)OKS PLE. Jdia is A. ,Actreýss Ano ihad is gettinlg alOIg in chosen career after bo-rid- ing Iast boat out oIf Australia p'rior to Pcir] Harbor bom-,binig. Here she arrives ini Newv Yor for brief re- laxatîion i rom fls Free Enterprise Basi 0f aaas 'lihCt ~1 CC entepri-. - ~ r niust remaîn the I,~is of eruple-vnltut aud presper: declarefi in a Lubur Day ad Tereutu by the S-ccretarv 'knurcau Feder-ttiuu et La w drnîng w as gîx cu that t timc '%elfishuers o! capîta eutphït cd, burt tiot lie ce report The Il uiits~ file Fen the but old- t ho s mcd, r. ut - duo Icave w orker. w db nu rharc ut wlrat the~ preduce, he- yuud a w age suttîc~eut eulv tu 'ttStdiO thtit faiiiihcs ut tlîe bare occcr~îrîc', et lite. ['ho oîtcrcuce is tîtat lahor has nu foitît ju the ~ucjalisfc ttend, uf tht day, threogb w hich the C.c F. -.cck-. su att 510 1)0W ci- in C. su ada. ands, Commander of the Second Canadian victery un his lips as he watches his Cana-. lu-st tank crossing aI th~. Saine. With hun Stearns~Toro~sto. anew type a'I uedryonhhchoni brand spou-ting a -eo fi e.t ca nts fuor two mnts TANK-INFÂNTRY TRAINING BeleveItor Not We Could Periý*shq Va ou like7. IliirorTj, ol Tuta outnîan h edutccr on. N ?4 N s -r N N N N -r While equipni above, ferried floating ahuge KIDDIES N N N N AL FO