et-y gond t is froml from thle tom is no .dw of of the d the itu- *s the(f is Il(eh for He soe.of spiritual to; travel of p)recinuis ig ionda stonec. S'im- eLord heard I À thie of, Joh11'ic Bptst lo had retuirneid from e Lord seioig theu vast Iunderstaniding the2ir sus ol tut-s rone awa the, pa- rnaniy womn air 1)"d1bin equippe d le or other ar-k liait- aud anid ,vry, 1(eer, Iacy on)le IISCS. "Whlceofste a? Marks rely.1~'~ ali lid mo hiIt of its rea sgnfiane Unce Hrbethetai f l ith -witli tedfeetlo? ;numiberoùf taîlfllow t ifr mg. Pamlal1;uglie'd ues,"h o Burlson lancd don atlier of lie thcklseson red cek 1Cm o tink oý f it, I1d re- memilber lte man yon I a,"lie admItitted sloxxlyý; it oýccurre-dtohn thait lt was thele cwhose cJe re- callIed snehgfroten]. It ha'd ben aguiyfmiiar -\\ hat sr ihe,Pm" 1'mdid flot reýply at: onice; they -,ad cojine tc a cosigandBule son observed that she took advan- tage OF lttoAborry hl aross and poit ou cteimagnifiee of a CloI8ts play. "Thoseeare loue Carnations. I doo'uikNe theru; they're unnIaturial," "T sectbat l'ilhave to observe tdu biue carnIon yong man, my- Seul, Burleson retorted dryly. "Uncc le Hebert, wanIt somle- OO..~. SORE THROAT, PAIN!1 Aspirin Relileves Pcajû Drop ami Aspirin Tublet ini a glass of water7. seit start to dissolve almiost .ntatY. Witin two secnde it bgn to disinitegýrate, andi this saneir ee is duplicated inyut stona l.Tus, you get relief almnl(st at onlCe 1 Aspirln le so fat, ,;0 efcive-abo)ve &l, so dependjabe, thlat lm-illionis Of Can,-ains Lave corne tf0 swear by it. Get.eAspîrin tnday. FoIOW thesstýiimpledietos For pain due-fo: SO.R E iHROAY.x Crush 3 teblets l3in glass ,,Çser gargle deeply. - ....... HEAOACHES: Take two Aspiin itablets witl fuil glass Of wtr KIEURALGIA ,. . NEURITIS. Tke t Aliet wth glass Of water, NE lu REOUCED PRICES Pcd'kef Box of 72 ......... ow 8c Ecomy Bof fe f 24,,.... -29C F-1smiy tise of 100.,. !oYw79 7he Bayer cross on each iciblet Je yeur 9L.0ronte thlac l'sAsii tfinig (of yu s,"sid l'am , coaýx- Ingly. iIMl>youiIt? Uts not He lne a ir n is big mouth idenedloto a liard sie "Noýt to lie catught, yugwoj- man. %What is 17 "Yulittle jadc god -pease, Suchadcoaedfor itIt bfoe, but eyrbefore lbad sli ener refus.ed w t uclivolne A red streak lvet p ovris thlin falce! i a momnt sh sad nohin and 'Thats My busines,"liereplid s]lapiyv; [thn, seeiIItg lier face lau, lie qualýlifieic, t. ' I flot transf-,e- abie; a friend gave m to n-te long Risslirpnssalarmi-ed lier; shel peeped at hlm as tliey parted tu pass tlrougl a crowd at tliecorner. lie lo]oked at, lier siewl nd knew li lia hd figtne ir, -Uni sO-y," lhe ýaid, Imorec cou- idîsel,"ask smttigelse, Pant. You can' Liave that bit of jade Beore Idie JIm goinig to smash I -j, tIe!"li lueaed. boi "f expeet to feu th Ange] Ga- - bri!, le std"ut n onle else. 'SIc mildsIbakýing lier ]liead at hilm, buit shie said no0 mlore aboult flic jade god. Smt inginter- ven]ed, tIon, to sweep it lierl othercrnr, witin1g for 11he-frai- i. udeny hecauit1 lis art-. you sce thalt tali man igetinig inito tandwomn and thle ciid] to gto fit -st.' e doantsec uQ - tat It wasa momet befoe1Butle- sonl fuld rthe y luagmon buhe; ctnyd t t111urb.Then M,1a r k stppd p ;and beanf0climb f0tr fltplic ic bus. Seeniliipof thlus, lis ,face howcceau-cu ftiad patle. I>Bruisn tdidit. 