Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 30 Nov 1944, p. 6

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- TTIVw A REPORTS PÂTPIOT lîl-itkeoper'a Wife Suegar BricksNoYlfdsu g W RE O N M - - - - ~ -'- U~~La~n~PrQblems à method of eatacng eand 'on- -? *a The British, Cerrmonwealtsetam ua etj~e-atteIoi~~Po ti ç~~ AI Tralnig Plan Will The nm st islated grotp M> plc of production ;s uowic ised -in 'The public lias nc OfEi ly ~w~ En4 Mardi 31, ~1343"faily" ligh staios àisn Albeka Rusia to redice cout of -apo- warned uner IH Ibç no l-etde Theimene ritiali Common-adter oa faces "n'Que 1tation. The ice is ex acted and lg n aia hneti - TeahTringPa-escee probilms, ' says Ilhe Chr1î1 st'ia n e vaporated tnen prssed - lo -bd- year - nor an h entr g of anly Y otit tr crewonti-ncerMonitorA quettes whici ame sent tg- a lrarge knfrtatmte,'4 t ast Vorne ut il-i Foremiost Îs transport, as Mfle establishmnt te bc, covtdilto Wit trnpr til1 disorgan- - staec h a emnyls t io- îgtlihousce b.ride discovered after sugar Eixperbiens bave chown lzep imports of coai ame nt p eaet Bjiihc sag spofywîlci]onMac 4 brin-gig ber grand P3fo t that these briqetts cari 6e stored inpssr le, Parîsians hlave beun a1ie smice H teend~ an ?arplscf Alska. Sh'baL oi4idwe for several carsý cithout cheinlical bIl and tlieir ownl muines, wlhose scrt a \r c s i fo te1 in A u p a n w o it as taken, ashore i a cargo c a g or os of u ar cratent. pkeep ha s b en negect c]d r6n yerg Swet k ~air E's Tf, tbe îbnai ~ '"koat and heaved up a, ciff to herthocutonacktbe - + the Fer dat ori the theiao-adas n boum. es smetme -eliegneos Oni top oi that, thec ýuqiuienets dnae tfby the paicipants, Mqtinu. requie carefui planpming. checkis for in tuctîrg thImm own cid 'tieFrench p-ublic services and' the Cirited Kingdolr C1nda ale g(lcs ajerdon~ chidren and those of the, other above ail flhe urgtcnt requireients '#V ArIv and Ne yeard are s'pemtDY c mat, keeper. cTritorial iaw pomides a of dhe Aîiîed armies are stîl se; A àv4dw tranbg seee 0! Vegetabies --t 1d datiry ProduttCs teachetr for five puipils. great that transport and latior 04,.s~al ie~oîsxii1e-ttie bronght' by a weekly imailboat. Social lfe às mceagerc Keepers canilot yet bc divertd for dolres- snial thiliesate c rediness, ned ' Smergardens- 'are boxintiful, wok16 hiours daîiy one ic, always tc douin pu-roscs cuw xl operatina tbaoumn tnis fîhplentifL if tu )4i"rn-1~d n watehy For 18 ami ls thek -~ y~~e ir înaîiy fô Canaian -Or ea-ytroult streallis and i ,vwives dra o f the six .loriolis plpsA -fer, Marc 31, 5 945, Col. Arne Dal, above whci was ieàono ~An brd nWde caa îoalntholev he the y .badsand ..l Goe Far,- -~~~~hs *fil cot form- part of thte tihe commander of tise aMous i soingilynalodrct- ,tae ihterhsad n ZI Ae .C.A. Y,' -but' xviIi îarry on as Aita Battalion during the iast loýg, radio lippeals ta t .,e Coast jisit fr-iuids. R..