Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Orono Weekly Times, 30 Nov 1944, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY T1METHUII 'ý N <vBR3, 9 qm kart K L ",e Mr, and à1u. Gýeorge Wley CISM ~ ASQ~ UL0 N e ]4a. dt, Bèt 1ri lisoil, K i Dcar Frie1 as-1t<s is du e - -M d,ýý,d, Buy Supponmid pte.GRE]ETING (11110I eSTTINES eekjj_, duey At ~ .w r ida gIL, z t e w ernOf y<mi' n7iving front -~ ilnd an ~ of Mr, Und iMm Cedu Robinswn ormdt W Le<oaiu fh Chioise, fromi-_ ui- open~ display HeUUUre is a agi vrryc4p' Mr a d~Iias Frai ~ Olhai in :or oi mu iy there ïlu 111C-ut l"11itr IanILFak h RJamé ani are thos wJ'±o e'one and go", TheDIo fmreta20 uVsF-k Barrie and- Muri ~ ihiod11 wea oue ïhers are oters rio spend theèr _ e rig Cards. Prie 0 Ct 'IAGE STTINE ami~~~)Ub plu 51ht ~ ~ ~ ~~ e, 10e., 15e andi 25c, ahAt 25. t'O Der box J. adeh ie fte areewê~s or-kooc. ive look ripou thems CRD ASCQ1 uggesioft ar r s n, e e- t- lih tea like unto the ever-lasfing hit". II eah ......... - ......e.. au e , T o ~,24p,~a Avrs. Rob3ert Mor011 adi tabsDs rety wenpw ea of 1.2 diesigusa_25 R. ~ fiHHen CantQnDr, Mr. and Mrs. Rlussel BOK ', 12 . .. . let of Xinas- Pre icit~t ~ l1uA srR oieý.' cwa a b eJat m Pee;P t oe of their. 2nIoving 9Wt -pou are un S~o .......~,are sur nt please 10MORil and LiudayL (Vn an A ont Sundy wih Mrun1r mag Ge lattes During your si,- >f Dobl ... ....6e ___________ _ecls of Playing, ards ~~~~~u 31oreStetn journ hore, you have cherfuiy -given .ox....18 ....~..... $1xeO .........c.........i Aýi I r e d Jf.r . H r o d ~ c n e l y n o f y = u U e a u d s u b s t a isc e t o ev é y -C i a j a A l t ,e i s .... F i 'o e m. . 1 1 ý1r. AUre Rekia") 01 .'rowth i goocin woy and Wn fypeciall laiý this oxo o d ....... 1 W- wer& ek-ea gimte of Ty rs. Win. ilakýe Jr_, ark and lifo of the chirlstan chuvh. u1 2frBRUSIICO AND MIRROW MAGAZINE~SU rV -t M rhur oNic~ny, Jewca"stle, visiteci their nsuia2'eô. E FOR GIFT Inot ier. ALtrýW w l. i-Ic Sv_ at th u r lita ~V11- a. aone me ~h e f- y gt dagher 'rFion; yeu!_r atafsaes oýyL]tY,~ andiP GIiFi, FOR 11111t. 1qie st37$47 We ham L.¶*.t ub -s n - - -i5r, wat flobin , o r e ilfred~ Brwn , hI o - anc spêu mau e~n yo Ae a larg'e and l-aried as- andl ............ . 75 maitu ~ ry gazine- v gnt Sundy at Air. un'.ed iM-hs. chisia haa orovel, ait <soimnt of New Beaudfili -New ail Phlte$ Son 3-piec, pral Sei etg . M~lrs Jacques Sr., Tioo Mr. ta fne eaanla- have a e mand Qa- Lde'Pre~ es ~i e9 a . ...... Cads are supieê. fu ali ~. J abeen ~ axInu 31res Walter Jacques and three egeousU.W -io t u-uarsu sAdije -- -PT)OC - iý. ~ ~ T.1ov b sbe cni ned~ hHidad, ;Kington, andi Mrn EsfortW L I Vek ovtaty ues s h a A d n e ofi K'ngrtn oef ail guostsof Mrs place 1iii hé hardl te âfIi WN e ye eii, iardenia Ya rtitey, Cii ex 31aa lre Seis, front 35ec i'. parc" sà e he fuifourdg J ininc, oty andi M4dinald~. te ... .. .... ~ ...... . eacii GIETS. FOR NLkN e o ~~~~~dll fi ~~~~~~nlso aonfidert tii-atý our -bs wrill bu aire .RvmNi uae~t tmodB~n tesgi.W ernayfin7~ dine ..