the war. [', has gon!e ilntu storage wih very stone numiibered aild accurate ýdetai1ed d rMw'igs aai- ve able for its r-rctolater oh. PUat ip hihr up1, wh1i Ch11i ,Ilif fici tto en cross t~n he -Riveté is ilinfod. ndI Fine artificial peais ere first atâi rnadein iiwestern Eirolie in1680C,111v Clubls Jacqina rsar-rnkeein aris, rontcd AClCO-tNTANTS kAJXTR INCOMETA RPRT, 05- as plate Bookikeepilng Se r v i c e S, ge, Small or Large Bsnse.Trav-. at AilAywhiere. Aiberi B-rett &Co., ord, SWelling'ton St. E-,7Torontol, Ot MOI -OEINT S MWAý NX»O -MEN -AND WVOMEN, IN TOW\NSý TO AND haIndie thiae 'c f -lui)gujarmnteed. YOUr 1* preduots on a prt tirne haSs. V ()u Very -attractiVe rpsi M, Pr lixe ticulars, ,X mas Pmhet Iat hlo, * alogue FREE on requeet; FAM- red ILEXK, 160() Delorimyie, Mnt a -wIlit 100. tain locLiitles in Capnada tot ake at ordrsior nh\cDkior s pare Lv tirna. The cmiso egnooti oiec ant i te chioke are weIl ai fer- 1gte ourably knon rite for fI]jý detais B:ag Ný' o. 182, 71t Adeitie rARR] W., To-ronito. ah ilr ftor BUSXESSOPPRTIfVITE.~ book 110W. WILL SE111L ~orEXRANE OR C a uiesloeti !n Toronto or othier larger Onitarjo tw,2ad- jacent fru f10antcIi 50cres, OUR located 100 miesaa-t of Toro- to0. H 3stca ulinso both p17piracis. 1 0 iacres tii]- ald)e. Lot(s jof Irunnl iing wl-aî cr. 0WV Valued n($200 oxNoo86 eici,ý 73Adetaiîi . otno $22. 10 100 CHICKS FRLEE Bro W 1T UE V ERTY O'b E' ,? 0FV 100 PU L- ýij leýt chîcks,, wevgive 100 tee cio or1, (our chIloji ece) , Leg ho( ,rnpu itetsc et a $2,5par 100, býarrati Ràc1it pul- 0 li$1 5paýr 100VWbteRok oti Pulita 84.95pet- 100.Brn g- tn * orn P'tiietu 82455par iOAi chicitssolti bao5e<dby igh eggýL>4 oDrdcr, b ein<pe ÇQ.(» nrane l0% vc csîiver'V. Kenit 1scr A fopr il G71,T -7111T1TUT . es starit Top- ot11, ika The ftire- mn stap jlto silcoas wtt ibeck of Limifi chjcks of en ize, is the ,proper ofo a T.oOP Notcýhchcsacai fro Ill rnetAprvti ___ tint deeymnMhîr day seînti fo- 1 hvr nyiet1ilouimhout ie puPQev Als lain an redytoiay t'Tori J'ilet for imm11 t j dii ry Top 1) oteci (Cl i1crie(-, CGuacip, YO WUL ~0WS 11 OtWEit k Fou S- Braych~cks ow.We calg, anti ffciou wntiJ1at>do Couttforie, er hs mnh MILL eon orders; p]Iacetilr ùewI' $ y9 Iutatchey, 20John iSt N ;i 11i- -M, . iiton, 0Ont. (Se uetsaa- BUY GOVERNMENT AF'PROVED CHICKS Bransc E'VE1RY BREDE GVERNýM1NT RGS bantiati antid lot-eset Aoti 55111 tiiapoiitmntbyortird or Promz) cIhe arl. Wite or145 itec theproer roçding anti m ietbods , d useti n raiingctter poiIttrý MONKTON POULTRY iE1 FARMS ms M'onkt on ,Oni. LAY!INQ(, AN P 1, RE 1)YV- T0- A V E}trud puflats for immtjaadelivery, P arr1e i Ro, New H npshirV LadSir White Leghor, ybr idse. A11; L ier booklng Omdrer foda ýolti Uc Jet' Tra~t;lgu. w, td1e Cik p sor Ii HacatsLimitati , Fergusl O f. RR anti ot 1be disapjpointti. AI] îr chicjheqar, f rom kgliarenlee~dte- eir ed stook, and fi-om 25 oz. ~g -i.d -M