ORONO WEEJUL3 Tý-S'qwSANVELýiRHR 30, 19,1 Times DDFElLfflW8S DANCE AN LIVELY DBATES BY COUNTIES Ç~f ~r~ T-i-,te, Oronû W eekly Times DI>RW, FRL>AX, »EÇ. 22ild COUNCIL ON ROAJD qUESTIONS C a sfe rfsinlP etr The 0(hifellows Seiv1iclubhn oi (CoQtiinued fromy page 1) COIGEET s)Cý Establishied January, 1937. urn hIhal~ nti Dace equiipmient was figured in on the 35c-~QIN TheT Associa àn de Tow n Il, Ma", on Frida late, he said. Te wo~leWonneA~ca Pubisiiedl every Th)ursd.ay miorning at the Timnes Office a 5 ve ing, lYc r2wd,ith Rues Reeve fl. Woodley M HUo-- TOW- tion a"e holding a Bazaar; ioame- A. F. MeKENZIE, MLD. - G~~~reghton'% Vnéea Enetainers in ship ,,skej ýce id tMlo oom Sl r4 At *oi Ta *iti Advertîsing !Rates on request Subsription, $115 onndnc whuentlylo é aate a be the~ baemet of th~de mez-on -PRYI'0IIANY and SUE ON ~~~ v{~~~~~~~N<> - ~~~~~~~~floor Show lastfrg for forty4ve imn- adinecitnshp Jen j, enig at- - - - - -- R. A Forestr, ubliher utes whieh wIli e worth. the priue fnm'ed in reply Mhat Jhe bookkeep- 0'e10Ck. PL A _-Fn-eser, ublihei of adisioen. EUtl particulars OÏ ig systemi wilich the flepartment Oronio ?ubiic Sehool Operetta, un- .;630p&4)PM tjus ého wI app<ear iater. The of 1ligbways had ordered instalilt der the directioni of Mms. D, Robli, PHOR4irl Orono, Ountario draw min eonist of a beautiful doli, prevented i t beiagkown by -toiwf- will be heldi in hli T'own Hall, Orono, _____________________________________________ namted Miss Betty, with ten une dol- y,~is H, ,,ggstud tthe ownon rdaDeehr tcnseLRAz Lunche lar bill stahd Tickýets are II1oW road superintendents might Ae able ig at 810f pal. Admision, 35ac; Sehl on sale Lit It e<c or -3 for 25c. t, tell. cide eopne yprrt d ~- ~ ~ xmEnglnd toy f grntinprvenen i pb- There will also be twelve othei "You locan) yol Can't give an esti- mhittdree. ac-46arti. L parents a lic eali de nn comesvtDe sii fàga npoelei nprizes, Six turkeys and six geesesmte" askeci zDeputy Reeve Au. ___________________Lawrence Ule're-tib ueinlarge part to better de-t iis iM in spite of the - 'icees ar~e nos min sale at Au5. each fAWann of Pary~ Township.1 great showage of mniay of teaccusto~d]le ffoi or fIve -for $1.ý . -1 can give y-ou the figures for RADIO FOR SALE Slitr 1,1 isj a -well kno-wn fact thýat okier p copie ore bard to conviuce - Thc - Service Club asks - for yOur 1mainstenance nnd snow removal but 8-tuie Roger Lowboy Elcetri BQWM-ZAVILLE, ONT. a o the -benet Af certain hns.1Cusitomn dues bard, anti the ad- ro-operatioR ati suport One -year no-t in otler workj" rep-eti Mr. Mil1- Radio hi batrfect -emnii. Apply of iteprsta oebn oe deiab tak heo lae ganinet. -The benlevol-ent work tînt Remoe Barnard of South Monng- Oronoe- - ---c-46-p. office 688z Home 553 ------ iýraê aud cheese, oion,-s ani heer, fricd ls ant chp -ohret as been mnceompi& l bas fa-r ex- haun