ster, iPubIsher '2.00 to 40 .. PRONE 47r] OPEN MONDAY 18 Shop of Beauty t, MR. just re- wyith his ild from vailable ,S EARLY AS POSSIBLE from Thursday ru ven u -ec ühsaytatour Land papers sering al Thereone, ot of the bco Agan,"ecaen t vngaper la othe cm-, t'he same paer hag ha5 storekeeper may have g simply hasn't the paper on September ,23 ingy, and are goiag to, hep ake tlhe craii ea~abl hadaas formieil succcess l he futuire. Orono andDurliaïnipec>j FOR SALE Wi. ~.Bo Case Deaier, 2610, Bwavle end oono Fair, Sept. 19- LEGAL Lawrence C. Mlason, B.A. Barriister and ,Solicitor BýOWMýANVILLE, OINT. Office 688 Hlome 5543 W. F. WARD Phones: ffice 825 lResidencee 409 15 wuî ca have the and 2G si2 HELP SAVE CIANADIAN L 1 thle churich to -mSPEED VUCTORY PR. W. W, SHIERWIIN and DR. J. T. SHEPPARD VETýTERINARY SURGEONS >ffice Main st. Oee Phone 56ý r 7, orono J.~ C. GAMEY INSURANCE re, Caoealty, Atm. bile and Liahility TED JACKSON ,uctioneer and Va4uator idets Avction Sales <a! aulduze~ at rea"onaeh1e rates. ~mnmncatewith hinm at P?«K ir, Gatario, or see bis clerk, X JACK REID Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize iîn Farm and Furniture sales* Csutme for termns and dates Phonle 120Clarke 4de» 1V v 'eh~lo Thousands of patriotic Canadians aenow helping toc fil shelis at the Ajaýï plant at Pickering. And yet, few Orono people have ever visited the.Ajax commnity, or been inside the planit. uher wauguy TThe hidal -Iattendants, ] ty Long, Cousin of the hi. of honior, wearing a SGwn of ue tau f -t, n I wthfower harssnd Jred roses; Lmrs. Luella w of the br;de, and- Mrs. Bel ï -44ie'-il ri4 F. F. Morris & son Funeral Directors Furnitu-r, Dealers AMBUILANICE SERVICE Phoos:BoniavileDay 480 Nighlt, 734 end 573 Orno, 27-1 .1 MrI. and Ming tnýp travelling tvio-piece ccessores the bride -elaeu Week:s; ,y Long; ice asso- ie Iaap Machine At tlhe Orono Fir a -part of the Aja Sheil Filling Plant is brought to you- to let you see what these patriotic ~kr rnake, the ideal conditions under whieih they work and ho-w they live, . LS THE ORONO iPEOPI OUR BOYS UN THE COMI MARCHING I TheOIdstLargest and Most Complote Furniure Store and Modern Funieral Service in Durhamn Our eic-FEBS Our GosTENEWVEST Our Prices-THE LOW EST IMORRIS & SON ~Mr an Mr. .arvy Paýeden and UMr, and 'Wrs. W, A.HlIwe. M4r. and Mrs, Lle. *aiwl ý fanlly, - -1 . Ha1 lowei and ia . Norna Hlloeilat Port Hôjpe. A. J south, mn . and Mr 8.00 ùpl.i*