sh- Amdd~~- IVi ntnr.I a Mnbogtt u u L~t~ W% and~N VB~6T Mi.c.11y ou) o rtGog veadhbcr ')pei the ceëe -ed c t hîi parents, .hr1, lken tlIett Waly t""l¶ ~ IY M AD Mis Tenw i ml Wa w ý?ù andtrMrs. rspencer ule Ie11eeetly, hd to Sto wcr4 AMNs Scott and Miss Deckert spent 11l fi S T M A S (,i'C SUn 1, 0M.h , Be, Kendp a n<d île R, Newrnville owirg to thre tronble and Saturday in BorwenanvfiUs 30 a.nd Mrs George Wa1key have *n,- leu Shore wone Suday in s; doxng lest somie vatufhiie ie. IMrs. Lorme Paeden has gofle to De ou stock of COIJTVS BETTER CH1RISTMAS dÀADS. ovier m oxr tePort llopoe rist Mi'. G(,eo gS peo. if nie fmIr would reurn tde sme Terouito for a few weahs, 40 f~etbatIu eso o~5esfoi ~e Mis Rayniond Brnn 15viS tig Mr. anid Mua Oto ï0leiser, Tor te lir. ýC Dix' store il, NemtonVille btCsaa a' en ý0dKru euifldsgst h4s rm l-cdaec lierrsi tek Nrs Geey M iss M 5c-n1o,- 15c. and .............n...Port....f. ..nto,......w.. has..e.......e-- ......... -.,.......... lIr H f(kyToono, s peid - vmtsng her fathiel, Mr.-n o - - Mi E MeGe, oro~tois ped-Grn'by, visited -M",r ans srs. Reubven cate the kindees very imueh. - M. Afln' tiwo 'tracWtos have been Aise several different selecto1iu of boxes at vaéspe ing a ferl darys A r. R. Brue,. Pa yne on Sunda&. - hrhBsmn luhiga otTi2 ae1w f1 ifrn esgs PÇA, . CMrs. Aniiie Oib rxie, -Newcastle, -chs1 Pay plodb Ranc and W.m' E. a nd - Eve ~ wa i gweAs cd Més Eerha Thoip- ReJd aisdc>fIr. ndMis. {Geore SWa The decoration of Nte Utned Mran Mrs. Warren Carson andl hxo 1 ad sOil pi~~~~~~et àucld on Mli-, alid s.1'ý Robt. hcli basem-lent ha-s jwst bpe--en i f anliy- visited at -,r F. Wilsun's, Box ocf 12 cards......... ....... be4rs 1,,aenq WAr, Geg Mntn, Canton, thls wveek; pleLed. li will ho ae-opened ilext Peary-tawn. Bo f18-r Mi'. a-clM ~I~er~ V<ors at the piesnene wrev SuMAy morning at Il a.11. nit a -n. rEd &Ruthvofi Zion, and MAIs. Bxo 8ers ~ ." .~ i ,r v -ns vecrill.ýy and Au. orMjr l P terbero' spechll service àn connection wilh the Forre-,ter, Wesport, spent Suinday at Thne Canadian Artist Soties a box of 12 car . . ... . .. .., .$,l cd. nd i t r -s. W-- - ýTloth, 1 RisoN-,si-;Rv Sunda-y SehooL. -t avii take ce- nua AU.- Do-ls<.- - hosranIvitu dsayfChsiasGt¶ Caautyl ïý(,-t e h- - - phelth E tea-4, Courtiee; fe.-adtreo "nOd Tidr ene, W FéIaysl T andt, earhiest conveince. Our stock of cards Ud yeur is hm;uté~ --~~ M , George Wako P tHo e r t-e' is (xpeee a - nber- 'of ýspenidiing a fei% days wti Mi'.ad -rtoe ucip-io ofre ~1 pifi t-: ý ý,îezea-nil,, M tp u G e i-i. Jack VjahIn RCA f", fitose wýho 5were a-aiecited wthu tii RMrs. nche Hallo1weli. --.nd ncmarsntofre sa1- foi ed babyr Brian, Peebr.suiay scehaoo! andl Church yer Mn* an lIs Dol o N ew v - 8RIWYO - '1E IIRIST31AS GREETINO CAMDS ;EALY!1 ris ~ ~ V iP .- oa,~~i- -nNv tM' n a.Rb go, iircdeng Mi'. Bra-d1ey aowv .ç- tfl-1 ,iËied witli heu' pare!ats, :-- - ere lu a-y gut a ef - ý aton Clnorce d flli si g in Toana o-, %vil! ho paoSeritr r, l-ad Ma.-orne Todd. t - - - e ih ~rtlieia so, MiltonSeren TO lieîp nia-koie t <h Mas. -Rosa Ha ta-wcll -and -Jalcil--- - inthnRCAF,-a enmsin in h vmg vc vi ilieilafw ay jb i M'Wl -Kepiba Extraet ofr Ma-it Cod Liver Ut 10 on-d... 75a~ 20 oz,, $115 Ciase o i of îne anbea u 'enea alg te Nov. 2ýff andrw. ~ ~ ~- M-as.