rogtup the1( lack of roati work - einl Jayar weshod down by copions rauhsof tea--ail of tlhis see1as Ceedeti the expuctations, of theý Clu'b ib, z j1preposreaus t iamy a freediom)oin Engli shmanu . - But take- ognztoiAscitos-at he townnip. For somne yenr ee '-- ____________ ~'ong a o ehoo ag, ducta tlm t onng ting tbt iviual a hoe ati ar in- lad bman voting on Oie -yenrly lrd -- - WANTED- - ~eye eoo( for t ein inatei of thejtig tihat father anti luother hik, een aissset, as ceru as ciarettes peCin --Sad sorme ronds in theliort& whe ber hi opmb -mib- orr W .n F- - and ho lve> soaicing to ork AMY. That és abat haippeneti anti go'n to our -bOys overseas. It end of the ;ccùnti hi, own for i- ta-pply tu Box ii7, orw 41c. BRITRSLCTI t s ange extent in wnr-torn n-lad There are sonaie gooti thinge hacs been a reai h inita 'n elo 411c, nudio d-44-c. iARfTR theLWIT oneh ofl tlem.e Uro ie eor atanc dewe noov sign of tif moeyin NOT~ARY - -hlda ili oie-r~ fron tIc r antitIc -bove S a t is geatly jpp etiateti by -those 'that unsebei g spent yearly on ronds --- WNTDPo Rare at holme ho1j ativantage of n hot me-ni for scilool chitrs wl orne nder, i1s copeesv eaid that lie dtn desire to an- 'A DPoe J-- z>z e-reog zei ~disinvoue nian -choieen thse of tic Iinluences. This type of work costnetaesoa uth ei ha i Lviolr ndoahr. ot slila'Ya o bei icnszei rnnyrdt cry o tc odComsio oilistn hm r4 sad.M Ent Btay .r. fic 2 Rsdnc 0 - 1anlily iînocf rh -inbi r ccýneeret,- anti a -an he- as grent. cliub neetie more financesr -veryecec Nb. 1; Telephrone 7 r 13, Bethaay. BO MNILLE, o_)NT ecope fo veittuing oth ulinary mensures. it is se-id tint if a dolr re elveti bus be-an speni-where -We s1loulti la aile tu get thîn-g, We bava n-o agents.- 19 48-p. ________________ ehild rocelves- onle we-ll baance i me-ai a day, lttie ainxietLy neeti be it would do tie niest g-ood andi not don, dthout lavîng to core dalow ____________ ïh-owni abot tlie charneter of tIa e-inn Vwo. Thaet é5 m- boni one cent has been devoted to th lere te pull socieboi le-g to get il DANCE - kz--VETERINARY foi:p both -yeung and ali $ of firl-y receat innovation, Thés Loaye unde, wlose auspices this club donc,(er cr rntsnéc a-eii otnîl alWd d th--ei-ris bottle, anti i orcupre a great strctl cf Un a raîz ---- l oni> pretty - oca we wîlilisaDe& Mh rly' Dt.N M.S111VN illaitto, upcuetethc'uý-lsnOntieetf"7ýiiarii me aitè cmu h as nover failet t have brokec clown county roads ant i es,- D-cdissbrit . Bafray's and. .SHIR I weepÙtileCh-s whlch are ilu dnily lise. Tu1ey Souve a big rowern anti pro- re-spon te any worthy ause We what rneacery t o ' z ma use ir ilra be Adson 3océa fri tesl n vl,,dü Oint -iiebit of soilneth-ig: lot whic redoenis tic colti lunch. ask your coritinueti support will be rusteti anti finladly nil mre -wili mnts Di1l ot.Pocei o h R. J. T'r.SHEPPARD Wlhere commnrunity kicesor lot scioel dan-crýs are posbe sa FoUlowîng are a few of tic many lave MIft will le ici colnty- rond su-VTIINR SREN - z zuci te, botter. Wiser entiag may see healtiier people la maay lettes ant cade rvti fromg or perintonden, clclareti OeMMe lcBar- st - lands w7hen niormlal conditions lecrepossible, anti tleat's wthstriv- sesairseit rn oieN.nard. J S R I E il ~ Mi t tn ing for, is if net . 