'is spending t. J. F. Lo -I s.w fdasin town. rsErILHEnd, ,of Ln ge'tBailiebor'o oveiî 'orts t River-daie mPark ,M'r-s. FrankBe etan T Joe ololto,spn lat '4e a ï, v. m Sut ek 'w petthe, holida--y we-edvisiting si the home of iMs, C.Barstow. Miss Kate "Kyhsreturlned to j e-r du-ties at the C. G. Armstrong' s-tore after a two ees'vaaton Miss Agnes Wddllhas acpe nte pition es 'Mar Assitant to the r.and Mrvs. S. E, Allen sen Iboun Day week-nd with Sgt. andý jM~ Harry Taylo-r andAlla i Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Grihand daughter Jo-.Ana sudMr. an Mris.. J. j, Mellor spent abrDny at Bal- eai Lake, Mlr, Wiim. Mthl n OAlbcrt .have thie contract o)f pabing thie roof of Utheuernior uealopaiuig the nwoodwork. The ýsehool eblîdren returned to rsehooil on Tuesday last, greatly vo- il, shndin md a ter teir two- ~muh'vacation. Mr. Rtobert Seri iaviag theý pioof of lis residene shinglad, <'e .VanDusen and pollard, New,- I)ste,'bing thie aetr. îMr,. and Mvs. Also o aad two sons spent over te holdayl lweek-end 'it he fve',parents, r.Alend Ms.Thos;. C n ýlMrs. Henry junlker, ofPrestoýn,î 1r. and Mrn. P. J. RossEleanor andi j ýrbert, of Detr'oît, visited on, Labor \~bay 'w-,ith MissAiaCtel Mv. . '. Coopo.r hs nlrg ibsý PooAlvoom b1y taing out apartition, akngthle wo oom-s inlto une'I, and à as installed anwsnooker ta'ble. Ifie spaýce btee the cr ndtiic street is to be paved from tthe se n in' fron)t of Hse Deau's homae to,, the Ae to $Ibo' Store Mv.. anid Mrs. -H ary tarriugtou aud1 son Paul, Toronto cime down to sPen'd the holiday with Mr. iiid 'rs. A Wln. Stuitt, m'% alid Mrs. stutt re - tur'ing with'-ithein for "avisit, e MvI. :and Ms Elmier Fowlev who have been residing in Mv. Albert Hn-arvis' residence in the north 'ward, are leaving avound the fivst of October for, Bowmai;nvifll, where theyi Mvr. Jack Sta,-pleton suifered face_ injuries on WVeduesday of last week, wbI.ile unloadinýg grain from a wgn He swas struc klanthe face by the yack la somie wa y, suf evîing two black eyes, cuts ;and bruises. The 'avto Aramy Brass Baud of Fenelon 'Falîs c wil od a sacved band concert in the Torii Hall, Ovôno, ou Sunday, September 17, .cmmenoig at 3.30 Pm. Mn. J.J M1,ellor will preside over the cnet A big ipoeetbas Ïbeenimadel ýIto 0tee buletin boadnlufront of thel to ail.A nwsiurface has beený usred aud the witing wîtlicak is very plain. The wodsurface, of thei bouadcracked IId!heavod, 'le tis &ueù is of metai. The friends otf Mrs. Afe bp man ave plesed týo Pkuow she is vo- coverlng from her recent îllnoss. Mrs Edwarls and daughter have retarned to Tovonýto and Mrs. Ilou;ton), of R'ichmouýid I 111 bsarrived toet with v. bpmn Wo unovsand tat the new ladie l<aatory a't the AgrIcuturýa]lgroundsi noopnt ateaty 5 p.m. Wm ýýtaihtntouand Bud Roph thiilý itsj finIe, but havený't hadI theo.k of thie preîdatorth ldies.î hile -wovkî, ng t he vile, 'Gordor mebrdto P. T. Wle years ago, 1. OROINO ,TEM E SOFFICE rmenions t'Mv Orono - Onari.ay, lie and Armstrong, Rainey, th e ais ohers, The World'e s Seen Thriuý Ai~ltain Daii I New3pa>er Peaura, Tgederwih thle Weely Magazine -Sec d~eMoitren Ideal Nepwspaper î %for th Hvle. Gobbledick suiferd tooeof bis buds at the Goodyari Whie peratîng -a rold's baudbecamle eni- voiler, badýly teal'rng palm oý5fbis ad. 'nl of tho fiag-pole beIan, of flast- ekandws i Fràday,wthMess r and Jim iMiddlt or o leakassisted! by Maýc, h-e ayth-e my irs bu-i aipe lie tbulong be-i wl ofyInv-g -in colo- utyby tue ]Pa Mstor of -ed Çburc. Wm.S. col- Mat-Jor. Tomý Lewis atnd Cal To. eveu- var- n, the week- silver ship withl salis of brihd lckdwitb flowvrs, t<mnyt be, told, lled 'aitie port, and ith a od .da!,y went out befoe le t ide of 1 saW her go 'midst NfIwrs and sprays of fern, I caled to t herý, bu-t sh-e wold ot Uyet, er-e thie shiip hiad bonelier far away, Hle ene sioenricýhed 1t4e deep mWon't youi corne batik to me aga-in, To-day ? Yoti are too lovel-îy thus o fae awy. 1 knlo~w Igrieved you, otten causedl you pain, Woni't you- forgive madColi-le back again? Give me one m-omnent, pesan'dl'Il recaîl Eah angry 'word Ij eedesLyetI faîl. Milust ail m y pleading wtbyone in vain ? Please, Pilot, briuig iher ekto a'-e again, She receted E'ig na ih' iequest lýinger-ed an hiile, toninedlutheý -w e st; 1 cailled once imre touhave ersme again Bu"t shle had gono m pedig a ln vain. Ahl shie was wear'y o o oil cave Cold heanlstsuht neyer xWold a bur- den share Low-brniuglamrps, htmgtse So) shre departe1ýed, -zaviig Us the night. Speciaflize Ln Farm and Phone 6 uflhoe44-14, CkUlzce INEWCASTLE P, O. RD PRESENTIýNG aufjme or the Largest, strâugeat and MotReliable auno Firms in Canada Farm rpet and NNEBAXTER Your Iast chebýe to see this fine picture Fridlay-Saturday SEPT 8th ami 9th "HE,-NRY HAUNTS,-- A ITOUTSE" as -eyAiic Cls hrills Cuniedy also ~GENE AUTRY "RIDE; TrENDE"RFOO-T, RIDE- Autry at his best. Doni't fail to sce this otie Mon., Tutes., Wed. SEPT Ilh, 2th, l3th SPENCER TRAýCY and 1 ',ENýE J-)UN NE "A GUY NAMý,ED JOE"e JAMES CGLEASON Youu atuakdfrti The storvy o G IT y IT'S SWELL a fast are >Sh Pork Cuts Lamb Smoked RolIed Meat redded Wheat, 2 pkgs 23c umes, lb '14c Ji. J. 111 T P 11, TO PA red, priced, CASH ;e, navy, 'crs and. 1.95 to $3,50 at $3.50 .$4,75 NE FAýýLL COATS Cone in 'andl sec these Teyare ail ew Fr tIrh-4"ned, plain tweeý-ds and baktcoh SMYR MATS Doule ace. n colors cf"s, g'reen n le 2 for Prunes 15ce Sheil Live Stock Spray g',a llon $1,*59 Thsrif t Old R Frcsh Sboulder Pork Presk llarn lb FI, order o~ growev, consider Sun- erns." our nun sud far or bring Lemens, 3 t N 'N .5