CANADIANS Vs In the hecavy fighting to drive the Hnsout of p Caainsoldieýrl7bas played a teedu part. L. . Surr MidleonN.S. directs Lire on an enl Two milen;ýs froni the Schelde river, Gur. R. Lec]c Gr-and arie, Altaopeafn.-ireon a Qermai-n pos inl 1885 by the Begnwas Lbut one of scýores of the- inte-rior Of the -captuLired fort ar-e members cof Canadiainrgmn in egu are seenl climng- had bendr",ive ot Armoredtroopsin a fron.t ue odig oitonsniw1r1, Hl iand .palse i their fgtn to reev their first issue- of col'd weatýher lothin,icding -the rveba wnerwoiewich arlïe ighaddto the A!llied soldier ait the 1eR.t ilUST TWO0- EBOYS-7 5A T 1-HE -ARTý-,- ,alier 57s a Ready to the eneniy