Mi. -m Cles benFui 11 cn Warkwoith non unda will he observed in the lay Sehool next Sunday, rrofessional Uirectory A. F, McKENZIE, M.lD. PHYSýICIÂAN adSUR GEON 2.00to 4p0 pm*'5.30 8.00 p.m. PIIONE 47r1 1OBRONOy Lawrence C. M'lason, B.A. Barrister and ,Solicito-r [iS5 Alice lvlartm at Mi. Geoîg,~ erratic as she' i eut S, J. I Sur W. F. WARD en V~ ARRISTER, of Mi, .and Mis. pro Cordon Jones ce 82M SOLICITOR NOTARY r-cvnience insipig 'ewod opprniy oandigse ILd be loyal to hiometrdewht doctor e next essuie sicians whose hat a er , we -1 abou Yi ae ai Mvi.Wes. Fait, lena: i 'o 'isM.a-nd Mis. Lone PaAen dc stur KmvE e. B i ý onetWeïlIPatîonized 3i ply NewtovilleU-nited Church oFb' th daySeptmber8Vh, was packed the door-s, wthchairsin th iieste o wecaefor a àret'uin nggemntthemo heard theu plst spîing retrnyed tol, hear them again and brought theii f!e- ecated by special iequest. These veery Veisatileannte hem tbte large audie nseound fcomstaît to fan h.M i r oedyMonay unxce.leu (tes atwoienubeiCwresueî tamesit of a ve hih, orrhAferH WMLS. 1Meetng The AVAIS, of tie UàidChuch erig was not as large es lad been Bfl of~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~o bais1eetadeeyn rtte LaueenMcCîlogh and DoC'îthy Stapleton gave recitatons. M»s womenin ilKingsand Ms, J. 3c- Lachian gave a splendid talken thse sane subject and stresed the fact tht hey maie great women and ing At the close a dëlicius lunch was served adMrs. S. J. acse served chocolate incuk, minsoTC te outh ~ 1 HfLo1, Con. 4, p o Qlike abut100 acr eshadwodbushl, some ak nerildas os d fitio., Terns Cash> A] meest E. Patters on,Adi Robý inson 'Farrow-JEstate, E. E. PATTERSi l-Isranlce Agency 1Fil, A U TOMOi 0BIL E, CÀSULTYAND LAABII Phoe 4-14, Clarke NECASTILE P Q qOI R nt .yand Mis Bcrt Stapljetron i hlls w Gilmer). The h1jil was simp1,!Y Pack- rate ed4 vith ien rhoga e eguests -% C of oou a nleClneu-soe4o heaps of beautiul send iselui ard- clos.i.msWn .Labing was the gonil P J c air an for t his p rg iai "o h & Adni, ocl olsLloyd Marti n; VL withpiao acomaniontb-y Mis, Campoll reitatonDoithyStaplo',- ton;vocl slosand guitýaî acconi- hich parlmnt Aran H Lisworth;1 Good- partsof hec orMhas be hnmnl nyt e-iew the inepio oÀte Salva5tiE thfgetoo t has acýýcomp -0i ShÏed ii th e seeisimorant righbt nwl tect i '31or f uco ndmrc mong the po vice am.non.g tearrmed fore> s iDeull aý veern f the firstWrM arsek riJved foithe aatoAmy mhrtylaOonund v icini ty, àn h~ a jobls do thi partinth(e aerf the sanie tue-1 that a fwshoild an!?SWer -Whii-e a i o ag aoiyso to The' ran- ne Farmn a Sp 1944 s, etc. Syrs.] ýarn 00wv, 4 15, 1 Red king, duo loeifer, due Eeffors.4 nd Hoifers. D-R. W. W. SI-IERWIIN and DR. J. T. SHEPPARD VETERINARY SURGEONS Offce Main St. Oroe J. C. GAMEY Fîee, Caïqualty, Automooe bile ami Liablýility TED )J-ACKSONl Auactioneer and Valuatoy- Lad ~ ~ ~ & atresoabe ats >erry On r o ee bis k, ALý,. fý. Mo;rto, eat O '-rorjc.for datýe. J-ACK RI Licensed Auctioneer and Specilizeii Flarm ,and Consuit me for ternis anid da-tes 'F. F.Morris & son Funeral Directort, FurntureDealers Nih,74end 57,3 The Oldest, Largest and Most Compflote Furrnituýre Store and ModeM Fulneral service in Durham OrSerývic-THE BEST Our Goods-THE NWS 0-Ou Price-T-HE LQW 'EST I ORRANIS & SONO 'D'vin Plow. 1 single Plo:wý.iSingiýe Bugg, i utte.1iGaîdea Seed Bed Sahs 3f.x6 ft. Times Office $1,25 [sher 1