rIio on coml-mercial asis, ligfor men and wom-en task 'wich has long been ie fa.rm, and -,we hope that t to obtain and soine arti- ýwe wiIl stijl be lef t with SOanid weý will enjoy the see in a broad sencise that in the eve'r populiir houle flot been miiiis Pa flag, but re have rhî,icI the ensign could bee flown. Thie h the lofty mietai tower at the en- renovation is fiihed rgely at t.he Citizen i thÉle person of Mr. Jimi ecaxt-like feat of cibn the for- and disengagin-the tcke zi whc evs had become stuack. anld it was ethe climour haci m paint bals jusIt the new, pole has e n11the life of ry times. They emiblemis of the rganizationis and ngonice more in 1111 ole no À nn e any person w toi ly. Ail hazards a, î No Play o uthir- much refLreshi-ed in body entim@Int as that of hundreds of asted 'longer. ," oir, there are usiness. A fewi years ago dur- f mien were literally forced to uire of the resultant existence wt, it was far worýý)se than the ýason is recognlized by wvi-se emn- d Motor Co., despite its hieavy r, giving the emiployees a e of a vacation, and frequently tl3ir less pressing time-the of f ari farnilies, getting off to t this is w\,here help is plentifuXI entitled to a break fromr the We believ~e that one of the re- he wise planning of blioday at about the houtsewife? Get- ýg at' war woïit, doing thle end- sirely should have a holiday. Ivïýidual w;ho would rat-her stay symari, taiçe a busiuani's holiday ianis bus. In anr cse we did )type, we did not look~ in id have quayims about the %vork ith the conring of Fali, shorter get aýay from home wvill gro-w past holiday will furnish som-e man, %woinan or amy wlio did E and trust thàt 4a lholiday for igh 4HCome TQ The Fair ,ed lettev daYs in, the experienees of families, of us, of comjm-f-uities and of nations. It will be a a time of rejoicing irbhen this second -world Nwar and this \1li apply to rmany nations. timie, -num.erou,-s custorpiry activities at home arei rdeven encoUraged. Aog tese is thie Fal terestedi in the radio program conducted by John wekCarried a varied description of theu Bra ' -p - ngs hadl been mnade at the different parts of The Mr'. Fisher eave his vivid and inimitable coin- À-ng an(4 grunting of the farmn animI-us, the esekle irkers oin thie mid'way and the snatehes of conv'er- Sof people-aIl this comibined te brng a synopsis', into on's cwn home. Theewas one thhing Whichi CoGuld not capture and that mas the p.migent odor )urg1-ers, leno-nade, coffee and candy fioss. You tend in eider to sample everythinz, even if it lie he smiell. To former -ruralites iri towns and cities, e general ivtto to attend the oid hýmnaiii MONDAY,S a'il hsf 1 Bay 4eldi 1 Duiiam i C foot, du~e in 8 years old, 4yEýars U.R.W.K. by Local 189 SEPTEMBER 16 in the Amui~ BOWMANVI LL.L at 8.30 pan. MUSIC JBy Russ Creîghto, and his Orchesfrý' iBrood Sov 1 andi orth's ýound and Sur kDMISSION SQ -eeds. to be useforc edh ýou, sent ini your entr f G, ir IContest at Orono Fair. 4; i i f4 14 ', fact, "4 1>),0(" >'au O VIOUSLY tbab Board bas gvnspec of thiese garmnts. Thepobe hs r( of ra mteiasbut riesad T rade the pro(ductioni ýh one of aàac e w materialýs sri--adthen ýEr uroducud ;ail Pedwredus f ~ éee ,olewith more n y , bae be ein usd h MOOE UNDERWEAR, but seil not enough! Thýe eessfsf wtsnebenpsiI opdeewh th iIIed werkers uand mochinres avaiiabl* to thse *Uited Natiens enougs yo nand garments fa meet the incfesed demaunds rà ver thse qoFle, WMAT P4AS BEEN %'First fci'ýll tbe Brd elfo-und Cont 0thekind and quanity oý(-f garmexnts Canadian. ch-Jildren mu-ilst have. VýT1II showed thaitthe pblc s akigfor nmore -th1an is acu ll eýded. -,/S,3 plans were naade te see, hy çdireccting production ail doynwr the line-ýi,ve cQuld mieet thie swojllen demand as nlerly as possible, V'Eacti manufacturr s told te produce an incresd nurnbe of garme-nts. l se gteofty jncrecsed wpp~f c %/A ýronstarit check is kept 'hese effute@,~ ~ on miis te see that they are pro4nucing the requïred nu,-%btr.SIm fýý/Maaufacturers Viously akn unciewrear wetre ii go into ite produ et pre- ildren's Il part of our ýn in pence- en an acute ncreased demand in ies. The efforts of the~ given below. Extra buying ...Perhaps #00 many people wmantt f 6e"on th ha sfe side." IFuqe cemand fer unclerwear by Armed Forces, vil be provided this ed with productionL )r supplies of yarn t ildren's ,underwe<ir. required to divert manufacture te the,> nade through National Selec- tive Service to direct mort labour to the underwear mîlls. v'A special campaig-n xwae launched te enlist part time' workers. s/,Distribuitïon te retail stores was organized te en- sure equitable supply -toý faits s;cale. and in, alt 'up ,after * * * e