services fr Mrs. FElîza AL oni Wednesdayn ternioQn, hold on vuuay ateijnoon. lue ~F fuealhme h i 1d ok Olc fnMalwo -soc was ~4 y ing was vcry P r C1C' et in the afLes There was a mccv beantif Whilc 1oi~ o tlB e'~ o'ch.rdc IYII osîco ~ foceral ard or, 'iftuek ofom-s un tile Atfio iau Clbate alet "nti futhe !noIce'"fo Our mai11 ehane~ed. Lo ha5s aga7ýini Li label toý renlt our list eve uat ani F Leip i .n>l r- ý nd toc gîcat neco 1cr us, flot OJ to root~nuo, bot to rnteo~ify ce v hel to our Ro~sioo Allits. 'jibe ation B ~ ~d f the Cvndi 'o Aid to Bu~ ~v Fund reecctly decideci, Il crefore, I dauceh a nationwidc Campaign Thi' Clorh ina for flic Orpliaos ccd H 'c ce lese of t~ie Soviet Union. The Wo~ man's 4~~soeiation of Pacir Street Churcli will again spon. or ibis drive Any person havicg articles in gool ;')d~t~n enci warai, wY"b tbev cao do without, are asked to leave thef- parcels 'it the home of Miss Davy a~ formerly. GIRL GUIDE NEWS The ciegular meeting of the Orono ~iil Gifidus is-is hcld b tue Guide room on Toe~day evening ivith Mrs. W. F. A~mstrong, the C'ictain, in charge. Despite the eold vceatlïer a large nuniber of guides v ere uresent. ughs wcre bcd in the next ites experîmenting witlî ortraits, aftcr which was ci tops aad then "Straight Ls". er, Guides, ncxt 'Fuesday mac-y lhth, ut 7.00 p.m. nember to bring your 10e. d te headquarters. ROBERT ilouTBY err, i ANNX Si? ,T SýMIII 3TR JtSSA GIRLS71"; whlÏI- MiiFryHeAlxd e Granach ADI)» I Four FilIIIER If l you ave tle Ilues-see Pevnl ays :and lctighl heli ana y n= SUNDAY e again G<red arc eono in" ~ceased Ail receîv Aykier rst me b ut i intere whicli these i sg. 1M