;haklirh aVgoou- Maiiie and Peggy haud exchialged aiiothýGer third - of fltbe1b utter. Cover - surprised giances at Mrs. Hatns-With tle rest of ït e Qu-aker Quix ~reIcan't iaieany iritationto 0Stani1ey, Grýan wvas al- Fae ,and dot ,vith remainiïng takilig -wo for an an1swer ways, hospitable; but shet did n-t butter, Bahe i in moderate~ oven for hiave onice said yes, but -asIkpeoie to visit ini lier home unl- about acie-bial ihûun - If desired, o trust youi. Naw 1yo- frs site genuiniy iikedtem and cover with mierilngie and rettaru -adget your bjeauty cotdten efred.tOV t w. sohiuig, sin1ce C)ouLi 'What do yati want to do thîs PRXXNE PU:DDING tIbat. Anyway you corne atrcn, ac. eggy laskedx 1 icup Qtiakýer OOtsqkk cook-~ a it OClc ld uhl- '-c ,a orgotteil a i about - hg or regtiar iiii-coke( z mayivfind tha thelire ;s 'idng g etu.'tt neT1U ~ta , so4a ls aiter a'l1" .k ~eep entertautied. "S iail we go- for ~ tPsi ean YüLu lihônestIv Ieieve a die" - -34pc aoa ind lie 1f ng tis afte No, Na icy repled. - ' )o tel 11),Z i - ii1ûet(cit fille) eggy itumpe>d Italier feet ,ou i ç tup idc s omas stj1 eyeý,siinig. "I{-ave -yFide"'Mrs HForto ake. pwate whè i ? -Uheire wl "Yes thlat's the miaxi I an igoing 4tss1eonmc - to nsiarry" - -M ix Qae as soda, Salt! kL llie ad at lier reprov \VWelU ut-seeruis ta mle ti atwe cima mon aund puns'oinle- eggs int skq-eaan..Do't m A i get busy and. filid yu oasewtrandiem juice,< uber 1 I tpld yu- granld- tg.Wca-n it IhaVe yitmeceting auîd add- o. the- dry ingredjents, -la yonmeo? arfac ~tuu rrn o' Pour jta buÀtiitere4 pudding mid-, s silall- -graudsoil ap- -stylonlg intown ,wil1>OtMr. co- erand aarn or 3 hours, ilie entranlce efrese - Newten ?2'- done rang (le - gong for back iln a very1h1t -în g turne agae- -c an Maxme iand Pegy ex ý-chan1ged M'ls' -Ma ysaid for meewrudla ~ad\nyn-ee id ù, ail. Al'sc been ail1 ly mied. ýire ya sre" Pegy sledV g y gycrued aýs theieft irpri e We dC idn1't he*ar letal Ta ou alilhaveTn scIe 11p Dic lie caiou biS ten~gt>~ Ah.recon t Bt' ut V hle -ï was ot An àol-cnso ai"Yu learuail a-u)tititths 4 8 when -V rc gs it, y -at no hnliee s" \acy 12-20 mine e il't wc~ m * asauirci lier. I thuli i'l go up hc1c lud aiitirwthie stairs and dress I1 don 't ki<naw mut Oi ivr ithat imadI e h 1wh l lcome Yotu d('n1t inuudl, ysface ahlne likeý opil- do yoLI. y peggy1 rutcgb Wyoforsenot Do what- f 01c1rose garden xith- aulke FgytI i se beiud Iier. Thicoth-u Maîefol-edPgy n t til il cia te liack teccace thie-terac wile Granl went up- them. staLirs for a litrIe s-t Starey a ry" he bt egiu aredydcîve1u off ta tawn ý I w; Il - we eOuIMlave fouci thaitringlbc-. ainsuilhave -tada -you a fouie this Pidgeprsncamles. lHe j ec s.aud 'wtli a-macîe- ili arrive higin lg Nancy lier ring, Staney asucc ler. anid lbow. wili e look 1en ~thliink . l", saj]Itý asurcd Nanlcy ni oid hmii to came to-0 daytaput you an cmthle so (Continued Nct..t Week> A aîttwa tfrcl s the n aiinsay Lc- (a Nylonsoof U Pattecn 1ï68-i s tasb- A In oon w ' eJ anias fîiureperfct for In One e-Icer size 48as for- 2 IPia-tîrû:4668 camnes ;',,aiz-es 12, A sttisid~n attheB. . 1, 16, 1S, 20; 30, 32, 341,3Cî, 3s', 40, A siýtîticm a di FFGoaci- 42, 44, 46ý, 48, Size &take(S 3 ya1rds nrvntn. ricIliplant lbas figureci t1at a ii 3-lci 1frc