3,IOOi.Deputy Reovo H. Cnthcart of Cav- J IT A 17?)Phoný 56i r 7, Orone- *Sec. I..OF. Lotýige, anTowasip-i askie-t Mr. -Miller wi<i Carloat of Oyster Slieil, piriced sets ticae of snow lw antlhe ,15 e-Wt. If takeii out lui tan hag J. C.ýGAMEy A Dagerus uessng otiestDe-ar Sir, Once agnin 1 wolcolucd w,, informue tint tic Departiaient, le-ta or more $1.40 cwt.L Aise- Royal The proable daste wben ease Myre wihl soinad iin Euir-ope iný îi- tlie cigarette wîic arrivec th ic nudtor set tice rate. The rata was Cod Liver 011 for pouilry, re-gs anieU D MCL portant tu us be-ause aimnt cvor-y one in tItis couatry las n v5itanl- Otser day. Tlaak ycu ve-ry mucil $6.011 per icur, Wr Cntlicnrt saki in cattle, madie by Smith Broie-rage Co-. I S RA teret in the- e-nding of hostilities, G-ive-n ticape xmt date, fam.- for rernemnbering mie nt tus tme repy tit la Pe-torîpro County Dei Ltd., St Johns, 1N.B. Produceti fremsi Jirï,> CasuaIty, Autoino. Dieas of iiin oirerscas eau egi to estiate tic tfimie hichi mluat SëewWr1y, cost cf $1560. ahf. M hille-r sait tint Bay of Fundy cod Des, price $2110 a iean iblt it rabaebe httePtro- omM ap a zd ots tDey rciv o eir lveti nes back l, - again. Labo,,- Lieut. W . M . Rams er. C m ay. hav- - e-n on t it ich Pe-t e er gallon. M e u i b l t hsan ad!oa neetin Vie dpin phmlgfor tic trnsition Ceay iw neoewhc c-tlee> FLOUE. MILL Ooo --~ tro hasd Owatdiin iner prutio d t-, plnnin Nrdcnofpneo. 17, cari. Gea. Hosp. te, ope-rato. Ilowever ils shoulti Ae________________ iperod ve-lnpng ar rodctin ati ic e-wproucton f pnceR. C. AM. C. realizcti said the rond superiatont- VIlne goods. Business mni, whoic unýt plot Vie future of tha sa- Hello -Wi: As yen can sec 1 have en-t, tînt an-y proft on tic operatson STOP! -,-hinswitt gre-at caeare keenill te hav;e saie o gîve recciveil gumr, su I auniawn jast f VIe noua plow wcTnt bnci te tic THTINKI _______________ theis n an arioxinias e-tite- cf ta Conclusion of lotlii l Europe. n1ak ' u Icbycu-is like- a ah naiiýn 'i h by.cuiis Be-fore y-ou miaie a date for z Thm, wlan at varions tinies _Mr. Cilurchill, Gmneral is~ wr Bill, anti te-il thern 1 tio appreciato TIc report of Rend Superinteat- MENSADCMER2 E~ J C ( ON Gn-a ~engm-y dirai 11Halsey and others lave 2ttemptetd iji gooti heartetinese. Nat being ont û1iller foe the perioti un tu VVEMEMBlY E E E 0 TEE c-~i-ral Vi ule a 4-dftclntmf ie twntaet fia- a mniiber, 1 de thuai tIc 1.0.01y,. Novemnbcr 1 ns ne, follows :RMME toi jp the pulitry a ideagof theiei ofrd bave, bee- rend1 raedilyas n great spirit anti cill not bl Total expeinliture 1$79,15i8.89 mne TRIE O. C. S. DANCE Auctio1eCr and Valuator forgotten. 