ORONO ÏVEEKUL TIMES THUStDAY NOVEMBE,-, 19ff esýý-î cyu the~ese grand fiy. Only so WTN VILE n P t e I f l l ~ i l a o W o d s o c l r c k e d 4 G re e k I l ô m e a in d s c l o o t e . y i , e o x s h v o & ô e i : 5 0 o u l d ( l e - a o n M ie ù f a i r n i s f wý1 1 me orthewe-ken. lui entertained BrowièsHonie and Ens.lch box eontained -,-ri gandiJ'rei1ts lu Gasn townshilii Sý'.oi C3h -at a halûw/e pa.cae oaen. cookies (dônatcd by on <Ii 'Juy1M.T1u trial openied o, Muissrs. Will and Toui McCullough, ~ getmn ie<wv ie o Vmu~As ai ox (dnate Tueda Y4ast~ before MW Justice, Manvers, visited at i-.aetmn rm n hifrWm soiatin) ,ýeo ,,ge Mc- Lbe bies t costfumes after hiv(ýl1i by Womljei-i% nstitute}, homeà4tnad.e Ore C .une and Il. R, ~uIIough' Brown's 1ub ~ut1o a sp)uldi pro- candy (dionatied by both lete > ~ )Y~~eap~igfrte c and fo t e VI nc o Mr. and. Mra Bert Caïldwell Ton grain, O)ne of ie miain attractions chocolate bars, guin, shoving sdek and f4ci Rîthardson for, aeoused,an fo th l rcts f ouare visiting theïr cousns, 1r. -as the fortune tteet A ountifull ciga-rettes, pflaying cards, soup, M. ir ho vey boy, whose~ parentsA Gemqre Stapieon's an 31r Lancaon lunch waSseled alfter id dancing g-ora, Ka1î in, rasor ladea, 'andiker- lV, 'in HanujîtFon, was a mard of the LI W0 Ik lW1lon.ws eujynd. -hief, eheese; aiso a personial XIIns Bcwv'nianville boys, ctaiaig sW ol Mr_1u1e, oroit, ndmessage 1>y the paster, Rem, ML5i an ans workig on tue fM Fjf- CANADA'I GREATEST URLJGC SALEL Mr- Neil :M uln rpo -d Publie speakîug Contest Ian r. Total1 vost of boxes, inciuddg teenyears cod ait the taie ue was ar AI. and _Mrs. Garn-ian Bell and5 fanm. The Clare Te nsip Public postage, 186J 2' total 'est of coin- reSttd, hne is said o bo aninng tJili THiE REXALL Dly Camen a Iift, were; ginests5 cfi r:a and r~~ank M !tîeeaking Contest was held ia New- muit donations snd expenditures oigost eharged with musedr in On- r.- ~ak i~Fsw~iiyu~ n onvhlle Unîtedl Church batseilient on wile prinited hu oe t h-tal-l 2 yas.Cutreo4s Een t -t o ho~~~ of his nidady evenilig, Octohor 27h. There boy-' stîli r-ei-uiing 11 'Canadm h5Ve show,,, ho wever, th batc aïer ,rcnetntWnaMl n~.io cs~ ithnird, an betey s. lippett. Nw-, 1e ah.oh5' si; stolla- -Go- 0-- il -bo q, Î,end î n ir ? u t Sl ~enboe éioAs lime extep né%ele Port Granly; Dointhy Stapi-lADw6 AE JM sentence was coniutd lifNe im- ]WY any une of Mani Y eul. Re an d Puretest pat y te hsý faiily ton Newtenvil; and -Sain Turne AS KILJ.ER OF BOY. 4 p onnentt, snrd ho died lin p son. Ini 11WF- nreBew' eol h wianerswr:u--tu cs on ls kie- items nt the Regpular Porice andzgd another e - ~ «n ai-<Rr, tu~et Daiheuýsie., tll Gael adDeo Stapie - A true)bWl elirg lhhele t'n r è stru-ck w't a- hoe, The boy Eutiei fo ,N CE T SAtt or b GcH ilitoll, 'is Au-' on, hoà wlll compote in the Con[y ces -Daôoy; 16 Mi -the imn-rder od eçýrldned hier nhsence 1), sayiug s-ho ~~ ~4~'oyl &es, i5etewo unecr gues-' -du~s a-ono. oun Friduy, ýNoveni- four-,yenr-oId NormnnBu " Lam. 