-way by 1-9 ince 'N No v. 17 :,1 ai 2::c lardeervill frcin Oficers, transatug eaesan dgg sélecting a Candidate for -the g&reaSW 1 (ýùnside(red valtai -10il it dOes see4n tlenrather tha, 'EAKIER: though the laIttel er and easier im GRAYDO N, M.P. obevdlast i resiveConsevatvePartyPak t.Gur Duse Of CoIImmonS supe ïb)-re ildIer1fl1 CeSS!oplaÀ" as a ~-~TATT~rgether in lkeeWpi ID AL'i INVITED dhe day. A£t th LittIewoOdok ýave t'Pe Kh ng ýIif, R. R. WaddelllSeO. Airs. 01TICE TOEMLYI ~iD TJIEIJ1MALE BWLYE y a orer ignd o Aigi~st 5ti, 19ý4j hly the sunderi3d Mite f Laliouîuunder au~t>rofu National SeCecive- Serviýce oiiakf euaiS 1944: usÉt 22ndl, 1944, everLy documren ts lie las not Checked bfr to eh-ck the doca- to xeport lo the 1Registral' for bis NMol newly engagea nmaleL ationt Division -ut once2 on any sucli ay, of the ,empicyeelt ployee fatund not te possesse docme3rný zninâe if scienxployee ereferetI te; o show th ho in '4. Any rmaie er-ploYee lihee ereferred r Naiona jSeectie *ured by theReutint p legulatiofl5, 1944 (hatlisocmnsteb eipyefrpr MîliaryCaR-p>; of inspection; r 'Must report 01 .1 FRTTSpROE'EPO 4-StrufriMoU h ICLJD'YLS ATFART erwlg nyem asye OERATING A FAU-M, WHO XIA ÂEFERSON WQIRKING FR 1TI] i- reqkired srnilarly 6 Penalties zire provided for any cmu 5ntý leild by each maie or aie enmploy eo whU faîliSto qci kixig fer him, whose with these Regulationa., elrder-empoyrswerv reýqulrýed -tocheek the dockiments 'lieid t emp, ee n to r eport liy Malt, 1944, ion doubtful as cases -wlese emiplayees, did not possess dcmns e asked ta remnember that te do net report or, men t vhoe hie niecessury documients -OaY nly0;those wofaii te prîeent or examinGtiOen, or wýherc there is doubt thtat the document uaUly proves good Standing.