Subscription, A.Forrester,Pulhr oy aI y0 sive 'O to YoUý biut "Ie sngle liS than Ibefore. 3ft or~ yout lue, te Dean Mont. armT-nan PHFONR 47r] ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. £Barrister and ,Solicitor- BOWMLANVILLE, ONT. phones: office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BA1RRISTER, SOLICITOR Pliontes: Office 825 Residence 409 BOWirMANV ILLE, ONT, VETERLNARY DR. W. W,, SIERWIN and DR.I J. T. SIIEPPARD VETERINARY SURGEONS Otlice Maiin S t. Orent phone 56 r ê7 ûOrono J. c» GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Atmo bile ankd Liabîlity OrGno Otao TED JACKSON Aucticrneer and Valuator C0! du-.ts P ctiop a eaofnJ 3ao ario, at re--sinah1e rate. G o m s nti ate w 1th hi m t p o e i Perry, Otrjor 8ehis Clerk, A. E. Morton, at O0rono, for date. JACK REID Licensed Aucioneer and Valuator Specikalize Îi Farm and Fuirniture Sales Consuit nme for termea and dates Phione 1620- Clarke F N orris & son Funerai DirectorsI Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE P h o n s : o w a a n v i l e , D a y 4 8 0 Night. 734 end S73 Orono, 27-1 l'ha OldeSt, Largest and Most Compflote Furniture Store and Modern Funieral Service in Durham O u r S r i e T E B S Our CGods-THE LNLW AEST ,O ur Pricei-THE-l- LOWLST MORRIS & SON BO-WMANVîILE -ORON saed tl £uX~ roll 1a