SIJzession -üver 140 Delegates Attending Alnniversary (By Cora Nul) Ten years ago the ýSchool for ýers of the WjM.ýS. of theB ~Quinte Conference Branch c United Chureh of ýCan-ad-a w, ~ganized. The anniversary ýwas #iiclarIv eprred toA londacv nî lJ.ius arevvId L y 2mlr. ,Smythie,' deail of the sclhool foý eral years, as she welcomed thic -rates to the tenth aniniversary. story of the annjiiversary will (1 ,ad uinfold as the sehool procee Dr. C. P.'Carscalleni, principý -vewed lthie histo-y cof thec frmits first namne,"ralg Jle.'? 1,oite present inamiiie. One of thle h1,igts tfhe was a series o)f three leetuires ered by Rçv, ~C. G,. Parki,MA, k.,~ ~ ~ suic m-f. c býc.h -e lc- 're ieCligs ensail class and -with ilu lruly cosml-opoli tan unrstian nto.n letlus be clone Vwith aia iermi-S c ation an-anm ;ityinthis fa-ir ln.s o Let us bulld keýre thf- true family Of ',I God, said Mr. *Prk in[ alsin As in peiosyears, each dla's Hl seso pndwith worship and (1'y Bie'Studly nd Cte)y the DeanI,'ar *Ms .L. Syh' sbetwas (de -'The One ayof Hp"wherein seh 0eeald t hr audiýiene aIdcn- ,' vinced them that neý,t throuighpoi 4ics or ecoonmics 'would the àev w way ~of lue arise out ofQte destruction of the post war world, but onl a si-the] love of 'God is lived ont thro-ugh thet ivesad practises of ChisImen t and women. U Eachi day from live to six~ "Our U :Studly BOokls and h to use them" -,vas ably conducted bly speialIists in g 2acih class, naey r.Carscallen te lor auxiliaries, C.G.LT. groupMs .H.ButcherL, and M lission BanIds cl< Miss iC. Wagar guided ber dlepart- a -nent, Mv-ission Circles, throu-,gh- a two- y 2ïold icourse of studly, ercigthie ipersoal Christian ex-,periîence and de-lhe velopinig a kn-owledge and under- t atLanding of ra-ces anid nationalities. I1lu, -An ènlarged attend(an-ce at, t he i '~flanicraft classes undler the direcj.- Th Soit,1944 grat ..,..$200 ida eenngW. C. lane & Sons, supplies. 885W be "Toward Dr. W.H. Sanle, BLH. 2.00ý-- ouh"The Orono Wveely Tines, votebrs' subjecEt mat- liists and minutes ....... 92.5 Waa and the W,,. E. Davey, ....,, 75 and girls', R. IL. Wood, lalbor and care of Edutcation hal......... . 2.0 Mrs E. J. Randali. FR vs F. ta .,e, Hl. - Ij1ý chn UMiss Marg-aret Seymiour, andi j you. d Cross Society PlanV Autuma an, dWne oko crî ono Branch was plannied at the usunllyv [y buiesmeetin)g last Thus ntas strigagainla rm ea entest. tasbox)es Fo orboye over-,ma emadimdaeattonndh 9stlih 9t;haseila- a i - Mr Samis, 1 sheep kiled by doge .......... .......... . ... suce Elliott, 4 sheep kHuled by dogs...... ... eo. Stapleto)n, 2 sheep killed by dlogrs .............. _.. .. . -. _ rm. Laing, 2 shee-p killed by doigs. ............................ .. oss llo'wc-,ell, 1. sheýep kilied by dloge........................ lvMe Graham, 1 aheep kiiled by dogs.- . larence J.Alun, 10trCes w valuer ......... ........... .. oad -VouCber No. 9 .--..... THE mcii on il the 1-