dVr.Wilfred Woods iVianinre spent the week- mO thier, Airs, C, 'reiT Frîends herPre were SC) of the death of a fory It's no0use lecturir h-ogs-they're not i ed in you O-R your P( Reid and ris. AniiieObon endo withhr rs J . ari mer resident, iVir, P1mueMCs pased way on Mow. M'r.s. Fj2HarIiSkýim neof yrone, spelnt t 'g 370uY irmteifs ~p tlks. Pemnsylvai*a, 1arQs~ W~, Therels only one kind of language a hog uïndersýtandS and respects.Yor og will respond iinmediately Wî your deMands f or Ibetter bacon Production - when yo-u start to feed them )ro- perly! Better grade hogs need a special type of f eed, ~-' i' sieniflcllymade to sup1PlY just the right proportions of al the essenti-aIh required for Grd A deveIopmnent. Its the Quality proteins, minerais and vit-amins found in SHJJR-GAIN 110 GROWER that make the difference. SIIUR-GAIN HOG GROWER has them t f eed you can get - no0 palatability or feedlinig age -- be cauise it is made Oniy as needed. r hogs - with SHUITR-GAIN 1-106 GROWER - answer on the grading question!' ý 1N HOG G, â%ROW ER Made and Sold by FLOUR M'eILL I tiieîr honeymoon w3 Leiand Payne, Mr. anti Mm. Col Il/fr. and i ire, «an f rs. Chambers, lira: day gueste of il For Fightine<C(Az PROVEN G0UGO onto, and Sun- lbert Halnc Ock, Officers for theP, YPU. for 1945 arPe: President", J.ouis Stone; vice- President, May burey; Secretary, Mdrs. Frank MMle;Treasurer, Don Vinikie; Pianist,'Mrs. Arnold Tite BoySott and their Leader, r.Franlk Mdulln, et hi the basemen~t of the Utetd Church on Thrdyeveýnirg.,Jus t now they aie stuidy-ýing 'rt Ad They are lanning a ski hike on Saturday. January 27th. At MmtheY.. méeing iast week duing the decOtinal period, Jim Gît'- rîmer rend thf evciture reading, andi Mlary Buniley rnda poeml. Rev. MlC- Larhian tcook the opi,«LifeGuard on, the FPacifie Coas-t, urid aketehed briefly the %-uo r k loineby United Ghurch fhospPtals hi Brit;sh Cohuimbia. meigopenedtilha h-,ymn follow- ed by prayer iby Rev. MoLachian. The themte of the mee"ting, "Service rf Wyrship", wa aken by the Pre-- ldent, folowed hiy a hymnn andi the reading of a prayer by Mýrs. Ceeul RobineoB.,!irs. Bucley gave ei, recigfrom the MiyJssioýnary MHonth- ly. Rev. Ma.Ta"gve anintret ingý talk from the stuny 'book en-,titledj The Ch-urch iii the Pilpns.AIl officeers were r-nsa eti ntthe mreeting clusetilàîth the Mizpah Benedict'on. A e. I Cerr Brk Cotigh SyrIýuap, fr ..... ...... . . 25 . 45e. Dr. Chase's Syrup 6...35. 9c. Ty rrell's llorehound and Hlley, 8(w. bottie',.....49C. Syru f Tra-and Cod Liver Ou .. .. ....... . 2 . 50c. I Buickley's MixtuIre ... 4e,75e. RealNse am!d Throat Vatrcnl ...--.*.>..* ..- . .43c. Vapure, af ew drops on ta. handkerc-hief to clear the ~athazon ..,25c, e., $1.00 Isotonie solution of E"phe- dfrinle, 1 ounce dopr 1C, s IIO0N ED FACELLE Cleansing Tissutes Box of 300 for......... 15c. Agent for Jackmran 'Flowers Chaarles phone C8 Priced set« Floor Olcéloth f w *5 il 'Or100,~~1r p0y~t ~Olt~~0of YJrOI gi ' Z l rniie0 05 rI~4, ~ uIW40"~o g O Wa 0pto are ~f 2 ~~ e )f t.. hefO -W- v ines COn Consumes c dee 44 e ee977b. CoflS U! Win 194'Qm e e u n % O te rio ts kqt'fij!neclîlîon ein ttIe cu- e v eIi es ,e e O S I 1 4 O ¶o.z ire . - 2, eegn ils acd wait, 1-2 îieW ~ WW' ~ 'Nil' the ýND Perf une Face powa Dllstinig p c., 60e. 60e. -. $1.00 pkg.. Apple.1 Peanut stuoke1y serve Speci Canned 1, ideal ruy