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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Dec 1944, p. 4

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manLyWITI GOLD WVT1 pBAlflT1o TeCako $n____________ War -nJî.L11Y of the iiod day, Decemiber 3, 1944 CavsANUCM ~sta ffan~tary 197.Colinties of No±,thunb ad aci'arw beloved Iiusband of Mary______________ Durhami was presented wit1 a» gol Mle Glass, aged 70 yèiia The der the dition of Sebul pl 0011> : %nb hed evesy Wlmdnornîn~g at thea Tirces Offlce~ ,ateil at tile \VadasBnw e4 aea no 8, wl er thel dicn~ h f Um EW1, hb ~ E~7 4i44~ ~'~hcito;at thie ~Irts Hotel. Reeve C;. R,~ res5dence, Lot 28, çCanje g, - if beFidy hel (i-br1tPYIINad iUa Avelrtiig Rae rrqet sis-ýi'tü,$.5 Car~veth of Newcastle was the~ geila Ciaren Tsdy » 5 - Fida eiub th chairman. for the en-astoii -The Service at 2.3 p.i Intrmeb i g Pt K00 p.rn. rAtailes "g-, ihighlight of the evening was the âine oronc Cenietery fby 'Mrs. Lorima5~n. Ai5?issori 35c; H0r R, A. 1Forrester, Publis1hÏ Y> dressa on municipal governet eh5ldren acp&ie by parent-, and- ,)0)t 4,rOO bo 8.0 given by Judge J. C. M. Geriin tonvilWe, oaur Dee --e t New______ _____e free,____ecce____________ mrn,ýnýjlo mlaie iany valuable suges toW'E1, Lanr Louei-isei t N1944, td~re.e46 Orono, ~n~rîo emhasized sugges- Laura Louise Allun, wlvfe of The ~___________ ________________________________________________ tions. ýHe mscp nl itroduced by lt oe .Rw n 5iA~,NEEÇ gold ~ ~ ~ ~ lt watchgc Ja rsbe eu . Row.,i G eor &5t 'Sn -dwaNNONg l1 E aEdN-t e Voias PomAfa Ca~n ttone jary R Dymn. year. Reomains resting at Fu:ner-al A derionstaton o~f yarn rnakiaig amainlypop14êrprjet hs rienwbeeb fieds Warden lieley by Dieputy-Reeve Potioe Fitia evie pri- regular imeeting of ~te Woirelw's Lare n44s iiizigi lp1ypsarapetedlnsm, eodtasrpin Fwd fCmlèîodadtend vate in the Chape! on 'Thursday 1nstitute, ia the Counii Ohamber, oe.thei nuvlsaded theni -to one niiother with little or no - {ublin, of Plercy Towvnship. Mao afternoon, Dec. andInernet S Orno o FidyDeexhe lth h m own Svie n-watul inoogsekdig N okofMiig Ma o ronlo Çeiueter. 2.30 Aiso a Christmas ~proçrrai, r~» 4y n-Y ta alrecrdngprveetîghe rkofmauîn, A 1). Burnet of Cobourg, Mcayor inclidiag thre ciustorils at Christnias BOW ANZLNT -ni le inevit abin 7lanille which goes with practically evaythg,- Q iWas.- Stephensoa of port Hpe and STRSJCtLANi) -- Ia Orono, on Sun- DAVLE N .0 xene. ratirus of recording sui tel! Lus that the idea a a obe f ex-wardens ated d ay, Decem<iber 3, 1944, 'Ernest W,. thr-enre.Luh.Qvr- ,s aufipht onhlke wIlfire just pro'r to thle hristmias s"asol. 'jhle prese1itatiof inarked the close Strocland, beloved busbanl of one wecoO. of %Vardel; Keleys teri of office. ladys AU Malrtin, aged 3G years. 