ughou thepensiflets iix, Mr and a O5~K.Appîy ar .the D nus onui meto tr nable to work andin eedsh COftIflnKiob, Mr. WiliamÀ fio Oo .and dates 7ýa-csof tank çontînjlUedfr n 'r ment of theilr eid(er ugt', Mi---_ _ Qal~j tnrqired for aPUBLICtoatounP te ngae -_____ _______ meen ionable dred Jeani, tc Lobeit Bruce Lîttile, ULCSEKNGCNET Poe1620) - CJr younglest sonl of ~Mr. WiiliViamï Li tti e DurhIam ilCouilty Public speakîng adthe late !1rs. Wilýlarii îtt1e, Contes~t wi e held tïte ow Ancrt Ontario, the arig to ~a1 Orolno, on Friday, Nvme sipe n asl ndttod~~itosta ke p, me in NOvemlber 'Wrmndt 7.M F. Morris & Soif- of (Dr PC, qa ten d and ecourag-e the e idrenl theatre f war, dath or ay permanntAMARRIGES s Col2cion,-1\fr.Ruis- FueaDictr .s psioniable. on1 et rdsbiiYcue LILEJMN-Tena-e11 Orn, Newcastle, presidenlt; Canadanage a annuneedof i~i JeaiEll- s. J.R Ceope rorno, Sec.-Treas. Friur elr . ~zaheth 'Pitinan, daughter Of the i ate Durham u)o.ITustees' a-drc atepay- MUAC.EVE ot det-o serviç'e vay te Pesonal ' -JILand G L,.O $ 1itman, Parry ers' Association. b440-c. ABLNES- ORVLo . ...Sound, to Janjies Roy O MIRGA _____________ - F~~~~~~., son of ý the 1ate Dr, and lhs Nef onîwl, a 8 omis being catti~Con çônts luOusîY ontijatoy' 9dýOtber A ~ I N~N~ res5uit w r ay rkYen are 1hwited to bc iithe Town E() HIid Of JOic Fe der 'GaLtie, the ~rasocaton ae ssst~~ ~~Hall, Oron-o,. cosi Friday, NovpmuYbei propeynty12d J. E. iNTeho1son5Lt6 h omuc rgnzainsaste a tear,.......... u le pelngOno The, anes ownh .2Oldest, Largest and i Mos latioal intitue forthe lindand ontestants of Durhaml Com-1ty. mies et of Dallydif, on Sa;>,, , Colt Furniture3»-l o)f Flearing. ___.....___________ Nv 4. SOt Hereford Steesa-, Heif- 1 Modern Furre vke n 1 Liard~~0 ers and 2Û ( ra Steers ad ef- .Drh- F.>ff E. PATTERSON Or5riTEBS hasr giei re om notîe0 h VACLUMS FOR SATLEOrGod- -ENLES fo eesvcimenand wle Te-Insurarce Agy VCUSRPIE w rcsTELV r ieyFÎRrns C YXfJ ITA (STTR f,: LïpCgD frr Ytcr.prvd IR I"MOTE ___________