ý.sclio s, the l.aiiter flr days of Norway's- stand agan t Guar fice nsuor i te OLDMA Gi -aunvir in~ oid ax-40 beules air, Majr Power, bias aoone. the Nazis at Narvik, now is iead- tw sfsi- ot,-O»MAIGit iemr-ta onie 1?es~~iei tii n taiih ~ ing a contingent of Norwegian Chbrn same r ealthy. An old-tinsr is one wvho can long, andi séeets can be seaten cnnada w-il bci1 gradoated 1,-îc isoidiers fightinig with the Ruse School-age youngsters usugfly reine-ber %wheit P. bureaur was e fromi- it les- tlhal 1-2,500010 of an fore March 3LI They~ wil 6e pîaced âians against the Germans on Nor- board ii-, toivn, buit former teach- pi-ece ecf furinit'nre. incihicc R'~P, ai crw rseve nd wegîan -sou. Col. Dabi was -as- n i aki cre\ý,i Wes and~ stant ïrsilitary attache at thse Nor- -w4 bd -"i t eu cu o wegian Embassy in Washinigton 4- -- tlities hI -lstrors sand other -before reti.îmnîng týo Englaîsd to as- CCUtAT -&A)Tu BAIIY FoC~S -- u SALE- - ssxICAL. -air crev staff -nt cl.iguble for over- suane his pro-sent commerand. 11111 Sa RAL - L0APSý_ QoQD, B~tU STO44Cff AND Tf1R*,ýJ MWRS sens nprtn wiii aise, be ne- plt ckep . OUR FOtYNUA.TIOI, STOCK1 IS l0iO t-o i aîs - f ten "ric caseo of il-li-ý,ll Stiax o LageBîSiesss.Trv- register-aê and pse1îree& bïrd$s ck Gregrvs Machineryr Ëi- I 11 ags. N oe rn to have. e chana, 6tand~ l-,xSR Aà euw rnrn te mkd a AGenl D scnde WA1E nWU Pries- -o$nxdbib, iaSs.i omnuS1nt gpr __________________ Socts E., To0;a ont.ehrss 's II4VRCME1DDP hie. t~ i& on ' voiuntry basi ir,00 Pund fri es ILarL uiil lbe ofbed grond crev per- The recent~ death of the Eand cf M~EN ANDi MOMEN IN TOWNS TO Rockts, $18. lu hite Lcgorns, $5000 CASS? DO-WN 1ITYS THIS suffer o f 1fliIntie P'ail or 1 hande the sale of MO gwatee"d =.0; , M'hite Riouk, $2100; tbiry.rooia apartnient bu1idîns xeuil sh-ouldtr in "n'sRen cfums 3mspamphlet cat- for, each 200 mixedýc chichi-s ouri- mees Propery wcli rnted and the tuiral Scottisb Kinp The eari osed to alogue FFR on «Qeanet: lj'A- ed and 25 fKee chlcks for each showig 10 n iInvestissan)t, A1-i excvloeo apiainccept cIaim that ois fansiiy connections ILEX, 1600 Deicrimir. Mlontreil 100 day cd puilets orere. in good condition. For further CONSTIPATION. MrcLIsJNI!sq, inertin___________________________ri- paeuhs, Nt IATO, HIGP ]e uHdersedbd Marnln vr uod n stnnaHis Onacr, BnIMîîTED, 10 Qurension açhe, (piclcy rUeiiev d eh Vu- ~vii e hwoorble as tue Rusa Famîiy'NaOL ESALISHED CHICK _______________ St., st. Ctrieont. La asit.Tee» reguir wl-h ddpesiicssaq eI the 'at.i OU ba-t agent la cor-ts Xruuilt>. Weea91e aseeu as repiacenclnts in England, commens tthn locitie la Ccad e k OL EPR front within thre fre are avaiable. dsor star, orders for clicks, la your spare NTOA N OK Gim$ Cstete esdeceof tMe. The comnmisson is good BE OrRTIN0 SRCULING; GOO)D, NATIONAL1E UNIT BOQKS Vaè ate h edneo nd the chocs are wu! and fav- heaithy icks this eomng Sea- TUINICERS1- -ORER IN advance _______________ Dr \fai 1cRae, scient-ist in the Bowes-Lyon falIiily, was given pprahl known. Wvrite for foi mon hy in tcing your ordè noiv the ceîsorilyaprvç su-rvey en ails Rox o.182. -é? Adelaide Wr'ie for 1915 prices ci-- ouri0v "Hebrew Nationalism5' BE A HAIRDRESSFR tus tobacce Centr4 Ex- te Si jon Lyon -à 13 S. Ho MU, Torqato. ernient Approved Chiches s(j1a perinntl - ~ ay - asaieoti'i~ -sc]sere±ryi- - -~ijP~lg cssting he%=?pe (1) Old Testanient Pdiwiples JOIN CAI-D' ti witi --very-l irde- exaso n KngR 'eirti- Il cf Scotlanld, He-tirRUNITE raising botter powntyd(sig Qqiipi eult >Canadiaxi t cbqco grew- -marriacd Priiscess jean, daut-Lgbiter cf OPRENU 01- NTN ?UTR 2 Pltis f Eus'F in i fied profession,. gocd ers cofi4- prode-- usWer nonmal IlSEr~gv teyin I L W ORRM FO Ifemre ycnir copy by sendîng on andaiiýý s gssPih. 