Cdliii tx arr "Thi f Mon ofal Up st- .i~e d~y tPe conuipîete ClalisUl 'bey bey st eren't inancial Post. Oonvenuon in ere frank ce- e objective, e socialist re- er by go~ern- big aUd lit- eo-Ic Fsads for o1lInt ndout ISo- ehe c"bsind[ nt and ntlcaissuo nr the sIness, and 1farinb as well ThieCc leaders fiid ta hnte de thletiig Éýey 0f itS wihed *tha they neer Ihadtoc- Id, but it isto at ow to retreat. aeyit PmbvkeStaIndard-Obsjerve'r. V-3 1 of the Ex- iaid recentlly Sts aresra- ,rland that th-e ing th0a V-3 on leScribinig it as )f freezinig al ards of its ex- s a cnoice xtra-flavor coffe~s- is pirelT1ecPî v ~ Aspirin Talti plctdilii your that millions of .c to swear, by it. o: ~t5 lu Jj glass * two Aspirin ,r. e two tabletu A. itti. top-heavy ini bis grown- up' clothes, this Bastogne young-. eter is warmn enough to grin hap. 01Y at the cameraman. Bastognlese, recently relieved of Nazi seige by Gen. Patton's men, are up againist it for warni winter clothes. Luxury Airliner hligh British anid Amican war- efforte~is it on fure urgen-t leae, his"dilomts'special"is luuyair lhuer wt aepnle Ca:ulhaveci neldlgt FRHEUMATIC Aches and Pains to gt reI rlief from remai (qn' L'ier onCr; try flni- Ma(L toand if yu areino pieaae wit th reuit, our imoney wilt Here is a clin ical ly -prove-n, two- way treatment for colds! 'Take ALLERGI-IA8S to' "blitz"ý that "ldrip"--relieve- congestion and dis- Icomfort wTithiin an hour. ALLERG- TABS combine fast-acting med- cinal ingredients with Vitamin C. Onie or two tablets will proye lhow effectiye they are! Take ViTAVAX to speed recovery; to future colds. VITAVAX combines Cold Vaccine (specially prepared to combat conmmon- cold bacteria) witlr'richly concentrated Vitaimine A, BI, C and D, R--eniember:ALRITB for Fpeedy relief froni colds; VITAVAX to build immunpity to colds, Ask j your druaggist, Robert-, Biologzical Laboratory, Toronto. CIlI I T IlCIjECKEDi For ciick rlief froieingcoe b es Itlt' oot, sabesipm le lad 'terch Conition- s, eprecoinleiatdlqii D. O D~PRE~RI1i0. Geaslee ai - stinlss.Sootescomosed ouickiv clmsj, intnsetchngDp t tîfer, AsI7,yo1r drugiet today for D. . K PESCXtPTWON. that ave een brouli î cold, br day's hanrelievlng pain.sifies n aCrls iie mscle. Try ii oelIIfor ele Get quick relie-f Ijust simear NOSTROLiE lu ach rnostrti. Breath-. sng passag es o pen right away _NOSTROLINE sohs urcts lis;infeetshelpmae -nd CI-e yor pose hieaihy. Drings confort swiîtýL'. oneet.Plealsant. For adI(ts n T1'e Mdrid rdio qt1tcd aer- wh7icIh cain be mlouutud in a few minutes and s ael a neycoast- aia tonfoialn itneThe veselcaresa cruw of 25iwo wek'fueül and bas owrand forsumainsth]e Saihbroa4(- & ÂUDITO1~S REPORTS _ COM- i~i 5000 CHUR ;hinga. SSING 81.00 ORDER priý Ccd s Johin N.,1 ORDCR Y( S., Tu- WITH with an NOW. 1= eti anid' ?jfi 100 day n taimni eighi A OLAfSAý on List 1 LIS