1 hope it wcnt le long! andl one-haîf milee cf mluidh ia Mur- Gooi 1Masie. Lilnch cliduets kuc~oý,-ef sajeiý oif ail eu«* B ut in the- sake of-euch stAtenent Me»e bas Amea wave of before 1 en attend your tiuceS aud -a TC-ýisi 71c: 2OUeb' . par person $ 1.2-5 per- couple eadc at reaseaabie z>tau. otio edipctiotns froni ten thcusanti uinor ani lers informed circes. funcios again as 1 nlways diti look yards of eruised pgraveI $1440{; plit-________________ Xp :J1-all since "D Day, aient evcry iman àtce sret bas bean forwad Vo tiar nigits. Thnksihiitg dizging and wrndiag in Dan- Cloensum&ate wih hhi ait Pooe6 talhig a Lumse nt Nec date cf "ý Day, agi Bill, anti 1 hope tus note fiais WAnto and Cartwright; tewnshipe VACUULMS FORl SALE ~ Oro.O e i lr,£ A~~ iftti niht lé barmle-se wer it n-et for ne psychoogi all A boys la Vne let<ica lVist. 1$2,6O calciumi cîoi ide $9,0q0; t5110w E. cho at Oroi», fIr date. if0 -ise-b thisa co-t-s Fu np-pe tlre or ene tîig -orm Allen. rler0al iu ntiading - $-f)U0t; en-r-T VACUUMS REPAIREI)_______________ ea <na li coýet usto on-,pen ag.19 face treatmnet $212f00 patdcg "GOIOD VACUUM1fS FOR GOQI) nony~ are let laVe- tie belief tint tc awar le a1iest over niat ItlWdetnpave-mente $1,00; 0rusing, cnttinq- Houee-e" Also guarai-teec AC' d" Mie- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n in-tepe i earlxto tbre uteneatcNvnbr1 praying wed $6,800; maintenance expert repairs, lubricatien, etc.~ jxý, - Ks lifurseus pae- flr weeks aftr "V" Day dae-s provies- Dear Biîl: Excuse tic salutation $8,80; rrew snow fences $21200; re- C.U.C. Sales & Service Branci ai Licensed Auctioneer and - y 3)p ï - , the msor~ale of inany peopbole i nsetlecl if ite scuints a Wite to paroacui but movingl ocd fe-nees $l,4z0; r-e-ints te AlcGREGOR, IIARWAR-E CO., e-w- V1~o liv~- -eniaiday-s prcceting the final knocckout, Canadians ahi tct pepd I es -lise toe cîle Vesas ant villages $lUso0V; out mnviey Tale-piono 774. - --t e-te- ;yaat taise Vlie-h eue f romi Çnnndnsm t he basttl isks. Wîlî yeu thanUi tie Letige at, M std n accou s f. Mi-. Mi 'Specialize int Farmr and Jiee mi nars inewiitngfer Germany te col- the tie opportuaity nyu iny behlf $5 -sric SALE - Tle ar -l On thi tocs . _ ee-m e-lea eu-a - or Vie carton of ivégley gnn wîicl ii Reeye . RCarveth oef Ne-wnastle- Tue hnesgtt as raceived in- -_mu e Sales cm np e - C w* s a akw -av oc r et bef ore, h ave receiveti. As 1 lave cianget insked the rend suel~cnten-dent bhat structicas te SA!l by <public nuctiou Consuit me for -terms auuto 'ns bard aisa e have -verby mY ad&res iV didnt carne penn-ps as Vie lteramenet camp- at Bowiman- at lie-r laVe rositence, IBeech