151 vo Rbr vogvth wg a- business -i-oc if -Tcontis or doMSclllar tai ordci te: i-n.Ufsira-O cagu :free. conditionsME enQYfARD KRUEGEU twrectern Ilayn colsw üe - cn4-t -s vugs thaceternet rgmP4e die csdte for their home - tihee I rger Onterlo tcwn 2 ad- ~ MeîonV Qista-ri MM~ RevieRv PuhiIs1Erj M'rit c, Cal 'k - ise Cana diaii demranci;plus20M0OOt00' Thse -nith Eau! of Stratismore acn rmcf10anld lu sierss, --s M'e bi 1. 1oae 5 n14 east of -Toron- SENtI F0OR CONTINST SHEET ANDi Posti Terminail "ýA", l[oonto, Onet. M'4RVE HAIRIIYREýsIN'O '--to S0O000j000 lbs. for esipor ;ý -pr0- nia-rie a] dagt of the Bewes te. Iighost clisq NIJKlinn's on sue howv easily eu can wi $50; Il '- FI () ac~'-) 1 vie fis prepirdl Io v'onpee.1liya-] de e ~ e is ble, propeier .- 17-0 acres tili- Ton should also mman more amiut 358 -R(01 W., TOfIi TO -v'îfedi Vl de ir an h ale -Lots A f-ru-nléngater, oui, Ea-rly- -Rcol&iizrgtiîs _o1nt. Y7ot - A IIELI' WAJNTED - - 3rancsei: 44 Ring St. t amHwn, quaiitý 'and p$rie~ ýiti , fow'egn- <ywp to make th~he he nnted 1e -et c$ 1 ,0 l, . Biox- No. 15. nay net xvi-, Cte $DAO0 prie but - - 74 Rideau StreetOiaa 'g ief., 73 Ade-ad -W. wl ent1e. You am muc of a, Mu-ral discount'E PEfi-L E N C E D AS4EANUI, -. - ro-n - B4 -Lynwhic- is i-he Ql ecri's - -on -your -T-we7dloicis if ý-ou single. any nai-ionali-y, urider 60 --- --LAYING AN)REAU' -TO LAY dveop rite painet thut - xiii - - - - - - - - - - - - & y__ yenlin Vt Gardine,Ç luots Unimmediat- detîveri. give yoi4 suninier and fail pro- ATTENTION - TRAPPERS. LGM.. Patenit - - - or.ý ?Es-t be -,taa Aseso - Brred Rocks, New Nanspshies, diuction wlren eggs aen i-e higis- bemaqs farier, sa inarvejolis se- 1890: 1, King isc 4 Agr'iculture, ~ . hte1egens yl4s est. Tise cookocs svil ho rend<y eret te anai' fox"o, fivo disses Ecokiet o Informion' on r'e- - -;1,mýl a iiieiunim ameiuni as ooigodr fer da", d fer. marlket 'ei -hal highest aceat toiie-hn-rp.Addi-ess Louis qust. - k. isy nnx~r u cP Muh aisQ î " ins chc solwde Chc 1scher- prce fe the cPar. lRanI'ý hunera V7ioy. Estoo î u,~h~Y ~S1) as à- -lialto ,,uhasetsi rdcdi L"- Chlu nt cerne ha te >Tw&dde 5-tatcherio ___________________ 1010 o-'h&bese mdcdWC p«elocc Leisee ya afi-er yeaàr anOd a1s a' grnoup aLI-1AlTf) ~c -~ - tn c'r- Cridabs-lutleprcrse fr searc the peultrynueu we asake StyUhEiE -CURE 1 ,LAÇRRfý1E AL D N -u TuIuIîri i itiiii - n -n bas ther; ut is cxiported chiiefiy - th-e tARDRCS N~ IAP ihe iosi- eut et Poultri'. sonO for GIRL, FOR GENERÂL, 11OUSE- TurkycyS. Homn remedi' full in- Jifted, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cn" - n-c ttst aefr-ibig- hrs ht ehrs yrO eietcrcutar ais- 1arli' book- Work: ,mail isinie 4 miles froin ai- 51 as s00. Haroid sac- bu Imm Unc - tle onk UShC and esrbed tpellet for hnW priclist Imm.t Aise fr im- Torenito. Christisan. uood wag-es. corùsahei, nrewýer-'s MJuLO, On~t. --cor-,r tam pp cotïerings, arn forii5 other Ais laing ns rendy te lai' niedite dèlisery layns and IVreirsMc. Leslie, R.R. No. Y s"luboelktng ordIes fo 95 reacy loai' pullels T1weddie Todmarden. »o èhick 1iw rcctlge es C ici ai-heries I4sie, e- x'EONE MRIEOTIA UDSNotca Chie es nuelpis, ont, guait(l Ontrie LI- fire anti heat protctin us-s. gusI Aitrký