4W E 0140N0 dNT. $~AY~NOV. Ifith, 1944 rç tn t5P Yx L1110am Co Jr. FresDan~ Nilew%3tI.,.sa~N,. 4 -44 t Health Uit Planh ~Draws CQnvenIt1on' P3riseEtrily it.yLa CW g5re ni Th, a lti yihwat~ .~~~~- . .C .... paigl win ~ __ ~ 4e~ e, ïgua- o~o e us~,Nrtf ïr. and ALvhi E. H.L LitCte, Toronto, in tp,44 ol i0':and granddaughter oif the late Ale~Ž teelhi ~na~. gastes ~ thi~ ie anitu4 aai~1 Thc irotes of the last regu1ar ~e~ n i.far lopr rn,~~t~ct W-o~ 1ulic Ifea[1tl Assoito o ver tiori.1119 arere l-end lI appovd M ... r d. uud in nmrage4 to 1,&L janies ILatravr ee Th 4~- JJ,, liai is in oprtoni l Yi r.M Aànot !W"I appea<red be- so Pnd anxoff GaPt and ne aSi~ vmy kw fl feai ,, ayu olO -r- is~c~ pi> b fore the e, Viicil iirefeorenoce to al lir Fndg ti Y$, AnnôisIber Al, th, aJ o co rQd allomwa e an~d the Iatoi, was Fo44a eveho jniimbw 3, in thei. MiI4,, le ,ouncis are ig~ th -F city frred to the R"hoi aind Con1do hedia by T.ahe 1,ev4 lep In ha1tb 1am and i is petod t a i ee aia Clrý at §2es m nB~Zav -wxjj anS. Paýïiie adesOthe con Te brideo e a- io maig Th byagn ~ e~r elt roi~~%a- o, tbýiaï ing thoi on behalf of ffthir aw owabie aedn -- - ron »andâ fol- thie use of -the baUl ti{ore , ut w#f ihn~e green a vr r~ta n~he~ 4 fur pactice parpoaes during theha ndbw and moe noïtan~ cr an ole Jrive - springia and suiiiriclih.Semr a coage of white garina Is ne to rh!al-n ade.<hz Jercue a 2výis Eunice Litl atene her si-A losipas $2.rSveto woarÉt Onai A ltter as read. explainin Nhe ;TERL RA,} (I-NEA MNGOERYV d h he alt neW reg latio goerning the au-dit- ,e )Ta1j fci~~~~~~~~~~ heàha nevies oo QtroiW 1 EC?ïR.ýsi n r-naeeoi eS., ,,,O Car- m eit Lia ctmiit'y wkai ~iI Oat "1. . f mg, r~ ofoo 1coethoi to $1,3 for the basé proglan.- This bai aI lh prograni -ould iiic1ude A le ,ter frcai 1MI 1.Zmwk 4-e4a a Atyg ~ ~ itrtadrmo çw~m ,,,,piy for seein hat a tNor- qiirioig aboi a dUtch was referred f<> WaWer attende Arny e Th oll1I cf cotoera- ,gb ii - t~ ptr<>;ram s -car. the road superimtendent. -Vlk- - i'-,;a '4rniy lien wA. i:eepýd lia-s ried -,ihroniec- rnmmnit Tie f 1owin ills more orderd - .,leqcal uua al-Ae ,-ewr of ha-zard in paich --0EL 1 -4eelWr. o~ .owlesof the Logio al the bride% aut , arsVoad. the eff'orts "rý e 4Jo- 4 conusn hh uik nd am detedo-e(d ime im»r- %y ceThe Chlme andgrcui t ler oras eloe nopt Élu iee-of t& of aec ùwin ma a an W. thc W od, relief chiarged Di>e't fo-rget- Vo attend e vand. hOLites, td îýy 1ro, firte-~nd- em ~ hh5e fau ie ain com-maernaio wh ack -0... ,.. * 139 faliows dance ln Mie4 Towi n a bia ng an dMrs, ac ,(ak , g le fh hgioe n o-ueiai4 Qoio Cad & Larmber, coal Oxropo. on 1Friday evenii Nove a-t dowli at twioaba itsl -dl jus z1uper a rg otr had- Ian foriow il _....... .. 545 ber 201. Rucs Cieigh on's QEtoher ce mth ie astiptunu m 'iwa ira ell 44 sie~i$enovr cholheiT, rouo Ge~ai & Lcumimor, alitel Via in attoadanwl. 4 1ow(J& Gôsmreade T tei- ionf ~ 1 . J. a. Me Wii es-e basic s ervice- in ope 0a2 .,,,... 30.00 a rtrofj c nss; W i Paa'!