Bruce Leu1t, of Mi. avid speut 11mit iýo-p. Yr.Roy -Sleep. Mrl. ammd Mrs. Alfred Redknap, Oshl-rs Nmspen awawi ls parents, -MC. and M W i. and <Mis. M ereldii asey, of Mr.,ad Mis Port MNcavisitLed Mliss Betty Rogelini9o Stapleon on suuday. with Mr. and Mn jMrs. Carl paederin mmdson Johnnly, Mrs HaiaN.S., are visiting hier moth- (oflto. are spe-ndinp er-n-iw, rs.J. the home o fM <MsesBilly aind Teddy Lamle Mises azel, s-pen"t theweek-enld vith their gad cagrTm parents. Mr. and Mis. Thas. Buikeli. Alexandýmer wi1h Mrviemmd iMrs. Cifford Robertson C'ong2ratulafl our and family, of Peterboro, visited ber Wm.L Jackson upo parents, i.n and MirseJ. E. Ander- snlà the Bonmý son.i Mo0n4tay, Septenil) <Mr. and Mr lGeland 1iLape and Thie Dlag l Goiaweîe week-nd gueu ofcfhMu. pper which is ve Lane's siser, WMis. J. Q31Moreand nd e peopiea M\Ir. Mîoore, î Hamilton. louve at at the ha 31n. and Mrs. GeorgeKeratditcî. Charles and Jean, and AMi. W:n. i lix, < d Ms Toronto, ,with thieir parents,J. Mrnd Mlis. Chaîles Dix nSua. Su ~1.Ens Mrys. J. UeLachiln and Brian, of anilewitî Pee , Dr. an-dAMrs. Lwoof file ek-end. ï [Toront, Rev. andis.GoreDix, ________ [Scorom, visied atRev. J. i~Lch lau's. ise Spoke a fe\ý, <Mrs. Glenn and dauigier-, <rs iglffu1 lunch iwa Mackeuzie, an-d aniother udau me'% NWY son, Wayne Gonneiil, Jiarriston,ae On hudy isiting fhe foîrmer's sister, 1 rs, On, d gahred i Durae Demnanît. 1 11 se 'Nrsn uer ]muen hsuc- Brsnspent several1 a-aiesvisiting Mi31s. dMr. anid <Mis. A. Rob- Services1 macsts to Ou iTuesclayep rWomaui's MiasionaryS rws eld ini the sejhoo Street Churci wlth Mr's. M. 1IL Staples, 1 Affer th em)CingiT thie deotona wst Stap1fles, who gave t it was aeL Ïortaiin fthe si ouSepte edV awite A de- Local Cow Heads Dominic Hoisteins On Milk me e; Tie n day ,~ the Il p ~ I'ee(-yonrF-od division ~-oiu,, con- 365 I For, Erth -0-

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