'U"eoflce 688 Home 553 ACWiprýsand-fmies of nèiebeen ovresare sLndiîng copies -Tlhe funerald was hield froni the re-si- -AN-N OUNCE M ENT_____________ ~of thei:%(,,oe, n these includle greetiag, in tome cases a Sg or COUNTIES REPEAL PLAN TC) dence of bis father-in-law, VA J.~ws~t noaeta ao ~ R two, andfisUenty L feW dd fronka ý' tinlyt %0d V>'vh RAT OT-A UIY Irtn o to Cocs -o 1' tee apo nnouase thr f het Y~ounig to ta ffiwen dn-d weznt away.- The ioy of baai the voiceS__ Clarke, POTVRFNo 7 We Cey"Cs9 'be pone onee fBat .F sll lovbied ones riust îho very ,,;ieat te hs reeliÀen s, This- is the la fia isino 94 ed G service at .rf Dnereie Oouniseiorýs oif CanadaLmtd and. fiAPRRiSTEI RQLIGITOR nioe trpuê i-a :,is das i odaratrascitin The isy a fidelity la Cobourg, the Gounties Council of in Orono Ceme4ery, a-n Biuvile, Oron o tnd ldestrc IT of ton-e which often defios distiagý,uishîaig froni he- orginal, and as North aiberlad and Durhamn rpea-of B w in M ,O i-> rd is icN TA Y ene-Vn'ia cd, aý byla pal ssed oft au prevîcus ses,-i l --- the epportunity of excpert advice ln 1 imi- tTen-scibed, li fr eiquipment and id subsequtent cost, we e 'vow -sý( tn rvosss IN 2VffMORAiM lai skia care and co)sm-etic problenis. Phones c1- Pa Umm bAt we wu*er wcndering whAhler somie enterprisng local sn tin asdmoyfrps-MAbLY-TI lovig nmmo f iy EBeauyQuslr'rdct aebe fie Resdnc40 inn-nl 1iht itedude this type of service sa, along uith a radio or pressed by several menibets that thRe idon-r Nephew, Jack lalley, '*ho pL;sedc bY thç eri Medicn-1 -S ta1eplione business. Tbore are doubtless nuiesof citizens and post-'vaTr fuaid had been aanoe. passed n-wn-y on Decemàber the ai,- sociat on wvhieb )iakes 'it a olt y1 Q V E QN lýocal people who -w<mld desire a recordig to send to frîends or to, F. Banr-ttd b-nd 19413, dependable. Free presentaitioii by ap-1-- 1 1n-vo Arforn e~ satisfaction. Portraits have been the vogue for a R .eeree that the re- iVETERINARYratm o n m long ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M oix~ n af-tthyntî f the origina y-a 'saThPary gaten- 'ere opened, pbtdtete thneo - i logtýie n i mark against the 1944 counties A4 gentie voice said, "coule" resîdence, 'Church St, evinle,__________ Ti-e idoa üf veice' portraits is of fairIy recent innovation frein1 couacil. Aad(l 'vith fare,'veLîs unpoe MRS.i F.38 L.'TDE I.W .SIR -le ho llmadecors ss, l coul.d net sp, Reeve Wilbur Cole OfHmltn Ie geatly entere4 home. MS .L TDY D , ýW H R I thn- standpoit ofo 110P ______record_____________ a pota r-eo'i'ding speciah-st ei as wuappareatly mosnet able to gTownshiP said tht hie 'Wvas sorryY toi -fiver rememiboved by Aunt Chiar- tt -an main-tain aï photcgrn-phor ia our m-idst, Thomas A. Edison certa-ifly Seo the p0St--iar rese2rve bymwre- lotte