~ 0 e<1i0 e trcieSaugSt aac u u w - n se au ay . M . -S. e ti g sic you te aecept Ois sinil troyen of Indni . S.-)e 5 thaý rc practical ond appre- nà Saird; S: of the lUi i Church estecrn anci appreedtion Tfhough lis1.e'..~.... 50ce $1 ntd e. r ahlr luetyd YOLJRd Y'rl'4 -Jsi ifne sin-arrI i Il ie ari i c% hoý ýeadîng of a hynun -iy -Mrs Ceci enhancoci, hiaving the lam n tutr . ...$10W $8f PiAliiiiiv, Gôgate at !,en- o. c wsei-a art~u l * pesidnt.Ainong other -aOeonayng ià are pleasnt nie - C rsr-s at nipekth-k e t f ~eu~trbnin~sti- vrinssc vaie eeories, happy associon w, aice ýe a. r si m et Frei 6 . ,;Iït -ased ) brhiig thi rerts for thie TnsIiS IFrienI hip17- ael f)ip-TIIY Leno o<McNi ~ )ee r i- n.The - members or. As -In the past, se in the days W "LJ TIE-Ç j Sh p ig... - uc' d ~ em ie siec-o ~ia1ii-tieu sîeuc>n to coïne, niay -G-d's richest blessnng Lethr Bl.Flg ren 7eY jue- - lewn - wis -h wome -iln, ls to; tihe nominating con- 17t pos uni , andnma& mu ao em insnates 1a-"Tweed". Il T9~ $q;$~$37;$.0 _______S__________ad________sureo___haon n -hoe Sua in" Miracle" andi -,,- --. ri,- te h uinsÉ r things -vhichi niakýe for good "Pink P1artY", frointT ail,.~..- ~ ..$2 - ~J Y KUjI,. A,- -ar-ri gv a ,pedidW ao citizenship anci nobiiity of-c aracte 83125 te $GAou -ý7 antde ..ti ...Kis. at $125 ý:M ou C atmnity - Frienshîp". j M. m Lanehc rsetc PERPUMES T 'Y Rit1.1dL !àà'---eKt us .. 810 - Lachian han introduce t a-cr electr floor lanap ou bc-ae i<a-s $ > y% p-at-ot 60-e. to $271--Lather ReW1Ups $....... sMai Weh r OCW ti 10e tiUth hif of tnie eongweatien. ~M.WlFitted -~. . f+ vWs -ft~eDaekie, fe whi, key exji- essat theïr appreciation in a C L N S i-prç iseeaynakdou Fr-"l4.4t-Pp...... aNyeer.ei ors after whîdch $1.10 &oeeyVcka i-C -~il - hlose'd the meeting pry. frawl-hsnue '" ,~$l e$6 ~r acae niteei i>~ ~lgBuhs. 5. ai sang "Biest be thie Ti Ma - wide variety of Gif t te- choos,-e _____________85c.__ P.'-iIresentation Al" Acul)of teawas ohn on- 4 reg la'r motl eefang of Joyeti.p p 1d' eanty Box.,.. fe Ae Q:_ ."00_BOK FOR -IEFTS the Clrk______, ram _______ Cat-e Teilet -Sets, fri s$L:0 m- -- -i- F. ncuen touce rs fr ti .rs J t. ... ........ 2. 0 ... Wateruan Pen a Paici Sets Newest Tite,,. $2.501 to M325 - -- -.~ e uien wse prosnted wth a ~1~~/'AN 'VILE ., istingPo1rers, fre 7,5e. are always u pe2ied.