MARC Q MI <T RBU _____________New___________ -_______________ te taise full charge of hocg ,grainta l (c0N , 1L ]i-~W AI9III~ - 0l' feedhxsag practisci. Stato selt ~ Crs, wondçerfuh boo fus ree. htk.Seo-ro aloc wnat -you, $______________ h 80 îlr nontlh. Wýrite BoxP ILVR S RYiY~NO ~ EfN -os r osmis fc, Ti5eMsin io 1 Awantitr prnos cernmbe i-e. at lo id î,, o ________________ ris-ee pro cd ec-ati - - isapoitmeii-as te bres aad HA\V vstI ANYTHIM NEDIS - ttteïIl of a nci -flouse deileci dute -ou Ôscs luar'y dying or clainWrite te, us 48,B'ntod n.; N Health sais~IE bcN no. frifrntnW r la e WNRTI ITL S n ,A S TWIlLfý N mi-W - oqti-ý1ý or foi aie S1s hcs1 v 9rd¶ ersow ansers i-oyori aiesons iîD i-io WATDwg ,Silii ae e ,nssil g gfierg- ertINR ly'- - - 041 ir o- PcxiiveJy Does Relieve -ý1z -ý -";eJé s., -Rans-ihi-to, nt. muent A, Patree Dre Weorha Farni, 11110No. y, Emebt, On t. fi e. IR ~ve y s' b~sîc] - - - Lim e.71 cgeS-etTo HOIJSEKEEPER FOR F A r ý,, Th YCoinlu ie a r ig tbeil, rhiianW emUr 100 CHICKS FREE- boue, ep bncoi' ndw rs-çc g «I 5ST&-IJs boemu onl, i e in late Co- Pa«Liul, aw~e onsreoni nea WI'lH tVER', O Ur(- 51)0 PlUL- POlSAL set. Bacer Bx,Landecoe eai- TM TST )QUL îhtte lîOw lea yen ae sufeed qe-cscs og 11(10 t;ee chieks ----________________ :1 ntre $22,8 per l , bsrrýed Rode pub- SUFFObR IfREEDING R Aet s, SEVC and SATISFACTION Jet ý19 pmn luxt's~u1 Vo.o thw Ibu chelcel Legorr petiotsu iin r(pr1 ecleda %umoune sur IA REEIIP oxU, lo 2ls 3-or 1-O Wh-it ek aise eaisDr. ( gi-s tr-r--ung--- - ----__ or uie.$29 erto iý Ceis-uci de,Luaènhurg, j)sii . '110W TO BLEAK ANID VRAIri R ~ PS ie - - cUcrs soid -:ckd l hi sgi ergg Hese. bock evori' farmer Il U GL V,-'4W 14ECKE i ~iar d stck. h00 oocksyour N MTCI TED RýA. MARES, AG an REPRaîni isc,~hve-f-ieliINTS 8 te-r 2,1, ~~~~~~~ch I 1)~- Sri i!aïlanc .ol,. Putno I id broci ghanea nori isilgan Pinspli aSt-rsa ]PINEST' ENLARINO 5R\lU & a .U2ia.z,9' Ii 10% liseudelvery. Kontliai-ch- Ieavi' sot School of oiemsanship. Ïciu mai' net get aIl cih filis yon -OP Money aack oî,Ch-thm OtnBrnaý( dT Tellr, Rei iOn Ot. Det 41 Fes n , 0h0, wani- i-bis yoatr, bLut ""ou cen get ail sorioQf ngc ras rm« cd by eczemp FOR- SALE, -SIiE11 AN Cu file ho iiilti' and service vnu 4Jesir'_ Formuc relief IMtrectte- s-îlcr r wh1ýFo n byt sending your filman- te conitin -e n a , inedictO liqulO.OnE OR 8,CHCi NOW. - i-on n v 1e Hex 22 Bru ce-lI ________________ RUSIa .D.' kIRPINGeaeeand a oi-be. ia itd i n A R, N AIRElN«TH-E Slo J. Toronto_________ s on ew. " i ner en cd sio , d fi omi 2, 'R. gL1s- $:l.J -1 r,> B ý,r$ItE , i Al J) N P o eusi rgsdng eIa.s ai-h Ùe am u cf li 4 o -f the oia'o ilxe i--uu Rwm un dmvrd Otbn iso' R1rresn -qý, ýlssesCa -______________ -'- x~,pri ais Pou'i- ai-, s-viet co- "' oc '-~~WSte t lchras - Phno tnenrr -r C or - te en nm' lu Av-eue, -5355 T. <rit. imp oneeops wi --ton resuarc stati--i bcamie tise ai -u pa ]w arR eu ï imrn-VANT,1, O P CA-, ceteoapes-diiar kidc of pi!- acce rwm 1100 pe '.u pu 0010s u UB u oh n cf is' din tuf),pe w1li, ie RockFlet uîysbsihe le EWoreu lonie lde sdgni-ee'ahi goa o-K. C. 900 Nom wuaP J'c tiY'lâc 1i O l ine 10 Sw îs og-le Too,, --J--. -las - - __ bi __v 1ario1 - hi'. .uhlno plouc T- 10 01,1 0 Ile $24,00s, ann good d

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