ORQNO WEERLY TIE8 THRD--,JNAY4 95 e < th wrtarmothih GIFT EXCUANGES -iifll9 alet ~ve 1tte r s rooni lef foir a'ci n d Viýe Wheliax. or~ not iercbandise niyversa. JT ~.~ IUV ~~IU I our iis bao ate, n ii je cxch idvdulso~kepr suhnia anger Va a e - visiing wvithfred ntw,ýkî ieo erwe many. of our Rggulations gorverning th-me l imiston but it should lie no stran&er Vo Al4 and~bit Mr,, rýl ll a NfaIl due, The label o n. which goods may lie exchanged atftM ine-ý3ihM-WW fr- -ot %fill el! wlhn yotir paper rtadi stores h~ave been lifted by th~e C001à nicig 4 Ib9c be gr:,tyappreclated. Uxule former rules of te Board needs we vuld lie less critical of Mrs W.a Cobedc ha. B eir reata c wl tin res ad Ta~ B ad e w eecnend-~hpol' . f o w r A p ký S, 6 q u a rts , O sure ývrr no reuie to mak rVax Turreps l homeer la- their policy to do so, Howýever, thie Chairinan Dr. T. IL .ý,- h Mr sron saVle of nthey foLed ane reguai'ns -fxed a- tine lâmut in Ontario i1ydro E1eýet-ric Conrisi Gîcpefrwr. 9i'33fo tained a nvmber of finson NeW'v n ii e b' bV etý -,ir wieh' the exhange muust bc miade. announelned Vjils %eek thlat over 12JLrceNvlOrrus I2' YrsDL4Y. Thslù Cne-bll1cas ou~t until le spring when Olci igaVo 'snvbecane-blo kowtt hOur. were genorat-, ag ae1(rne, 10s Soel ooies ouit wlýthr his warn smile. -ed Id and purchased lby the? conirais3ioni New Yai' ad wirhs LeQeïntr azi Mxs cluriimg t'he past year Vo ineet power --unit,,4 for 2 NewY~at's ) it ~Geo<lrge- Artronig lefV a cou- BUTTER- RATION <ZUT ilemands. Thisis an ail ti I bI igh( Donald U9bb. pie cf days ago for Ti-mmuns ,vhcere ini po'we'r suipp1y. ja&Vi >ui$. rng , Mr.Rpro Trno pn N-eh wl!tk 4hs- ild position as Cinieng January Is 2h butfr-*5' Mrs.el areOuntant of as, ff -t cf ierra__o _i__eit toabcut6 ounes__ Year's -with her sster, -M. andI~ ffu hmo tito~'~seVV shout 2 Qune forîs 'I' Z5ç J. C. GSIUOY. ' ~G~oRo ' s Catêe Aceom-nit ants a imirson per week. Aeô'dig to aag Gnge, wh s lath -exi Jris t3ard ennomeel har and lma~hsreie h~so astlr oaia a D V Fine Fres h SGrapes, l speid'ing a v wth the latte'p sý- 'ina j.4shairged. MrS-. A u ton -uiiption Vo the suppli s via l w 1? folioýý ,t a later daýte. ' , , bthe.,inter miomuts of Iow pro9- Miss Elsie RoYwe, oEl£ esl--i 2ivrGibreiel;il~ ~-:-,W ieH n ikd'eIS MnO[vrUb eevd r i utter eouipuus wiii becenue valid T cT-punds for 25 spent New Yeates ýwÏi h relutbves k1ý'ed ayt his -brother, PVe. ]:tcï,it jne at a Vie insead- of in panis T E TR M.I friends la Osh1aVwa. (34b, wvho i,. w it the la ig Tluree coupons will b-comne vnlid eacth AhI lite teacers htave r'adPrinee Edward Reim n'Iu taly. ,v.onthi instead of four as -,as 'the"M N LE Chisma ' oda~ 1.8h and is prestimied to bea 11)r iso n tein butter coupons wiii renuain. vai Eý5, Prime ComnietciaI ef biîaek Voifthay*epees. ho 4tws1pre msigo Denbe nefrel.UdrVenws - r of NA , Thti h it he Ger- until Vluey are <leclared invalid. i IVt jutit sýeenxs that the air is no1~ians miade soegain o,1 that sector. ThrFr. non tak'Nelesl of We notdaY blzzr Yïstn J c enlis ed out wvet and left Can 4-5S JANS1945 ;nf OlWdes 1at. iga4 ada only four uutouths a-.FOUN14 BY BOARD METTESirtoin, Porterhouse or Wingy Vilen luoflie ofsaNe,,Yaý h fus siest Canadian cc>)i-nuieEPL"-Searl 3 guest at Vhe homue 0f M-r. and a 5 Mr. and Ml~rs, A. Hi. Keane werýe: Mr las probably been found by t e, PEOPrLEn Rib oas 5rib, lb 42 3J E. i.Aimable, 'rôronit and rs. C.W. Billings augh 1e AdutilaistrZt5on. W'heb Aury 111Mr. D)evine, ýRev, and Mfrs. pie4- for a Iration lifok f'or 'his neclý- Lucile BaIl, Dick- Powelf, Vir- Par amieýý fanuilyCarc 'of Lindsay. borra son, hc objeeted Vo the p i n ginia O'Birien, Bert Lahr, rýcevcomenc S&7 ,W Miss Warren, R.N, of Toronto, Mer- rover of the bOOk offer'ed lire and "Rtags*' lagLand, Vaughu Muan- n,~VieC~ IVe ~ ~ ~ ~ yaRêu~ofQsavva, and Johin said that was a ",3issy" co)lor foy -a ree ai-i his Band. M04-re~Id4 ;kei,1eu~.~~ty~ea~ ~~by i lUc[harred lue. lImir- A Metro Gioldwyn. 1Maersp- spent 1h sw2ea ete mt e nybghs #stChiVaat unately,ltVie M.uuûnistrâfýioa fùupd tacular Musical.FrelSdeP kl k hý,riYotfrMn Gorehome after bing absent for tsei unable Vod Point lb 2u-oe 1er uotlr -Mt& ~0~ ~~hbok Vo iacconrodate hl.Sat. OuIy i 'Misses taim and lsabel Aln, i A.rr C43ops, lb35 s~eta feV 10as ý oo1w "ast w«e1L, Whil eon Vhe ir wa to attend Vhe Your New Year's ResoIutiowîT~E~~I~~ rs a ,l 5 1Vfmera of Vhse olb FehHa ,l et'and Dea ,n Mrport Wers(,yafteltioon- WhexN -iew Tear resolutions '4cR 1ýasL nI o eek,. ý'h, r riven by Mr. You nueditate and plan, MLJGGS rEs of Pok - ai ~t~s~. ~ia~ P~P~P~ ~ D~'a Tnthyn erished into a bridge nTere'h jus~t ome thotght1eýsIitOIT Yea?_ DýY~ k0 X~4 M .~ on thé Cintpuy uoad, near lipt4.,nYo rnelht place undetrbnwt West. AU - 1- 4 e ueiýants esa injury buxt Reraber in youTv luy-ng - - - Mr - farlry Bai1Y l0f the kX th oar her i4evlsable diaduuge (Y '-goods iu short supply LoGorey, Humtz Hall, Bfly V abndadrfel ," andarVôn~ 4~>serIt~~ p tn V the froW ,nd . ýOwing te the deeop That others to get soine -nedict and Veal, boned. 1- N ewi Y a V Î l~V :14Yr9 Bzi-'eý -cnw tl ear wvas pulledf tùwar I ivna ona1' If it's a Veluie yeu want, the VýVna e- ad1 ýtis Maxwell FIouse~ orC as und son,- le -1ft ditehl rrn4 la an effort. Vo bring Se- iX v4uon , u-ràsefisliess first. th rVe car bae-k onto Vhe road lIt jumiped Yen. niay noV -geV just what yem wuvshl A])DED ATRCTO Sanborn4 _e f fee, lb 47 T'eetrl.vse-t "eihthVide o'f the road, into th; ic -eVIes wffl go arouad , GEOR~GE (YBRIEN pl-ows ha-Ve dltUl -snixx-iEipbad eýrasled. n the t enad of But soi-r--hing bfle fouand. - - kepn tt ~64 ~euV~tr~l ia I thridige hofore 1Mr, Tenmblyuu cDuhl A litfle te- zf sBoKsuasi I let h . -h»ing iV bazlç <o e rond or WiIIlp oea wussrd "ARIZONA LEG-ION"J ' 2" rr4 ~ ~ ~ rýn it io a s'top. -And give- us all a sbie,~ tla'sf1ai-r'r ihJ .C > N wce! 