~ 1m - --ad 4D. iviaD believes Virat a IV. E. - -e, RiJ . -).., .o 1b9dý M lifa!te -traditionlal w 4b J u aoi r[ýamhbli io- 't~nUa -4oOuty unit -tr oaa n {1rtueo sPef'l Qo Weekly 'T ies-i printing W0 dom no - a -- ys blini ides wa-a mmessab ftteLoiTe noPAno eo e>ýý- heaath, -rvîoas became te Ineh i B. -yrle supplies 1,25 day weather Ladt Mondi - wens wa doi- for diea rreee Roserves WHi hold a p~rawe on onhmm - pl ~ -~~- G yriofie.ynhrg ~ ~~a~or tEttooVmMdn aoho Wre st oy, C~ op ha -r rj;exists t iiPu -hsa- sPapè 4 sen- Dr. Sirmiy-, &.fXi _ . , 12.00 pioved 1tself seconidtonne ciP-im a y ntegvrinn â 'tn .J Svema io operti a- 1 - mn îrroy JOl -J., nsh supplies .0.... 8.O siine anad baIliy air, a-titcïî( Se -_ (cl iliý, e W-yh0 Pssil eis d ek Fo'agin cevah theh 8att00 lo fo, l of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T A4~tlbhe.- I~. ltade juxny- seecbor . 1, ...400 as cmedbe-a j0o Ï 1 1-t s- h4e4stmgpsik ik oi emer~- Flo ie-dt-Is o Ie the, cot of pr~evendve sen- J. lyal Loey. juryr seobr 4.00 -clothes lino as some of - aic e-fo fres in th 4strr plarV mbl ah Çhrmt 1yid(f ir v4~~~~a larr44 ~Imgely tie re Jseph1 J. Mopr jury selector 4.00 4advortised sorti -f'aies andi Wash ess<V iG }mnr -1rh r4Po-a-4i oloyalaypot- eo-iôud!d -cee tire. machin G s gu wa in the sho4ot&g contet, witi four T-ouvi of Por Hope, obetv Mirrue ~ e roh- Jose -_r14 e alar' , pot tab le w prisf<Ul-aJ bc --ý un-g EàO,in imire tirae $41C0C00 sales le- date$,0,1Ï,P co t in e -e, aii hva 4-.- -i, -i-ýiý -fn th âi-eel lo 1te1a 4444444444 4 4-~ýý ell-e-. j hP ,oir vs me ww 4<ue o C ài-t.ý«y__ ý ý t,~44$~ _~ve ùo ~amet .... a o Time retairrmg wai - lime tina-dry 'P -ý dateY -1_a1jQ- pG-- -- roe-h~ VvII p " reuiltIa4 of- tira cJSt- 10 I. C. line, su1pPis .............w.-s......... d.7 paoke af the -wstmiods T ai No. Glipl, HI14 R ,o -hs occad h ~lrace tire WV. J. RdMel, Mgh mubAs for dion have eemi warirad VW keep faDom ~4~ 1~--rvetgonTarN -~keja E Ri pla.4 ' town haIl .............. _ -..94 j- 1,bing - don A thsa to the -uraaers. XAfter the oorrrji-to- G(ordon, J. Uamreer~ Mbù:ajndi~(0 cn age ste4 I 4Sopo'tan aeas uc armsa Toroc~- R. H. Woo0d, care of hall. etc 2t3-50 )alliage is pen-ou r Id c lof e the banquet the Coorrdîesý T« "West. Team Nu Mc4Laren, Toumsby5 of Can a-ecc -- h, anadE Ottawa Clinton Brown, l imeep killed tire and still tire ,~1dre p-ersisl on ga -rdh w y g ol liitl-fý-GglV Grhai t. Mi l sae tu11 dat P - woul notbe nclr0led in thIe cou-îyl by dugs.... ......... 8.00 eanlgU)te loos. Parets r vr the ev;t andu thed apn R. <.oodëý. e osn C. Groglr -isi en10 ~un~t pum~ a-%thea cE osa-noa tre-Archie Iloy, 1 sheep killeti by cr5drhodm-. rejtaiug etbu av.Vre evel-Isa - i- Capnaat C. FGondof. Marn, » -Cpou. at e livÀt pben~ asi ares -ochieshi aCaad at ru acken te~ weagi Noei 4ch---Ce frkl !~výY, of Mhswvers oCe-t-e garded as ?being xw'tha a coumty a dogs .....h-. . .80 a ei ow r tii n4ide R-2s J- a-ýa!es tLaro date -peoth-rr 0m -S~lltn R,~~~oo - far -as heakhll services ara coneerued. Clrence A AHin 2 trips as Al haou Vinin -bs prote on die maetha ut-i Iners ttu Die reuyigWWan .4Wo .mn n 4 n. Viviai -believes tire idel countyI vailuer. ---... -5.0Wl hvbhidei the m antder (Qini îmeeH a rtuing 10s r aiam, A.2e trnan G . te ' -- - hui l4 aehtvig - o~p4aion f on VucerNo. il.....941.12 A stIle persmoa in« th e chCH ad ,Ga. -loin Grahnjuaro WeoneAIV,daian aad C -Tbei- ant. ce M a- of !MA4.