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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Feb 1945, p. 6

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Are Turning s las>, wek said Ibat Be'glnfalnisarc ipplies for at'ied ar- eeCl ;nulsare(,flrg ls, aod cother -planilts seohle cneamidhos- Can- nuLs basbaa aranteot ry-s iitiflx avary officer * * k, ted life span of uic year-oH Canadin girl .7 0rs, aud thial Tlii3 etiate is bew Scornpilcd by tha Do),- îuI of Statis!tice n lthec 1941 census popullation, mntaîty C)f 14-2 lie case ofthfemr fanwas 6 5.6G4 yers aeofiblatr 46 bim u f dtes fre)in 1941 as iechedlc thlýee'are now avail- il tor es. Thecanieunt su1t 400long touls, is v 60 of Cnd' dînnli11er. Geese arc thle iid of piltry tn feed anýd no 8pecial d(iet beyonid anl ce oDý grecsfee<say A ft a. he etsgratin geeseý Ilhe better. m111v graýin give t' e gese entrai xeinna a 11(11111 ay te tocac[h bird. Yvo Wili Enjoy Staing At The ST. REGIS FIOTEL Tl. R . 413 1)o.l 't s uff er - Dor WArTFOR PERO UCPAINS 'Vou CAN HAVE UT UN IMINUTCES wvith Iis Grand Presriltoon Reedyor Moaoy Back t al. Goteanly Sd gatil riia Smrid Oli-it apleion will hai itchîine eof Ec- oaý ls i -L s toùraýge 1. 1 rte4 about dul itity fer this finie ta that the haest e of supisavil.. B'oard bas an- or mipenatoin o long as thora ar ce of g-oodquly d. Deposits Deve laped aPse 0f Leadig -Air niiitli White -w ".o i, of a practisa bomnb d prerniatuLrely. nia aboya biis nosa r*,iht ar was blewn away, vith it. 'waId'L liva. e of foeh fd file Itantainusn, and ia mar- ired ksg shis y[ ory taken ie-ve that cough OW before it be- >Mes serlouïl. I ITIICIECKED "o 3Wý j-o Mony ac condiltions, jaie pure, cooliag' medl, ici, lud P.. a.1> PRESCRfiPTÊON.,GeseeaanS siairnl"esoothes, coi-nforis an-,qic!y c-alm intense itchiag. Dnt ufeAs oo mugs today for D .P RSRPIN - tISTARD CREAN nedk and ther ailmeuits cosby eXPOsur'e t ieaer oniton.Aehe. and pitimo dilsppear wth one hpplicaiosý YOUJ M MEN WHO SUFFER FR015 How To Lower Living Standard Oae peint nade thiis year by Mr. A.N. MJitchiell, praýsident Canada- Lift- Assuirat,'ce Ce. wbîich if cern- yrehiende4 wi%,deIvepub wtl save and oceaas of gief iand lot us get on wvitli the ,i o fbid ing snadl for abterCnd for ail Canadianis is this: Ii is1fi1w te reaize It m- gidoatatin ulinsaely esîrys nt onlly inidividual opsortnnity anid freedoin, but 1, polsfinallyi liig. A feliiw vit iin state - call il Socialiain, 'Coul have yo - seilaeforaim teforce cer eorder-s, if their factive. No ACCol à AN'S &AI DITOOS BA INcOBETt RpoRmTs (M- BUDAU BREAI 8 Wellîngton St. ., o_ nt o p~sol ÂïCCOUN1TINO N] ICOETAX, Also CW1 3 :11Sai'lAveneTeroto.LOin aago bard 