- Avml oihvrCnsnrt n hx B ConipleX, 8 CZ î. r-spent a wek withCii Nctoliville frionds deepiy sympa-' Auîvorary Services - u Datb 'rew -a-ad Mlyrate Ctr1tffied- filibui Liver Wi! Capsoles, box a-f ~ -.,..,..7 J, Pandene1. ltbizewh a a-nd MsMrtndur-StpesnTrto etthwek WcsVVstoi - St uger. e ni-g tis a-aios mue. rft1Osol ine coagrega-tins a-tend1ed both Se th n, reot, onie week BoV uxof 100 for. ...,,......,. r "-i te -. irao yere guues s-î of M-,- 1,1oyd, isi tay services rof ' N woa-vile - lie- -cail ti teé-p-as l Ms Aiplanielites, Cod hiver Conceutrate CapsuIs, 25 for ..,- ,.,. E00J 5,0ifar n t......................... ... ....... $1.85 - 100 for ........ .... . $ "50 - sr N shich re-held oil M r. a-ad rMr- Athmr-Bal -èI and %îtaviai Capsules,. heip prevent colds ind otlher infectioens.' They - N.% mDover Oa LSh in the afternoon utaiiiy, Bowaville, Mr. a-nd - Mas, - contairt Vijtaminj A, B, C and D anti cold v-aceiine, 30 ts1~,..25 210U and ini tihe eveniaig at 7.31), Rer. Llewv H llw l anti .fmiiy anad Miss 1 00 capsules for ... .......-......... .... ... . .. ... ........ $7.0 IL, C, Linsteud, of Courtice, delivoxedl Deck-lert spont Suandùy- a-t Thomains -Frosst Neo.Cheni-al Food, 50 capsules --~ ........-..-......~,... .... . ...........,. 15 two veay pra 1tical a-nd lierpfnrl mes- Fa-lIs. 100 capsules for ,............-.,. S'2.25 2, 0 capsue -, sages, ~ ~ ~ ýfl spaigl h-fLao n Ia averne Soucii, Bowanville, Certi*ied Standtard- Cod Lira-r Oil; 16 oz bottle .... .'.99C- Sages typeskn thf pa n o m oa-h pn -ie-d - Ma. Ha oid Certilieti High-l'est Cod hiver Oit, Ici oz. bottie. ...................$1.19 - ~~publican a-nd the Pharisoee" la the rSnuh's. -Ma. A. . Souci returned i-DelaN Emuision, 8 on. bottie -.,,...,............. ............ S115 N Deeniag ho pro lied on "the high1 sirth him for' the' week-end te Bow- Ceirtifieti A..B.D. Capsules, 50 for ...,....~$1-25s 100 fur ,,,.;~. $12~5l 7- 1cirmn -e P UrèaiY, dlrugh OTalrll Xitdiet Capsules, ail ithe vitamns iin. oe capsule, treatmieit for- ... grace?' Texrt, "Hie gave thoni Poweir - aow as 3c. a dlay. 30 capsules ,..,........ ,...........~... 0.- - ~ '~ te becomo s~iis-. cf God." Tho cira, - -LBttie -of 90 ca-psuies for. ~ .......-..,,..... -Aunderýj -the dlirectien of - M's~ Firun4 lovely in P -o tw&pieco dresa o f ro- - I Gibneaà org-anist, piro-ied sp&cai mance Wue -op and worc a -cofsage ic musi, assistcd by Mhnc Dr. M-itchel of1e pile~ resers Mirs Betty tapeie on ef Pet'euboro, - ota eSoloiLît "Seek sise~r of the gr-oom,ý was--her only a r e l' I r g t r ye lUis Courta" wa the aatliem la tendant a-ad wvoie a dreari made on i£3e l " Du " PQthe anfternn. !n the ovening the pieess n of na-y bMue crepe mîtb uinthems were, "Ho is Msu"" a-adicorsage of rod roseri The groom AetfrJck a lw -'[nu Cai-i-ti is 3417g'iMS, ---ateddby Ma. Cari Todd, bao- AgPenscrortion Spe!tiralist - -- Nýjn1l emtime expots of eggs froa; (,,nadz- ',o Great B riî',a -ithliDoo wore: "Gi tha-nks thea ef the aride. plrs. 