~J ari soehvn nude gtsv nroWè on Ihf-rnyrtre hom ýv o d)aten- J115 PeIe- between 25,000- awlm 35,000 Vhough iRes. 1184. lai g-.ltton That th - die wagh a5- Imuble gust et fote ai pa ëglnt in-' -wia ville.lseted 55o oi an eio ea larger Counc ilù om-e adjoura le mneel againllý111ý taie.Qre to MiJ au o____ 4ý4 -4 populbation - ~Tueaday, Decenrber 504r 1944, ln lar te-reeof1 i adMI atsoa. D4~.~p~ e Thre plan is net only m ore e diient lieounicil Charler, oronio, at tire Wnwors of Cie Reforesta ttinULW e 1,w a 10Vo _bu ie onomic for instoad of hour of ose Vin y lu thme afernoon Mi.r. a Ion- pîeshn S"L G« nPwsi o olaI~- f GaLig gob ev --'hun4reè of Boards- of IleatI and as 1for tire -tan-action of geneai li-e M. Li tn moth u "Ce"tflctm of Fîit, Leut. -JoUR PKCaI1 sakosto di e- irtamv pilrt lume iiidial -d altir ool o.--Hnu" eonte ef c -é -ng C. cers he Osa Vy -Ilol hUnit Plan pl th e Porrestr peole iad reaci Î u.L te îiusress Park Froi tire firstlino in aýven-ad irro- --,'raî -eî-Ivia-gos Onue loard ofilti fodnisupasd-iri bcv iii is, -tie rofpn foi -on(bù o f thse QU;sae i~ ±o-d te- 2jU p e a eh touey -ini on-s or to hOaltir1 bougirt by Barton M-HIer, Plougir- re d VVrped Ser tir nw Vitr jo.VTÛfSnav h Cremey instuctos (o Ounoe i -- Ileos ercony.Tie roouro keepsie, NoYn Ardmcumor & Sons, of Ue SdC of to Alos ola by C. K - ackanei Director o o18 4 -- pe count. The. io-vin -pýad of endolar plan~11 Corce mend (ireya-ol ~- - i f À-rcltue Depiaît- What0i th --at of cm parc Pi-.n-r to haive the~ -Couaty Couneil pass al foi $1715 rand a. yearlIng imeifa-r for bImion ,mde a tahdd ta e aklILowîodg- Calimm A Pspelle te? Sun-day Schot ote AI- ae,--n-ete i iè fra i -4 ryd, 510.J.H. J050 & SOn, Newc"d- l el and xhtblae4d pra-t ptiecjf TIS Sida-y Noveni1hei 19 treti tovwards aui incranse la lssth plie tu ruumu m scèle paid - 60for $Rockw,ýood jGenea ~ etol ips %tr ieiu tn---.Pl deI 1 r ihls rpo~-n s4a Monty,~~~~~~~~~~t tpeia featureý 111ii[ die anl- uTilslte in ie etiaie-sl is inir- M. J:Tam11yA -SeJi a well-ired four-months-Old hourd reor dates mrrea-' lu1b roumunti bn-il~~~~~~ 'ci osgo yRc o 1l tcouli ire studieti hy tie m-eu, and sons -ly -au <ex-ppI m -h bas ha ctbrmted 42 a was Med of the -ntario iil, Ye-rIi~ Fr $ ,6frstel s S Norbeit,ý Manil. eM~wul imen Ire franret and Vlinc sl ea utr hlu moss =i rUn expeenaca dof -S--avrsVieer f ee-uaioCýto r As V~a e 4 Yearne Fr 'C. 60 Thi oal Caasd in reecrd c a p lue offie Ohu vites miglu l >e- oins dauing ira4 past ùvt os ea nmt - produti'on trnd for st 4 ont w-clt foi Cla mise non~a n aw oos of lime Piovîice -laducaleLacnee o - -ramosysoralstl Migimn lgiatde aare ef tie Forgy reeo-. We vefer toeît 1,14t. Jolni ~ 4 4 4 4 4 4 forn urosres co J.s1~i saleAyn Oif,- IIFCC As jemn~ -i a jmaays elle tif -4-- 44 -l ft 1làof for7 a yearlingh4ieife ait time of -$125, Vire 75 iroat sold Iwisiaiig M1ilton Gîreen. anotmer - ollpo oyc u ninoe fniirhl airlts lhe hlds AIIGaadaaH0osai Sale Ireli on a totail of $94,1 05. Tire ptevio-iO, ho 'ha-s servoti oraisoncs a s a "ad? eu very sa-odial Wet.~V4 H g oa h F rii~~