180, hcefo 4 cd heavr cw p1.00)BOOS TOUr <>Ui>ER sud ot ble d i sa ýppOýn t ed. Ail chcsai.rýe en uaranteed itest- ed stock, and f'rro n2D5;o)7. e,ýgs 0r better. Barred Rocks mxe $MOI00 per 100, Wb!ia Leghorns miixad 31.0par 10I, DIrreà Rock Pullets $1900Per lm 'white Leghorn PulleýtS $1,0per 100, white Rocks Mixed V15.0 per 100. wite iRock iPUlet D2.0 er 100, looilgûn snixd 31.00per 100-Boelg born pullets 324.00 per 100fl. \V'I guarantee 100% lie de liey iatcfley, iChatham. Ontarifo pricms. AiHlchkebackd h 26Gou. eggsfriSpca Mtd $1,0pr100, Suspe X New Tye 1aho, Sussex Leg home nd Rck X eghond Su _xX lýeghorn Cocferels $3,0 pe 00 ehom'nCokel$10 par100. 1,00 j(jper10 dpoM ilanceImm Win Send your re 5000 BREEDE!RS ON ONE PLANT Boum YOUR 1345 CHicKS NW and gat yourcickIs when yen wanit thlem. Orders are ponîg laBrederHathercaare alysý seld eut eaýriy. Dn aechiances order NOifflW. PUre Bîad ussex Large Type Leghoriie. Sussex EX New Hampe, sewx X leghoras, Hanas.,.Barrd Roks. iendfo large îisstatad Cataiçiueaa Prme 1,sf. akeview Poulty Farin, NWeid Emrea., Exaeter. Ont1. TWEDLE DICRSARETIME testd. W've een19 lyears la the hatchery business aad have laaned ea ij)portant Ltbiing-tbatýi ha atsfid.That' wliy we value thlose eet resthtka pouIng On Ind' latters lik, ti:: Iarkhill& Ont. 'Tie 400 hckO reeved ara doing fine and1Ilhave ooly let cena They are 1fe-themI- 1ing gee andlithiolt :a douhl't thyaathe hast chcksT hve hadl in fWie yae Aiu 1MDn yerre t oncefor 7Twedle cbics, 300 pr hundred ýon ipuS- Sesfor Fhusydeivery. Aise effe diceut ef SOc par ihundmedPL onnon-xdchieke, 1.00 pe!,ho: drcd Ion puliet cik- if yen send yor rderheor b.2Ah Pf1r lng seasen. YenIcan'10, rc dine. Frac catalega and eamly bookll"igiga T'lIst.TwddlCic 100 ÇICKS ýFREE (our choice). Lehri nlt let chický. wegive 10(l reec hueke $22,95 pnet NO0. ared HOMk oui- lets $19 95 par 100. White Rock pul]lts32495par 100. rewa rleg- hemn PiSais $ 5par 100. Ali chicks suld baclçed by high egg pedîgreed %Uë1k. 31.00 booke yonr orderbalaneaCAOD. Oaranteeri 10% ,,ve dlivary. Kent E2tcýh- er.Chathsm. OCntario. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AN\]J) YOU A R E' GU ARANTRU) L yur chick% for aext s"r09gwheni yen want thein. iiored iRock nji;ed $32.00 per 10. witeleg- hcorîa mixeS 130 per 100, tSalr- mad Rock Pullets v1.0 epr 100. white leghorn pullats $22.00 per 100. Healvy Braed CîZlS $,0 er 100ù. Leghorn Clxs. $2.00 par 100. AIl cickis hatched frein 26 oz. eggs or baetter' aad frein spýTecial iriated floc!