'Didyou sc l"Pa ase mii1 ber, dolt(1 ou1 He ilotbalther gi caelt be befl;elegaehl qickl sicoggine ro rder ie at-laseati Ie okà y She ws agy-fi ln sed ups to lier hait-.e eoAyfrgfeit brndI maint nh knew îe - i rile, t. at's ai. andie he's a h Byai?" ofs That'aat t he'Lsanrrs-ar a" he as 1h t pcase. Poic ,'s ot--i Ach yi--' e ,-,a r aMn phereis asipeeayayo t an ito aydrgstr does he lok They lTad wjher-e som e for fares. Il lier i t club.", hlmi. , "ho andpu patthe * * e Heseme srp sd t lir per,. !ittc;l'eae rcedv. itb a sbrug, Sharon!ug hedoor (oit Me. peeping ont onIite okwno a lier bcart. Ho i, lieios" l touî, had ever seen i m ealiliapy T'eddy Bankls ladbe'.osn nmny iince lic bn-is wagr an forced tlie inidignianit Lndno pay tip. Thec younitg man lIad thehai of losingimny, but lie sud inlieit- àa gonddeaMIfownttose unim- tant people li mlie ca'iled the IMudanks" Te nnliificuilty aboutit wastile fact that it -wasu tied up and nid Fnsi tat dry- chiarge of it. Thsii- t liappened ithat Teddy iýad tu, lmake ccainiv its tthe wyers ofiýce ud. take --usuialîy - a lcueb(efore lie -nt bis llnone. cvrticeslie got the:I mlonecy, bcas ude is grantd.- faters 1!, lie land a riglit to a fair-ly lreincomel,padqrtry Maîkhappnedtuob lie quater day, aid Tcddy B anlcs call.ed a taxýi and( drove downloto :th- swarmling stretwbre osdicIk's iVe rose imjposinlgly. THe fornnd theý- old lw yer ilt-tlisiusIua Ilmood; lie loe Teddy over withlis lýý izard eye. Yo'eLeen gamiblinigagi" Ileieimarkecd drylydrninton), 1 lol mgn froili your eyee. 0f cusyu'eafturmoe" 'm brke,"lie admittedcher fuiy; "sony broke!" "Houmpli!'Fosdick began to turn. over some papmesHle lad n alid excuse for holding up th engcy, but lie wisedlite Wd He dnslisd tl. younlg mnInlieartily. thiere was nnthý*ing iliTeddy's mae-ultat appeaied to Ihiim. "I suppo-se our in dlt ton, as usual" h e napped. (To 'Be Contintsed) A Ail-putr pose ýfr oc k in co"'toLI or rayon. il P fattern-il-1824,paCelett 1o sli yo; uo-front to save timie 42, 41. Size 16 takeu,3/gyaýrds 35 imcl fabr ic; 1 yads ilace dtg Sen twntycenits 20C) 1ins, stmscannotbe acceted() for thspaitern td ýRoom 41,73Adeý- laide StiWst, Torontlo. ri 5 L E EP - LOOC, Headache sin-gulhan he-acaçhes WhysfrLLmy wil ie san cet ache, toothache, pisiçi back. trah oes 1-d E-,ggs anld ch)eese are" gond coiýi- painionis and, Is with mst gond companlions, thley have many th)ing~, icommnon. They are botl Icpo- i eini or "building', fonds alid citheýr o'f them CS4'I step loto the matm. 1-oIeof 1meati. eyreact poryto Ili cokin teipeýratures whý'icli tuzn them loto"tougligus" Tliy likec to lie cooked ever IloÉ t ate and whcn they go into baked (dîsli- es lu any quIanitity thcy ask f or a ya t ofltwater to 10. Cheese Puffit 12 liaifindli suces stale bread; lb. clpeesiced, ~4teaspoon sait, 22ý cups miik, -1ggs pppe ad paprika, Trim crusts from jbreaid. Arrange aIlteIInate suces of lread and Cheese, lu. a greCased b1aking dsl, eýat eggs slightly, add ilk andsa snning and pour over thebcd Cover bakýing dish and aciwtue Six f0 peer, sc depth Of heat1t o fer wiii iý U4t aclOi in in t util 1c risp. Rem Pan and cooký faf unltil c Ear f afe,-gruee a11d sinier 20 sait anld pp front eggs, clit liot sauiceov- îmcludes .MVaxwell flouse . th.Ile choice hlend of Latin-Amnerican coffees, ithat sftiulates alid cheers you. Start ilie day well with Maxwell buhse. By MIARY IMLAY TAYLOR 't Mix Drink8 v Christmas fountain t- offý the (i gel u~ tu, t , . e -CGet el ISSUE 7-1945