White. RDOFRSL R .T IE P R started sornithing wii il(e seýt the tlniy mechaaisi cf the first phono- voked. lie felt thie counties had S-tub Roger Lowboy Elecrie VETERiLNARY SURCGrEONS gi ap ii ,,il d apos-mar und Ftur vod e- -ý,D O' aANpost-o i parecFutureîtom p.y Lfic MianSt.0<rEr wluad. Nen-d ex--4,ý-d-mlee ilýi Mrs. Buton 'vishes to thauik to 11. Leverigton, R, . No.Ph~e6~r7 Oou whe~a 41 ifIen-d n-l her 'vllit adPansion andaldiint h her many kind f'rierads and raeighbors ()rono. Phonep 63____r_____,___Oro__ * * * ~~~~~Countios Home wwcr -thiags wmhîch for the hiadest expressions of symi- ________________ moight be fi-inced eut cf the fuaid. piathy hi Vey have giver. her dur- WNE ~C~A E A Popular, Resuit With the wr p-ractially ver, ne lmng er bere-avemientl, fla the os of WNE ýcýA E mionley is onhad te carry 1 ont bier dear son NLcrmin. prie pnidr M.d Ft ethany, I.o (Hehl back ow i nig t 0 lac k- of editori l space ) The bo ys, ' evii e Pac n-ade there. 71.i -l t , B t i y 1. - .AI IN l4 'vas ilterosti-g te acte the reýacica cf the recenit United aThe forvl sethc1- ig, tbee kOp HITASCNCR No. 1; Telephone 7 r 13, Beothany.Fb , au ty A tmo States - election u4ion cnir Canadian people. For days prier ta the- l 1 rsneigt ee HITA OCR We have no agenrts. 1948-P. <~I election ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~to thea aorigcnetars h adr-a ntil they are re-estab- Glarke Union Christias Concert Ll m iblt olctoati-ecoiig onen ncrssHi brdr ia atopîc cf coaiver- lishc.~l ni hth i even Pi te be held on ThuSday Deceil santien lin-e. It nias conceded that fi strong possibility existed for 1tWO nilUs woul 'lot '[o tee mulih focr 21st, n-t 8 u'cîock. Admiissioin, 15c., U T . R 'E Orono - O tn tne de'feat of the Rý'ooseireIt goveramrient, and such-t a prospect appear- snob S T rIRRr1 E . cfteli rgadd -saehig hrteftrgi nig Canadmian spec- '"We increan-ed Our pn-y but w -4-p Cn-rlon-d of Oyster Sheil, prieed ta-tors, WC aire close n1eighb)ors, -e an-d en-r Amierican cousins. Net seeni te have forgottea the service $1T.N4.L ot r oreOet. Aftkaotisei Raa orlyr thie piroxmini o our h~omes but the simniarity ofideals. eus- i-in,," tfld Reeve En-mn-rd.le r oe 1O w. do oa toms anad religion, A-l of these malce for a singlcepss cf thought and p eeve -Bert Renl comaenited that, Cod Livrs 011 for poultry, he-gs nd TLf A CV 1 I Y ~uirposn- oetwen our two peoples, Feing that Mr. Roosevelt 'vas lieHmlo onhp i ui The undersigned lias rýeceived-i la- cate ndeb mih Brokerage Co. ~ -- reeded i onjuntion with 1\1r. -Churchill and Mrn Stalini te bring cipality had bouiglt bonds -for- Post- structions_ frein Ltd., St. Johnis, N.B. Produeed front Auctioerad Vltr th-a to a- çcesufuieeumn Ciaanas set their h.earts uipon ia-r m7ork and lie thought