~ eua ~int90,iid$,5~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l slwyiwo aeat hrimtr11~Cashmere Bouquet sets.Il.99 Peu and Peneil. ut. $5!5 $0 Childri's B>oks,. 35c., 50C. os"pi u t fnish, r. T. Ryer trd 214fis Phlls iRfolings -orth, A W$110 te. . .. . . $li 2 anti j... .. 56..and ............... ...... ............. tiA cdasir eMs .JuO omnvie &M vistet A her home Bath CMyscals, frein 69eC. 75C. - 100 Yoar sets, ut $40 ac loksfor Boys~ nni G.irL, i"t - ioade -th~. e ientartioli. Oth-e-rini- over thoe eked borap o-n tii-a pmp mi-ni f r the aen- aur. anci AMrs . Sid. amaflo-. eil anci................. .. . 8e eis eman Pn .,, 15-.e n ..,....... .......... 75e :tne, -, ing' were a reqding hy Dorothy Sta- ehiltirn visiq c ut -Mr H. Ruask's - -lotn, ian so y Mlaugaret Ovens, Por - ope, on1 S--ay. - -ai-ti gic 1.~t~4esant ti-ai uss M an - irs Ai EHolliigsworth, prayer. The business part of tSe y -. - <a -of thie Travelling Arnioni anti Phflé~ vi éted at ilfY. meeting took up morit of the tinte as __________________________________ LU ies- Branch,< Toronto, Lunch Jina RIàthet'Xord' on Su-ntay. - - fial plans for the chicken supper Lde' -P - vedc hy AMsirMlen s un -Airi ns Jack (ana, of C-andi baszaar 'were discusseli In the Lde'Fancy Pint Hanidkerchi.efs, Nch<. { Sei -i Mis- Prouso -of Newton- hoYurg, Mis. Ah. 1?hompson, of Port WM.,pp t of the n eeing, tihe Rev. Lde'bn eteHnkrhe b-,< - - - - flops, visýiteti at Mlu. (B. ~.f1 on J.i M bah gave a vo- yitrotg - v Jiiresntatio11 -a-ml Address- - -sunday. tak- On tho mlissienary woxk dore ÏI-n- e e 1,.. ..,.,. . .' , , ma Be ni 1Uer h= I stdden -death of Me d1r g a-ries -of vthe aisn M£h-ho leïeace d-~- -T~ oixuiywss-ccti 'i -ln ia ot eit< ~e~~1<e' VitsCrene 4u.l- i ~ (ihreh Suedny evening tho congge. David Robinson. Deopest syii-paiiti!Y there in thie presant -<war and& tii-ar Ilorsehideý Pý-1 .... W - - gal enyyed:sa social heur i th Ya widid te hos relatives. - co ntact wî,-th the natives. Th epresi- Mi re vs...... 5fr and AxIr G-o rga. Walkey. D- Mi:,r andi Mfrs. Les. Allidreadi andi dent thonî spoke a f0w i-vords an', Men wirse ('ïe __......1e tu M'- ~i te <v-olngiM -Coc- B-isen fa1ni-ilY of m Orono, III. ani Mis. R. asked ifl vre -e setui-xg a Chrs- - e s &<~~c . . . . . . . ______ -- - Alilirçai and Lois, Mlv. Les. AI!,]", tuia eam te the peoples ofthLle Shopping Rags ti at Mil c-arry the load, eaci., - 39 of Lake Shors, hadti ou A 1f.. e triot wl1-wen r- i-re sendhig SBrs 2ver s,.I~y7ô.Dcs 6 t<u 32 Stnigeans. ou Satair-day avennig. - - -aeais hemaig ls Ouir mi mein ls pair ........ ............