v. n ae ii -îý é4rtp rd tn lio aso esoru ase Vie-y- hava e-ve lebeen,,,,,Q ,ad ae L-loe-ýhoig tlepurchase of ViCtery Le onde War Snviag caa' purchaseweuîd exnt. sus we h cnus edehue ýCeTiica:,s ad ,,Vr avig, S,>-aiip. mregmnon ov tic stere y- tionie.11r. - 11e-r saiti Vint effeý--etS cf V:1e laýIPte M. P 1, Davis. Phione 1620 lak ~or~i~cntes e-ad War aviage S ainPs. - rnr~, anyque ever lore cr e-il)- he rd net know olcfhland but Vie pow Sale viii inlchude'-1 4be-droonli suites,________________ -- , ., ~~~~~praciates Vie-sa luunas -- as usec la keapiag -the lfoi miljesnles -erficii suite, taany otiitr-oen -At preset 1 arns wihthVe isi aonuatVe camp -dear cf -saow. -tablee, chairs, rockers, lampe, lange -- - - A .New idea - -Regment et Canada.' 1 epent a few; Terme -cf VMe celletct -with Vlie gev- ani mnîl 1:u19 (mlnY rne-ai geeti>, - E p Trl A --on IlMicigan, comas Vie aaws tIat a aewv idcle tindys n thc lospita anti ater my e-rament svere paymeat tu te ii un- diig nom suite, radijo, oee-,trie tILtL1 î~'n- ~iI~i ~diécharge froms- Moere repon-tedtio a tie o-f -$L,, an Our and esages cf stové, ceai Cook steve, sewing maS lbg e"imvd wh'eie sugé.r be-et see- c y le put up in i tern cm f reinfencanveat base in tinte to Catch twe, me-n ton starndty tiun and $4 an chinle, refrigerauen ou pnintigs Insurance Aîgency -p4 wc~1~asd piaiitecl ha -eqnnldy spacaied ler. A trerneidous aomOt unl e-mergeey drafto te ! Us I unt bhur wien in use Nenrby eemran. silyerwnne-, glnseware, clishes, jar- FIRE AUTOMOBW, ýzr i11 W e sav'et, me -are Vcld, anti laVer iia tbe grenie -e-eson, ban-o- applieti fer n transtor bnaci to e coulti ose tde pîces wîen ît was, (linires, 100> jars, eaino fruit, alumn-1 CASUALTY ANI) LIABILITY iattantivts larepacecl y rachaer. I isbelevd Vn-V - Ve- 43Vh ns 1 ted it more or le-ss ny net nee-dc y Vie laVe-raat 1camp, ialum, curains, drapery, IecdiMnp tu ucu Souset 5tat L1 i ideo maie Self svistaiing evitii regardl to its regne-nt alter senvîng VIený lengVl of --plI1s, stair carpet, hall talle, ward -hmwy kK amitit s raly ema n- -e ond-nov-r le Ve- time I diti rwitiVhm. existesi 1 g uc s thora i, -bouad terbwsig niachine, lassa mozwen, NEWCASTLE P. 0. twre et an ols-ug1r -siorîageurn t'os Alln leokiag tornar t Vo jî f iaIn- le- qite a te-sanges lie coi- ste-p laclion anti gardoni tols. May V tù>- G 1iida ignt- wvell vie Vhe situation wvlVh itert ba- - lir au viclit o-id acquimtanes mnt.Sr -riia peu' tlc ae- cea ativdinl n-l anslis ii ifm on-cc, agnin. I gutess lukciy it will le une You thiai wol tii nee me tiOn Tis -s a ag u n c- leý;1 es au large- bala antitïil el i e sorie e-f the Largeat, Strougest -- t,,z wifi> too mmi uteity as toe i ative qualil~es cf lee-t tint long peop-le l feiget I e-ve as W'm. , taivi le atLOQ 'clcck sa p a.ee. ilie 'nd i~sl and -~~~~~~~, ,uan -me ".ele l us tînt be-e eCgaainntasde-