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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Feb 1945, p. 8

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:fear ndp ae bvi ta t a i 1- Jfe briaket and $25 and couts for Joh Arstougpuchaeda tire ifrorn a prsn ot a dealer nd wýas is~eesd$25and os-ts or 15 dua n 'ither chap purchased t h ree. neo ires froini a person lot -a dealer and pid $75 and costs or one cmnth A. H. Lib old a used mcaîa refrgeraornt a pr b iglIer ýthaýn reasnabl andjust andwasfined2 $100 nd cost o to onhs W.G.Ierrold dpstdcutr feitgaCQPfSwt a balnk and was fudguiilty Off poussesion of, couinterfeits andçasoof dlvrn vas ithout sredrof cuos 'WHas ürsfed $500 and costs or thmee ntbs11,fiý. A sel vice station attendant !ILea*ded guLntoa scodoffense !of hsavingecuantrfcit couponis in is poqsession, and wvasfined $500 and costs or he nota It ]has ;beeýn eStimatedi that black ronckes operators made as much as $ î0, 0 00 byn and s-eIng used cars. Somne of these gentýs rae h couitr Iuingautos to seIl at exýtor- io pies n o dfer tao put a stovp if) this amd to preventi dealers froni ovacihrgigthe WPT1B lhasored that -ail sales of autos rnusýt lie re- ptete eHud ihnfouir days fsale. Satmetsofsae ust be1 maein triplica-te wih awitness to, the signature o-f both the sle andI the buyer. MHegt packers CIaim- they use "ail HIe,,p- iobt tesnl"Butthe for est industrýÉies heat that record Ï)y using ail Thle tree-even tjehe bark. The iitry of Food inu United JCin , dom is eonsiering thepacn 'if potatees on the list of ratoned comnioitias o cnbat a sotg -aid to li cased chiflyby f 4s os ses. fl, 1"~M~ A 1Yeax, ELE~IONNOT E\VI, E (Continuleci frein page one) îîe beivdin the Counthy of Dxai contaiing a hurchsehool,str andpotofic atdiýd not halve a ploughied radto the hi)gh'way ýin, fotdwith eitheor -a rond fitfl, for sleigliing or heligbecauise we the ta con-nes ihwy35-3antidthel coutyrad xVill be lhare, zand ha efel that lthis couneýil holdat that thnie PMn a rw oaduthS llge. He vuso said that le bad lbeen uratedb the eprsenativ oftheprovîincial depatmet wuld har 50pur cent ý'f the cut, nd tat it would onl Reee Riddid flot s"eein. te lie of tesaýnie opinion eadig ti road tion that te epl udexpct'ý to have theil od pee lo jDepuity R eWoodyva d explined luta ti was nlot a natter of open- ing wns ilp ronds, but was relieving a co0JlInimunity. 'Je then matIe a mo tion, "thlat thbis rcoad lie opened by the townhip s son ;as thespigta was apparent." Thos motion remain- ed before council but reelved ne seconder. Tt was suggested liy otherrIleM.l- bers that if Leskard nvwished the rond lOped, they coulýd do so at their ow expense.Air,. Woosdyard then ex- plained to Je counecilthat if thiýs -was their wish it Éwas not possihibl uder the MuniCipal Ac for Lnayone to oapen, noil road nles-s permnission lie given; by co ilfe hen asked if one of the mebes old mawke a'motion t thz effýect. iïe feltis was ; doinig littie or lnothing to rehevoehpesnsi- untion'. A mointo tb el -le ws mae hy CuncîlorJone, scondd ly WîlIth the vreisdig ofbyIsada leterfroi beBowîatiheé,n pitalbeng fied pforfuture eferaee jve nmetng cosd. For Fgtn PROVIEN COI aondt w-ereguest< Bulyand Jnamp SundayAl Miss max McsayW biroiay Miss STARK VILLE Mfr. iLloyd Halo 4] aipped Stock last "Tuesday. Mc, . RalsKendlal, visited hàic b Mte,5r. T. A. Falî. A5fr. and 'Mrs;. Wifr ed v Wcood visite(d 5fr.and rs. rmeFalis visitedà at % %V. m. Mri',Oronlo. buer futher oves the iweeen, Mrs.G. Slvervisited ýle ate Ui-ent a ew asxith Mrsý. P. Par-ý lt 1 U' Realrsadcutn ured (to use pnas posbl n the pachgl>iP' One of tihe illusioins ;s that tha f, an present hLur is not thse e ~- T~Yvs cisive houjr. -En1r4n G lloweil. Brenton spen Acouple of Miontr eal taiiorsn George SAit * fims paiid finies totalling $900 for in- Mn antI 3 fracion of lothing regulations, antI Mry nu siie ninre othecrs contributad nin nes p ivrrs Lýlia to $500 for brýanche-s of mo.(to.r vpIlicleMs.Ea prýiceý ceilng raguations, Mspeding a f( IThe Lechre Msns"49"-.-. ,W 9., 6e Cherry Bark, Cough Sr» fr -....... - .. ,........ 25c., 15e, Dr. hss Syrup.35C., 691-. Tyrrell's Hior-ehound ail dC louïey, 8 oz. boe ...L-49e. Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver (Mi... .. ....... 5. 50L, Bucley's 3Mixtcure 40e., 75c. Reexail Nose and Thront S Drops ........... .... 25.ý, 51)c. Vatronopl ................ 43e.ý Vapure, a few dirops on a hamdkercfeif to clear the head....,,.25C.1.50c, $1,00 Ciitthariýzone.25c., 50C., $L.N1 Isojtonie Solutioni of Ephe'- driný, 1 Ounce dropper, CUSIONED FACELE Cleansing Tissues Box ofýi 300 for >..-.ý,ý........ . 154% Agent for Javknian Fiaý ai Wad- pplica- eheot - 49e., 98e. 29e., 55c~ 25e, .. 39e, 30c,, 50e. eupg .60e Helen I vere hi Erýs. Pnoward Farrow%-, an ýt at M1r. Tebble's, N- son ar sist er'ý was ,welIIattenl 1,. At eKai !)el lie beldCon cil pol are very Mr.D. Vannatt, Mrs AnrewMoore not very vweillat Pl hn h~1t wii oon lS1tii, lait Heatvy Sqiî OC -e" Sweet 1V Kleenex .~79e eand thrive on ce of vitains, J. That's the wa iieacuire ù f SFl Chick Star- cots.Hera's hopxngýÏ the maln will lie kindc. The congregatgionial mecl ield in these unlday Scisool auay30th with oqiute a tane Tise vaious ti gave in tLheir rýeports. We 'wv to hiear the pastor, the 11e'ý Lahaannouince tfihl b leaving u s somaetimne in th( We ws hi every success piness in the charge to w3hi Asfaras we kýnow -t1icre lytovisitors to K,i vvrel-d. tthese Mlo, choice j.row.

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