-. ýThc Seci-i .Iur eti d th a ha I-n unci prayer oido açi Cosmnetieag assorted colors, eagk- 5, 2010 09çIENCE MO1NITO1 TAK'ý"R ~IIIVIL yon Liitr L E Ladies' Gelasucede Nighitgownis, coors T Rose,- - -- <tfe~k lauNewpd ar --Me and Ams Bort Tri-n and fui -, W. I M-bers Enterodi- ad B-lue, s'zes mnedium ancd Irge, ach .... $119~ t"s liéoCi A e m n neie an s Dal I DieiF a n san frx .I mmxr n iuo CradIes wooden, good size $119.-.. i-extkdie 'Weëey Magazine Seci-kin, Ma1ke Mi- ani i Om Pll ca this- -rIontIhte i-i-i-!0he!-V Men's WnVrter ý wîth Ear Flaps, eaeh ~ - r' he Mone* fn-sae e i- o-e l ted atc. Ù12w HalluelI - ticial nedts -of their - as w9nk. -tuodS lrIgtBatr~-r~ta' ~ - - i-is Doreen l'arroi, has gone tY Mas.d T. Hulditchgh aateres rera -F. tok ~ileClr ~riei -~i-eae Phsi-~ Stset~ Be vmav îe teworkîa té Ge ag-h invitoti four gwes- for dinnarey ec Prar - u- hicx the s. id guerts a h Glass Fruit Bowfs, each.......... .. 20e ~~i-< -~4,,r~a~.ncl g-d~azni<Se aMi s Alenonci ,.tie Furru1 r pivîlege of payinig 25a ()n i- ay -rui Nap 'e --eath, 2 f or - .... . ,, iltttOdi-L1Ct-Y 6 san eveninig 'lrs, John Pattoni gave 25CýýsuÀ ass ehetiNi Cndi_ Hoîers i t hlngo pa0ty ut hel- honle. lt -wahia GasC n l ï d reah . ... .. ... e Air'M. anid \:r, . -Carlios Tumblypn andi ovsly me Gnight ai-ght' anti a gond -- -------------- --nmuy-Onael-on e--dyu M.tiber of the-a&iglbours attod. GROCERY UFEATURES SANWISb CcG-ON REQUEST1 I.SakMvrs. Hlitichi -von tii-a ladies, fir CmbW CiknGmo op i.s .-. M.anci Mrs, Aif. Dobson i-pont Ca-pbl' aee Gub Mrs., l2 tin 25eh&scon -, - - Th~~~~~~~~'lluesduy withe i r anci Mvi- Jacki ze un ci. rci -. onec th e en co fni-d ~ fu w t 4d . . . . . . - --- - --- - - mu nDunsford. AU - oe o h rt ii P a u u e,2 z a . .... .. 5 Me I. Wn.- (Bava y, who has beec pr-ize, oi Elliott ta se-cond,- ai '- rd ls Y f r . . . . . . the- consolatici pèize -oienit la boum l~dis ~b~sfr.......... Wâe ol bas gene up W teiped I hile Rtobinson Mvi-. tIldikh let- -lt Shelled Almôncds 3 ozs for......... ...... <itxhiç sont M 1r, Lawreue Savetry, aqstuht h et&hl .- 0vna y" lag CVil,«A Trimettes, Decorate _Ur. ai Mn-. -Haroldi i- <-i ing "ThIe Choappie who came te -ae.......... me a-'l, nt Milton Robinuan rfillefl lue k s. . . .. . . . . u G-yy F ene lon F ulls, are spe ui l n ivh tii-e c ho rr1s. T h ias -effort -w as --V t ~ e 1 b k . . <rfu c i h r ir V v » ~ A n ~ n d i h l t- i u p a a - .i-.--Fils and c t Ls u ltallw ell an - nel Ilannx was sei-vec by thke gra 3 Ibs. forl 25e,, - -- ~, ;.~,-.-Mv. ati Mm LlèwHalloolW ati 'Os as s andi evenfoeaakol Q f iesyiifd r. W k keh,-T r~ -o gci a <<nerul ov nng M s. - G ed a Cheese - lb. cakes ,.. 39e~ ente, ~ ~ ~ liu on1ni~ M-~G a loriseI-ed -oet it Dr. >h To u unrl shv-g o a nIComg e-~ ra oas--

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