'eM ' - Rnd Keilvyn., g' A.Pa MVitý 'IlS s $r<m Chumrh showie a goodly inm~- A Westerit fui) fato n h- octýctsýasa /on S-anday lastI tN4ew Year's _____-oeto m t ï ý1 ï ýjîlE e. pv. -Mr, 1titewood pelated CAR )F~ THANKS-~' wlnd preveuuted, ann* 11'IL-f 4our l<m 'ou un Vh 1oréI u omgs Mr, -andi Mr. C. 1,CteKý pa ïMn.Tus-Wd werkors~~~~ ~~~ r~VC ol apte rase in local church at- ady heysdfaree-w V89-0AN buda owic Pou i effectedl lyba ex Vend Vlueiîr -nu at sincere thanle tD JAMES CGE * 4 reah~~y flaitlu7î l and general response friends and neghiusfori theîr ErgsCmhW LA.W, FiuT1ue f~e~foesieVureepeaoe u kndness nd ex-pressions' o-f s!yn-INYI PudgCrnifQakrOt - rs Gdd. e~Vr Il Nw f ii~. R.HI Bow, uddosite Apreation la aiso exteaded ti,1he COMTE LATELY' g -amo Year's IuoIiday. -.ft' aantheni and vocal quartte in docto and inse l a-eudanee GRÂC GEORO E- P-wnr Cuhr, pkg 21 tha niornirg, 'The quarteî1te com ri - a. nures_____________________hyo LoyaDi - ;Mfirieg a>rs. W. S. Go id~k Aifrs. Chas. - Cagney at his hest laý a light 2fr1 ~ (osnm 9th, at 2. p.1 1, ut. P.a'y a-ad ý MrR. E. Le- kigoftepet asefe rw bit eeh a iti . and 0orsll ona Am n ý ïied me gay faoenit oaode. fetrn nlu tped a V are!rg trêrent sp N W. Q. Iob. Kn Je spoenv, o'vr sp n rtsied Vo d Vh iro. The !)t aCi er - ,w'îilg , atd R.-m s . a o b. sud tn es of Vie er a ar nw l Me frry Chits aU ao1 Happy Ne plo cee er fne s jries a. itrMpe ef1 tsieCfe ' Do. ýa) b1rs Ffrs. A.ý-,o H.à- 2en r eaahv oia atn o h 1e.S I'lwe opFa for 27e l 5 sef ofuuee TouusêVig eu s;nday hua 0,1B . en spl octh -.,-i Large pkg, eveA.d(ný iagrets asbt am (iu ý y ami"Il on 1er Abou t1e-es1oB ________ Mre.il& cn -.s was Ca sull alupl S *nr aeolln, sy any..Segove i o 6eAl a-ad h -wact adigîV lus ured ThthueHp, pn e Ysre11 DayK SVit ___________ Gian iMr su ?rt- ~lrVAesstue, Mi ws_ Ayuu H, e SctadwhnM(an e.C.H rst.SNAYIN Vh195wihCr-a i nd t fvial tl vtVh ,¶i 1rths W. -E C',__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ îRo Co mnin ille for -'li H pr 4 1a-rr - v; ' -ae 0f 'ytad e p a r fi-r ue4 ]-! nfi "Happiaessï'. Peanuth Rie Sio-1rd 1-ýad M..S ý,r 1txe o n s a -'rpuou 155. a The "Woil areC- wci lors ivfo onWdaeo hst ç)e f c', Suces an dain depend lafrgl gC. 9..the Butterý Cer1, 195'ali J. E. - Yeni senno by Vite3 wi se ofor.SARHO.WopyfrN. l________ scou-re -ie th VoIQst- ' CriU- Ceam Prsubsidy inctine30C50 eee lbs an e fatn Br, pay prmpl byMnLare. sfrg $20 Ctil ý;,Yi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ jflf~ Nor;ýa fls %ek r-ý acssiidiyn eed agl nco W coupon Peant for Rive i P1ettv ttn r 0fa Ner supphed atyor eqtsterr CreS agliet wltl~~et fut Vcu ahiiii- 2.c.u 8 t .Trnto Ontri Pineapi4Ie Breai Co