soeeathrough Pri e wliite o -e18 Cknmo , .Ig 0jt Idol tale, ood POULTRY KEEPERS aioa id t nonb ii -alm ost Wte for 3 SHlpr to s on our Gv- UP a n ds o n b y i o g u r r d e a oS T I N S O N R - U E R . mY 'ms aches anderriment Apprve îcks, alsoCMPANY IMî"'TEDlsU l9rrrT r~ slee. Tedoe atloga cntaîing tii rope 555 D lrllimier A e , ontel. PQ Ilt C,111Churcr T ac sdebo dîg nd m t i l" ill'oed raihng betero li."I TorLontoA 2.. P RE If~ t17 ssr- IL'a~ ord dsrct we eiîg ved linter.Just vF R SbÏan' cmle 80,0.C_- - tn&y0' have Monton 0 tio an CouIman , 7 ict aS. 1l docIs not dîsap W2,AE E ) 1 -ANMLSNRS T5r A 1,Cr » 1tit. L a it- ialaLb1e-. AI-so sue i~î les. Wrie foIr Pst t i~prcs loclz, siv iFx -diQo-y- pjdesio - H atciic yB1i0To, stl Ciuf- manrIii, il, g .l- 0rteIr c i -,2, - - - -ilton, Onit. -m,%, n v - MA IE IMIrSS OSS T S~IE V E E RE R GE F 1,LJPS L VINO - G~~ R~4îfV 1 ou oci lpIl..Us- 1LlNô WA 11(iT and rea y t la fo, i meciat tin slei d busîne , proprty Bran hes 44 o ua St. -1,()r,'O TO n Hampsirc.,S, Wiiite Lgirs s.Cimn & C-o. '77 Victoria __________________ ï:, ciiCT_____ __it____ - cchsfo i195 nov Top-Notehi Power Sciw 0 BO-OKS YOUR ORDER eins rg' ahnr x. TIME TESTED QUAVATY ______ - change, "tilt]nd FalifaxSt.,Be GELE VOE 145 HTCS .NW, ins Saht.SERVICE and SATISFACTION Shdsof jea Ba j. t e and fand tnot be d is!appoli1,terdc. AlCEPTLIR TATO 11' 1r iI3sprScr-cvi- - n Plackji(Cý Maconal ïc3dfincnid chjihs are Tfro-, , Ig1u>at'snteed test-,ID, ý-lI Blar Jsk Mcdoald nd he ld ecistok, ncif 'oIse 2-5oz. eggs or Snw lloui tye \witi] side iiit woosmh f heOtaw ad ue bïtterý. Brt'o Ito id S$1». wrg Dul OuISeaeWnci -E8EPSIIE ROLLr-,z 25c v ~ ~ l Riea lad he Muheka bsi prIQ wilitc eioos mxS -- 6 hp~Double DrulioGshee RPENS8 for- 25e, Rie i11. Mls bif pei 10 arred - mis pult- wnii& .» :ai wi ir ENLHOINOSEpVICE W at's bcoie rF luq ÎThe èh- - -et,' 8l9-0 Pel' 10; iut0eg0(s- -oliecimotoilr: U iesljoints foi. 11701 'M7 fot 7et ali.thie fiIm urouni big eadCciail Pl-laCts $ Y ar o 1 Wîîa ý Hdvuicoits. -ich r Trisl<k i tt~iu dr'u r'neugtzl brige erld em bds Ta -d- . per il)(,, Wb4te 1,,,I - A-oPartsý, 874 \Welington w UIc l1uaIIïtý lld 4~sPI'ice you _jCsjre ThoCIse lmighta ft heJ c-salw and - uleto2. er1(lo Brjown Icg>- - onitrc-I.i, --b5' e -tn Vnirtiiv ft bla1e0wbo eoed ntighItily ai bone oixutl'op 100o, owsï -, -- IWTEA1,VlivO'P 10ft41Cr the Weter legiioraihe 2 p et, l100. "Wc - 11011 sALF iEC-TSTERJuf-L-CCT 11 Stsion-J, Toroilto Iouht ustl dirîg garatee 100 liv deivcy, priaiel plips, pet adshow stock, cluttiuig seasan sudiic(the Spriuig log blnè pafil C Cape ity. - Martindrale Kan4 R-'d. 1 u-tn are beCýIug puisbed into tile LYTOTNSARE< HOCOXODAD-HIP--'4 COM- G baliroo audf theitr faile ofetiaS txs BtItiuk br ws tv Ll ck-wnerful bonit - (ýiu HfÏl)RcE. bli i e-uilgy Y -,1- .mission. , E ciser - goteh mdebu --- nemry b~ cn du notersu re tailng"'bnil hïe 511St. Tlioias, .i.l,~y - B,; u ry a echanlical jîg saw ftatis the o ur u ao r ~ - alillipiitialn -0Illd hCi C)fresos fur mIltatm X I E tte, igi1teèd,- i 1cloe.-1-1 V. lVI, Leese, cd Iwhlat s clai led apwr c i - willi -y-hearay sl o 1 oisic CUt rwn 't-. Slctr. E-ousc ed comnman sawwhîilIch canbe- -riven by a eg and poulfrMy l j Canada Nv. ilnS De1)C . PRCgîtec t iV ~ tg etTtn hting in Bur- gvailable o(r by com reosd -ar.kcstgnersfor 0 yer ý. enIiosa &- i i(011 'ol'l'liethýlThc s blad-e ta lield ain:ýist the Eai Boi 'prclitand froc" Lasi se-a1o ,1augit anS iiid241 joseph W, stando iig tree thefi e \u r od Ou ra3ly o ha Suties fo imed- e pOts with ar oprT nvente aS adaSoe vwî11th tth- u-iiiiiog llisteC d'1 IC iiv y. TweddlM . Chihi CompTe d a ings - an Iltfoi-no- 1000MIXED T MS ~c E al-outid th c ir-cumlfe ioe a ie HticisLdVre nal.