'was 'Jaten by a boar Th bodyA-IOT0F-TM T IO SE-RT s Mn an~ a -. illganro-br------------ -.vnws re-turueýd en Monidly t in (- -was subseqiintiy f0und -uid ___________________L__ l'liTe Store will ho open every eveiîng, during thle Sale. BE F SURE -s -- - --- ---- --- ---- -TO SHOP EARLY. __ --s. ~ ~ ' ~SPECIL STPECIAL Puretest A.S.A. Tablets, box PwtsHubtLvr-i of 2~ .......... ...... ......-.of........... 25 c ap'su os, boX of 5( ....$ 0 - ~- - , -4-'$s--2 boxes .............. ......... 26c 2 4Jo-xe t's or ... ........... . ..... l ottle of 100 ..... .......S...CIA9,- A 2-v~- .:- ........ ....... .... 0 -- r< ,~ - 2 bttls.- ...**~.0-e- Prutest - Multiple Viasuin --ss. --s- - "'~~SPECIAL Csules, o t êcp 2suis .,,............ -$5 Rexall Orderlies, box otf oe .......... ..$.1 - -<~-sssss s21 for ........... ......25, Box of 100 Capsules .02AD1 2 2fur.............. 26 ..... bos.,,,........ 26C 22.51-è Prescriptions a Spe4cialty -- tChristm-as tCards, 'iey(e sigais, box et' 10 cards - -----for. .......... 3U Agenit for Jackman Flowers j 2 boxes ..... ...................Sicy P'hon 6P, ORONOI -. s - ssC~i -~--~TO HELP $AYE FrUEL Feit WV ather Strippuing, 24 ft, for .. 15t. Eskimo Gask t3 trping, 2 feet., .S Men's Ileeler-s. saves heels in socîks, pair-ï 25eat 0 ~~~ Men'~~~~-s Genuine osbeGani it n Mufflin pans, 8 hole . ...... . -. . .20c - Overeas Boes, eaich .-......,.... 7c Chldens PIlum Comibiniations, size 16 to2 suit...........................69e to 95e Ladie' Waffe Knit Snuggy Vests, tea -rose, W ies n-ieium and large.........-3 f Brassieres, ail sizes. ....... 25c to 9 Pa-rties, Heavy Bal-briggan Band Rnee Button -s- - -Wist, smiall or ilmedium..........45 I Babrigan loes sizes myedliumi o r ig pr 9 Isatin Pantees, Blue, Topa Rose and 'White, pair 59e - Children's Chiinchilla F'ur-Trimmed Bonnetsi in - --'st pjink or blue, -eh ............ ..........98e M ailes' Spun Rayon Blouses, polka dot, lo, - -' -- Boys' D-oeskin Sailor Sits, navy bue sCes 55 'Vita B. Wheait Germn Cereal, 1 lb. bag .....10,C willfrep tobuyNa-turial Healt'h Bran for baking, pkg.... 12e e- b~ od syigsoweL kow f fam ols.Moneï,-y invested in Victory Bonds wilhl obyWanerfu1 Soap, 10 bars for .,~,... 5 "Plow to tue~ end of Che furrow'K, so aptly makes Sevatie toé ounf tnn .,.........,.,longinaction oiruty plidn-Arid the end of the furrow-is beyorid They miust be replaced. It's our job.. the home -- Séi~ ueVnla î z ote.,,- . 5