DiainoniIs andke 'e never con- lng ilp fo r-e you Fd't e- zyou drop it iii d Ir- bag. Whyi? C't ciecll in dismlay. "It anid 've looked ev- hiaveil't Thiroý uumoe,, o s uethat Ihe r dop fthe ring C, use il- getting îIooking about tes yotu had Just then the elphnein the lerhall raý[ng. Ail thiree csf the girls stopped and stared at ec other in astoniisimentL. They hJad flot 1realized holw quiýtt everything about the homse had been, sunil they herc. thalt sri ound. Tele- phnsdidot igoften late at niîghlt ro, eoo.It rantg aan 'I'l o, Pgg r.nont of ithe The îther -two olwd ernt the u tihall. "Helo,"she~caled "Ys, ho? uteo. 1*1'al aubr." Ma.',inle ( as 1- alreay cominig lonthe tps egyhanided lber 'leee i erad tredu th "Hello"ilaxce a eed, ,WeluW for lea1en's sake NNhre did yo>cVelrm lWat a detec- ii,-cve you arý2 fi have f ound Ime "Listen!" an]cy -criedlgabn Peggys ar. )'id you har thlat? It'S a dete2u:,Ctv,"Peggy !had gn bakto ber r(ooml, lier iiïl stili occuLpied wit'Che 1loýss ofHar' -ring. slie was conly haîf cncor of what eitber Ma ior Nano1y haid said. Bult Nnypritd "DicIyo har t's a dete,ýctive she's talkinjg 1to. Do1yen s ýupposeý shle'li teAli himabutthe rinig beinig geneýý? Ali mabeget ihîi mou here ?" sileneu " o0e fsh old!," 'sialinsg inabc hse."o' hang up, Aski hlm if !hç can't rornle out here anýd help uis fndI tie rn! "W , 'h at?,* " Maxýine asI-cdlokn tir at hler. sister in astoishm.ent. ,lot youi," she adpded intiothpcne Mysisterc atiuta"ine Dilt evertl; Peggy was 1More than 3 feet of fresll airi -oalines ýýof Ai 500 6 Rere is 'a contest in which the $ ove> contestants themselves decide the IN winners. The Ontario Liber~a News publihes331reasons for voting Ri zESà- Uberal--you select teix and mark vq t* them 1 to 10 in niclp of imDrne. Victor to eve taininý ON WXe at hbomne don't ha, limbs, or health, or jobs. Ail we're askec our money for thxe we' d srili do it if it w ýik yeh d brr. " e alle day's konitur. gsÏdIl aanther ids; elf en trooper car- into enlerny ok1 stove ta 1 He n ise or ha od 71