- a~n:q u rp-210 emn with e-tciv opr aa.Tga Ir nte of l,-0fuepr lminuite bitles ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOwl atn o 8 Figi.Ot T rnpupy 2Mi n iinto thýlc g with a -speed tilat A,ýND1 1 YIoU ART] G (,I,ýj.& ýRNTý E) vni- - miukae ïma ard Brack j - yen chiche for lx4a . sprîng wlii l IIRE-JSfPT W I« & ,AI-R E _- l)youtil ant 1 1m. 1- Bar (l- ocýk - "O O IR C AT R I boralu ixeciji, lo -,,Iý eand di- job i, iln fhe ssyCatiegory, Tht 10o0i. HayBio £i1.$,0per - Dn.41 .PeIïtf i Pe.WT uks partit i)s, -r',It adfighitiug forrih etna-e a on-a- 10 eib~ -ci.-20 e 0.lB R HED heneiraool a lCM Ahichc s a ic l r- 2 G o z. TI p Fc .- filer_____________(_,niC_____________ ber ~ iiýC hldqr owrsW bulfÏ for t'li eggsor- Poraad -flrosesail-VR IAHNR EE IE an-ilt l ils;a- fa; si -w sh isee- rf ssc Cek.>1tirnie 101 - _________________ I be i n Dci HSs Vanuf1turinovBox 1 4 Wcst n, e-i de- I1t12voc n4ecpo u c 0 G r- i t e a u e u e i at t h e c aieT o p N o- eEiW am'As al t ii5 i l S t c f ar s fal op Ntc Cic i Il boe-ý,n g ~i t 1les a i lear d . I f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - u T or i e p 5 h e s r v ci lu e v E E 1 A A C i E H T O the Rech w o e n f ila! t the lt at To Neci E EC ET AN i CE YL NEiiaei cr wtthag nt l ci' ristandssfer ticdbeit nblehicis he sttu nst hihi. eoflorUaîy B eiSn.H VE VO E C- N HA TANl ( T he commý,r i si on le geec cu i k uS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fi dnGa - To tdedsio£fyth tal cesttOa.Vo vhlas W eeneon bylrboki ng y u rie T T E E E A oruiy kn w. Wie o uiu M lbe Ale oîn ae t ek g s r aI l soisytdIl g uil l-jjllr ' m ne-.DiSPRA PROCBSS etils, Boxll, 18 fi7. ïffl aide wiogiii hedieeedate vPvvy. To N ,ý eh ALS.S WORIC reiANTREELW. oono ernianis have, rttoiduty stis ne iikeis uhiOetgrîo. -_ ____________ - - ono- tates 112000 f thee unt dI~$ -~- - - -Godson onrctn reports. other l~~ete'IIisý e wc 5v 110 Uncicseon St,TorontoIHAEALNO TIMWH e aeS in] -other torils Q o traiis.. toIIr- ii7,M eior let 0 -2t1dy- tran aaý uc. ii ' 'cle core -of pi-aîo isch as aviation, - -o 22.95 1 pcr i100, rd Rcpu- Tle-eLn n.W o baete il, toiýslets $ j',e 1( lb Wiite Rock mi________________"ee011 ~fe litW r& Sn - ig, uss, roley sbulIrban Foetsa24.-5 pcr 1(10. Bew eg- --- i k1s FOR sALE - Rato r,-5 uaaS.L - rd n-d Ili,,i ., - , ~~~~114 Zi( I CI011OV BSH,-FJEALTCAf ~AMOA?~f EGIS AE-A 5pPIT] bt- ares g oS t racte ln, lag e-a ie t ti ~j-i- banli baril-2hue-i-tn, guo cnîti n siS tires, Reas - n.,cau51I S h*, I 511o50? 0(rC o05,er ue fi 14 bnii5. Otd- 10A R~-0 C E R -- Cl .ilsot t I,, eN t DYîum eL ANr4G 7ee ticn ur, n, - - ., - - - -- - - - deiîg .èli1 1g Wrte te s B"; , 71A TObIa W eono - - .ns Mnnlij gîesresCriSna, Î~j.~1 CÎBCK gVo r sUieaIl e-It t ~ oh4r soiaPuet od. I nf-d orm at on -I..T P. V. D. PIIECRIV T Î- OraNclees assi elasiee. S otie o r a uiekI B ic - Fýver y ti i tl sA L Ej e ny 311,Ae-u - Fno . or, o1ii ng ish - ohl c l ", oT- f. Fo i ltens e l iefug. on'-ltcsular, oige1 bcr ________________________________lobeJokes, mt uc-typeci.ole lice mo le,. lit-etosy fo D. P.pi,,pRe, aUPTor le___,ng eýý' ry o . s' re] f Ct -li- - - --r - - - - - D 13. prvetlv ploeSKeno