on-ch miuni- A. E, YQUNG Bn-y of Fundy cod fi-h. -price $2.1O a <1aO o i Roosevelt thitory. Le klly speaking, 'vo mTere listeniag to evomy ply - udh et idte o by puiet naction n-t glo.CeaMcip I.1 ~ ' opni mstier the radio froin tir-e States and bln- nias tii-o rnommey wýîtinb its evn borders. lIon-ne Lot 30, Con. 4, -sDpe TowisiP ORO4NO FIRUR ,I!LL anmd at~ measýnbo rts -~~~ ~ of th ~ eAg or -niall torne thrarig on-t Canada., W'hepther <na- Eagene Sn oer f Port ý1Iopù spoke ailes vcrthj Ocf Ijariiesa' Bljack-lmuitb __________ --Pe -u cat- or -own sida- of Ne !în noud excite as lunch inters<t al&mig eiu-r ines. SA onu-- - nnmml--e anyon Athaurs -ddaotCnainn ene an rw te-b-mTswih-'eeSo, ACIJLJMIS FOR SALE or Peee~i -ImsII4 oL le à, A ân s-er i 1ln 'nd is e(1 lüTeehrIylw hel-vr TUï2ESDAIY, DECEMBER 12fh-fiirtp toomo o ê. 'ýimffite It -t n-n-ly an ains (incl la-g- Oroouteitn- s-nt - pnssedl inchIed the one coeé ng re- 1944 nil bis Fn-rnm Stock, 1impIements, VA_%,C U UMS REPAIRED .Mro, t)oo frd-e - -ini theo wehe sn-- he-urs foI.iowin the UIXSA. o-lection-i -nd nen version cf- n-I bdges, 20 feet aud' un- -__________________FOR._____ ~ ~liu1~bnnoest-bliied- that -F, D. R- 'vculd aganin preside la the der, net-en thaiý ce aties rodsystena, - oes --"F1o)eig, V ACU1J ý F011<GO-QD -~ -- WîteRnu-o 'hes felc -ven -t -bd t coplote Hie> content to local mtmnicipnlitias in nliichel sit- - -losn-lonkohg. Aa umite Whit Iîo)ý, bes fol wen to ed o Lo , cnte un-ited, and n an censt3"uLiaig cer- 1 Dn-rk Bn-y Mareý, 12. yen-rs. 1 expert repairs, lubrien-tion, etc. JACK E 1 ithe kn-sndethnt -a great and trusted anwnas sUUl n-t the helmn tanreddvesoni arigtn ro' Xïaue, 12 yen-rn. 1. Bn-y MrC.U.c. Salon & Service Bra-h at lui,~- a g n CH tran-ted aaon. tai ima -iero in1EG> Dalntn IDAR e, o-efflS1AutoTead We-bae nette net -n- $esq hee ue -Seymour and Manvers townaships n-n 6im 4 enr. ClB--mae)Oinn L" 'phn 774.D' R GO iV iv s oietayproihr Nadisagre 'vithi the part of thie couaties rond( systeni. The month s. - ~ -~nu -,i-e~~pt e aduét a gon-d don-i of ex-ýpressed -nhea bridge bym-n'as routie the ron-d Cntte ---________________ 'le- vl -oppoeaatn -eonfden Iy predicted th1e Prenident'n de-' Stiperia tr"edent stn-tecd annd- did flot 1 iRed Con, 8 yeaira, i-Wking. 1 Redi ,Seiîy -r e- snMè p un-tui the cioction night, Those 'vers th1e dark hours n-trem the sAntus- -cf n-ny rdge T1he Hleifer, 3 yèn-rs ~1 R1-,e- Durban -AUCTeI7ÙN SALE - Furniture Sales 'L-f e>ýH d'ani but !.Le dawn bro-ight tran-ility- to the un-st- mn-- bn--ian brings it under the lgh-wny Ce ,v 7 years, dueè d fa~niary. 