'Ronaldj Bur-PrsiponSeJlt - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý (;ooasfr,91 Ttsya, el eitt rd a-nd "Open the Giates oeX j" o pmyd the wed ing nrus& aud Phone 68 - ORONO, 0%t a-brut lMQI)01 dozean-4nr toa o 91Ti eLhIv r Tenrniei' The churcb was baut- 'ous Wcl nia iprose sang "Beca--use" not, -11r expert's arenipre 1hkely tce total 75,000400q doza-a, ire podr uiy eetd it, y-eiiw, mel a-n dalng thu igniag of the- regîs ci' Aed f !n ' e wi I be sHlpps g tde sa-ie quuntiy ini 1945-plus 'vile 'rmunus On the ai-tai tale Mas. Todd, nuother ef the bride, wyore -ade uilion f dozens of siiei a-g'g as shppug once more is av"-mrir c w akt e oeyntwepeedeae ig t icre mnis of a-ai es coor anad aum a-ad a coasaige ef piaik carmaea a-i g Eg pro' eto wii eLïessarily SaAY high for some time yet n-,th wvh'tc d-is Tliey e nMrs. Stapioton, wiotlier of tue gr-,oomo -"d nuat mens- thmee are P~ROFITS TO BE MADIE !N POIYLTRY! mem oy of 'cne la-te Wllbia Cole. hy wo-e a dreýis ef iavy shoOar a-ad a ofube~e tii fa-nu-1y. A gratlfy- ce- sa1ge of aed arnations. After teha--- w y "Ill - ~ L4!~~- ~ ta-gT a-a -Oferiagof a-PPrexiat- 0 m a-y a wiea- ing luncheon was Chi~ t a ~ Y-~ w y MigIÀ I~~iir~tm ly $4010M0 mwas contribued. served frein -tbe brides table centred A siunal dheposit wili holi aiiy ariek5 until Dec. 20ttI' Jha--<puf mg oeur~ t of the- ua-profita-bl 114 eýgg per yui' a er- StapfetouTWd u1 a doirr~j m h a- ake Pnk In ac<cordance wvithi W. .T. B. Regulations 1n tr-xa-d te corners of ______________________________ ka-L, 5a-p ta- ma4~V~ h ne3r-makiug 2M0 p=r yeur total ! -Let A paot u-s-wdigto prfi ale uin ade e' e hlrnseA~Wo nf~ t' fScir ' 4JV WLIN1y;WJKEIt CONCENTIATE show YOU ùiL way ti e at the homne of Mln an s 'lal rhheu- Mr.Ioen a-nmie1i~ ji~b~>c J'r fedig titis ecnuiug seaso3! Lorne Týoddt, Starkville, wliea- -a-ei Misses Wylilia ,~arr Wilmia l-,ss. 2 -ad4 Sl.........$ r dugltea Ela-n Doris Rosa-ana-, wa- Prou-se aild Mary Deena -asted in Yotïth's Long Pants, sizes 28 to 'ý,4 pair,... $2.15 $I~r~aù~E~gm kerCoi-cantateunartd la mange te Donald Edwad soiring. The hiappy coupl~e foi J.en's Hea.vy Gottonade Ikrnts sizes 32 to 38, litpleto, eider soi e rMi. a-ad et- Pai short. .......oo tewetrnpins AM~ ND SOL!> BY WIni Stleton, Nosatonv-ilie, býy -,eV, the bide travell inl a prncesp r. ..............$ 9 John AMclaachiaa, Newtoaviiie, Thegolr of bu-oavu rand golil crepe, browal BOYS' Helmret Ca-ps ...... . 65e mu LAbackaouct baake itli pinb a cot and browa V"ncceaSei On theirc Ladies' $tamped Aprons on Factory Cotton, 10 R 0:N -L U M 1.1 bite s clryanhem ns.l irn in1 refuin they wil esd on itha gaooïa's a4ë up ready to emibroier....... 29e ~ mrlage by bier father, the bido anas fa-am South of Nertonvilie. idies' IRavon Bloom.ers Bn Knee, sizes mei I dium or large, pair 9r -Misses' Print Aprons, sizes 8 to 14, eaeh.....5e Ohildren's ?rinit Aurons, -sizes,2 to f) yrs., e-ael. . 1,5c j Children's Feece-Lin-edl Sleepers; olr -Blue te 1 oly, sizes 2and 4, eachel-i....... 85e ____ R ehilren' Ch-inchUlla Bonnets, blue o--r pik White Furti Timi- .............. 98c - Ifan'~Silk. Comif oiters .. .........$10 GItOCERY FEATUIRES YelIow, Corn Mleal 22 ozn pkgi Ilc Aunti Jïeim a Pa-neakC e Fl 0Ux~ pkýg for ...... .. 15e - -- PP~ - Corn Stach Benson's ... le >UU$Odex Antiseptic Sop safe- guairdîs you, 2 c a kes 1U.. i Ivory Soap, gianit '1jar, -2 for. . 19C sain n ý!" ecceOxo Cubes, just add h watcer,