àoke re i~a sme ae espe iauy for t you g onesn o based cookies rin sumern WMen the ce- okie jar 'e'il irîy ï .ad h ýaie fry, taa- canîl hep~ t h ink t h ey won't w4tme, cher tbey tase tbese, otboeCoo--kiesý based" on whole- same cereai ' Hùîney DrpCookioev 2 tabeos butte 1 cp oney(sat 3cup flou i cupQukr atrlBn gether. Add the eggs unbeaue±, uni beat the mixture tborou1ghiy Sittogether the four, soda, bran. Combin ail e inrdet~ drop ê fro ~a easpon a taý a butuered Mei an etk in rmderate oven, Temp, 350 F, COZ QOatm-eal Cookjes, (makes about 4352 dozen coonis) 13ý/4 Cups ull-purpost flipur OR 13/2 cus pasti-y f10aur i espoon baking powdtrý 3/ taspoon S alt i gg 13tmeasos vanili r ,ings âm~en egg, milk vanius and Melts ed fat;ad taD dry ingredieins andJ Bake, in a moderate aven, 350F lor 1',iuts j "cpbter C/ up Crushd Quaker CaOrr 13 ueQuick Quaker Cats L cup bak;inlg Peantlts Cramtoeterbulter, sh"-orten- krg and brown sugar andi add re- nlaiingingedintsin oýrder giveni; farmintohall thesize aI a wVal- nidt; fatecn o a cookie sheet. Eake 0inmoderate aven 350 F Fr 10 iutes. Trindad slan praucessugar and cao crp qndaphba!t from T'hey had i et people- anid thlat ied(gers iný had 1,a1te >1 the c men andl DOROTHY it at first L'Y iii nges whic] radiiness, a the foreI ýlüf T1, fçf 1',( three skies, ter privacy for illy. Then Ga' built aiatie CHAPTER 111 Peggy turnled to walk tip 11t roald ta the m11ain- entrance of Rose- wdbut she hlad gûne only az f ew feet wenshep heard the hon0ik h1101k of an auitomobJlile horn behI-indý- be.Stepping quickly ita the side ,)f thbe road she turedhe hadt seé If àt wve HTarry returnIing. Seiul Your Voice overseos For Xmas Give your leved ones the thrill thiey lngfor-a message lin your OwIn D voice. \We a rec speciallyý equipped ta produce persýonal recordinigs. Crsa C)vIerSeUas ail lose"s Oct. llth.l Cout delay. We pay ail malingiL' ,2hanrges. Phosof ilm Seumd Syrstems 590 Yonge st, Toronto KL 8171 You Wili Enjoy Staying At The ST, REGIS HOTEL TORONTOÎ *EeyRoumim M011t, 4w ~er Mid relepbêne. *Single, $L.:,i6 up- Double,,*I.,';( Upl. *Gooê FodDling entida- Sherbourne a.t Carltoni Tel, RA, i1135 "I beg yaur pardon," he inter- rutdber riculauos thaungblts "Blut couIIldyou il !me where T coid finld the Hor01tonplc? "The ortan place?-" Peggy re- pead in astonihmnt, Whaoan earth was be? "Yes, Horton, Didln't you ve hiear of fiten? OlJfamiiy, large piace, anid arn Slire it is aon here somie piace. I tbaught maybe yau could tilme just cheus' "! Can.," peggy was soie-what n-eIttld aitthis brief summarv aIy o bere.", 'it that 0c drvnright whIistie of beauIty, ' 1-ï reiColanii if iIp, as it wihme. Ti added as he ee mlhee l Pcggy %watchted him j curiousiy,1 thinking of bis surprise wben Sbe shoultifow him i nte oseWOOd. But instad of turiing in i Ét he _tecs, he drove on pamst tbem,ý Sud- deniy the car carnçtA an abrupt Ait andi began ta back, But hc Passer! the gaies, andti onystoppet ivben lie had agin ecd hr sis,. *"Coulti JIgive yuaif? e askcu."I'm going as far as the tvmi-what's its name?" "Marîville is theencme et tce townu," Peg,,gy repied with dgiy "ant I dn'tcare for a'iti. %im sry," be saiti.- 1Ihope you don't tbnk I was beingrude or frcsh? iYou do't blok hk ea hîth-ikryou know, butI*jt Peggy loboket at bis rear lihcenseý, plteC. It was California iicense, Some turistse decidt, bo had heard of Rosewood. Sice ntrei tbegrounds o Lf 'ber hometbrugb he arge iraýt n-aes and walked iup tbelogdvey bordereti oý ndathsides lbyoliI treeýs. In sp)ite of Pegg,'s esr ta be odem lsble lovedt tis place wcbhati been biît hy lbergea grandifather, vwith .its odfsin gadn nowtendeti by thle ch1iMtren and'randicbildricnof fthe Negr-oes vwhfo hati elngt thte originjal ewnj1-et -\oewod S she -tp- proached the ouse se -ookd t iit sitba "s iiearry sas right. It oudbc- a swcil place for a party. The long widebailrnnîng through tie center wit its ardxvoodfoo aedta) a glas-s-like surFfacewai be a pefe!ct place ta djancý-e Cn light gca -)gua te id mabo..i gayfuiureni thedobepr lorssboud crateronce r any grL. side of thmt haebuen. the Sylvia Furie,, of Chicago, halds ctinig silk pantie% indirectly supplfed -te her by a Nazi airman. Hler sweet- etCIge- heart, Sgt. Louis Hiarriz, 30, alsû unqng of Chicago, found a Germanl para- and chute it, ltaly and had Italian -law saare style thie dainty Under. louse garnsent for Sylvia. erwise To 'Be Cofttinued SU NDA Y S C HOO L LESSON PRINTI epîo cs ei escm. seinwe believe flotÉ occur fjar from" laceWi- at cia ityere is je Revýelation Fr, "Accadingta all andaod ingta - 50diti Nathban spea]' Nathn tld Davidi be n uueled ta hi viinis ta be disti mtoicrvelaition m omýen, -le f Source Of "At ii as ht Itbiûu has, s nler o mnO hddonicgra 2, 2Samuel an everlastirig ýd tb5r Glory, ig: Jsaiah &0:ý tlieir the w manni forth strave dwth of is claosen e i a t! b i I ', 1 emtowns are Ç5$O, th ile Prin- be false ta spea go~,d fa: fail ta tbrough times t yond t knew b wbose ful- lice hie til ache, back, w L~ HEADACUE POWDERS~ i. Sutterers o bieeding anc PIFS nrntridin, !Ore th cas at thy a îty.Buy 71 cmgstratîan -sildel, ts yeaý,rs exKcepc pu bl je students. RUD