2 The umderigned has< receivcd in- - uj1that mia-jerty appears te have iacluded the Çanadmn-n Imrvmn At-wt ts 50 per Cn-lves, 2 nad -2 months. strudtions te sAl by publie niietien CoEscii1Vt me for temns - - ~~~cent Sabsidy ialstoad of h H ýi-earherj - - Swine at her late residene, Boech Are.,--dte ---- --*---arrangemrenft- uinder the Mu"nicipal Aét 2 Brood ýSows. - Bovintanville, the entire hlt!ousanddate - -- -with 0 per ent nubsidn. - -P<n-i-try -effects f he- 1te ims. D, Dari>s. plu eI~O - Cak 40 Pe cen - 65 Pulyîets uh Sale 'viii iiclude il bedro inm su-ites , 'Clarke___ __ _ __ _ __ _ of Business, Please - - 65TGRPT PREETINO chlenterfidd suite, m-an- odd dr-n-om NextCÀDS 1 Sete of- Teni Hnes z't-ln hatirs, rcekers, ln-mpn, -large - - We n-rd a:pP1rocing- thie tinoef ye-ohnn-dylca r tf To-' res.--- amud n-mal rVgS (n-y- real good), E E<P T M U ,pan ia ii ho f(eat.uring their annuaI niefings. Toe nuinerate - hiyern-adPogapeGee-iulntnn---diin-g roe, nuite, radio, (,lïee-tric E A T R e bý'ee 'ývo ie mention th1e Park Bon-rd, the Cenwtery Cc., Cà,- Yhd that only you en-n sndf 1 Bain Wagon, 3804-0. 1 Mklanume stove, con-I cook stove, nwn mn- Ui- -<- i-,aIêcene iCo, the Sehool Bon-rd,,- the 0reno Chlaruber of Coin- -' -Whnt could- be more persona! than a ýSpirOader, IXLEL- Ne. -4. 1. IMnior-.% 1 ch un- ,Tefrige1.tor, oh apniatag s, Insuraluce Agein-y ~~ e~ae oit. - - ~greoti a nrd froni your on noega- n-et Seig0n, -aýw. 1 IH.-Dn,1silverwiae, gassnware, dinhes, .jar-FREATOLQII - - t~ire. ~by are jrmost distil -tive and It)eering9 herse Epake- 1 Hmy Rn-ch., dihfieren, 100 jars cnnedfit alana- 'ASfLYAN»L~LT 2Mn~1~ ~nch ~ru~p boh i ou- na owu n-l -aon thl h wlli -e h ghly valued b)oth by 2friends 1 -Dou 'ble P'Ioeul.,~ uearlj e. I si-- ifluni, cuhi<rsf -' apery, - eFig hoe 44-1<4, sClar1h ¶pod-ÇHi~miolei. -f -no-gre shenig of ntereteoi- He part - andeaie. gie Plough, 1 Ciut lBx -ScufIer, pllwn, stair carppt, hall tn-lie, wai-, -- ~-w- ~ bheý At tiie sa-nie tii-e, it is Hfie -pulI that -such grilupn ->lii ad-1 e -etoliir pli «reetiu-g ..d sl seto ar--ov. 1n-amng obe b' -hi ~~~~~~~n<~~~~~~~Mcil 1n'é Selues 12 dioseeve 1. othunlds teco1,np-d-lOme 'a-g i-n-hne Js moner, NEWCASLE , 0. ;~r-.Y- speotbe for gulEieO- &Ind sapp-or , thO oerl demen u. a PonU4 1 -do5Oi' -iach nd w'hite ...4 oc. fiscie.Ineer ld-.ICt-tep hiadeîc and gardcaa torils, Mar'yn - 1 -- -uprctvtr 0toh --z- esýNcj_-'hlatds onmrus7, in ">ens i,~-n W fdor -cwoperation n-iioag r-ous c1an-Sn of-peePfebd Sai-pl Card. ......... . ......-~ 10e.~ " yoes -tdeofli -wk Wherup on. b th ion l This i a -mgesalean eonn- -ERS - - n-n- - -Apparently, 411-e- onîn- loyal coi-rs ',ef- Oi~~l a- -.' . . Forge, Tomxgs, Anyfi, etc. - nt LOOY o'clock n-hnrp, Sa-t. Dec, -9th. and ;;u cRehabir sre b ho bv-miOi ' BakmihEI-mît--tsumrm-naeychiepics -Sl e~- - r - t tone W- eilmorn- tn -nFor thtFrnch-Foidl Greeting Ca4 - im ËýCnd

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