çs. UGparantaad 100% live dei¶vary. 8ý1.00 books your order. baiance. C.O.fl. RaiIow Hatcbery. Chatharin. Otanie. buigehicks for succes ye muet hi cickýs with redig livI1bility, and w1th propler came yeu will ha ertiainilf prod1uctîont for pro)fit. lonio PulIry Farin.. Breeers ara ail IGovrnrmnt la- spectad, bandcd, and blood-asted. Write' for 10i45 -prices and Cat- aboguer MONKTON POULTNRY FARMS, kMotnOntarie 25 FRLESCHEIKS OU FOýUNDATîON STOCK 18s registared ianS dpedigreeS bîrds. N,,oibing btter hi Canada. Order ne.Priýces for mixeS ilabit chilchs, mnaies and femaies: Bar- reS -Rocks, $12.00 per huredred; le;iie Leghorns. $11-00; Wite Rocks~, s.06; rwn Leghorns, F13.00. t'uSai jc1gs; BarreS RQks,$19.0: MteLegheIsis, ý ll. ; W,'!t jý C1 ekS, 82.0 Brewvn Leg '6s, f5 re chîcks, 651r 'CholIe 4wl ~gfVýrl for eaeh 20 0 ffiulxed 'c18ica ordes'- ed anS 21, frec clihîlme fqr ach t",0 day oIe! pillieta'9 rdercd> Goddard Qhick 1Ilatalery, RB- taeinia lHelglits.Ontario. BETRORDER TYOUR LINC'OLI I Govam,nt niAppro 1Cv u ( Ch(ckM new. New IRampchira. Brred Roksind Ilew Hampsle X, he , . rite fer uratlou cml, Racestreet, St.Caar ie,Ont. Poi Oft01ficee Bx 304. BRAYRAT HERYCAN 'îVE TOU F41wuamv dalivary onchicka and ceresin thesa breede an Thy wIl ct te etra mal rkats for ou.Ordr nw, venfo'r later dclvem. BayIlacbey, 30john S.N., HmloOnt. HOW V,'TO SAVE MONEON CHICE' purchsas.Have en aid ite yonr- sctfNaxIycamSm ging e ny fml, c iesliop n t d ChOkaisVuclpb4, COntarie.W Haîcb off avcry Wedn ey.Sust- tamys BoltryFarus storXI Rd., TI. ,iS'ICSER,",ON ht. ez Canadan ad AmricaîOns const sine 22. econd igh BarreS13c Boc pa 94 i PoeStateghCon- 4et ica. 1Angus - ljrqubrt gI'eeed On.m nbo ol0 BEdErS-.BLOOD TERSES) il badars clleisatd sermxe 1cSusa',Ne Suasax N Legbons ieîe. fHeavi(,lBreieilCockare gOc, Suetex vour erdaer. Balance ..D. ROS- rna murnii. ESRALL COUNNTROR, PliE- Statin butntassentl. ulln 71 AdlaideSt. W, ooi,nto. ines andEmaîl.macinTeRsopDb Fra e, 18 AnsTea v.o RAV YO ANTHINRNED nnswer y, oum qruiltons. Dparil- Limitad,791 Yonge Set-, Te- rmote L1 E y A L N TRARDRESINPG0 TUE Itohmtso's AUimd"ss ngAd I- amy. 117 AvenueRo,iTeronie.l IN TERmNIOAL Ch PIO AMERICAN BLL TERRIER Pup- pisUneEaTl lb agA Ooe),Ioiuity for lreturined. man. Buieant.stoc,adjoillag Ibouse, eptioinal. smuaiGardineýr, Innis- T1.1C;IN TRAýýNS POR1>TATION. Wcil estab[ilied business, i la te ceuit of Ahitibi anS Temriscaini- ingue, locatad le Noranda. Que., 5 trueke, garage 85 x 10, rom for 7 trucks, storage space on 2acI fleer; btwtrl~t1g88 tain. WiSIlSa aruTê caab., Apply bit latter te Noranda, Que.rBox 3U6, Noada, Que. REGýiSTEltED NO. 1 KINGI GOLD SEAUi iYBRiýt S IEED CORN 87 TO 112 AY MTURITIES, VAR- leia oitahie k fr hth cnsilage nuS rain, isq atai llinae (t eced Qaist. VWrite, for priçe list. Thie C&rt Ont. ,ç C. P LUSIIMEN-T, 0 C S CAýLES anyrtulat1or,-25 Ce n ts, peost- pi. Th'C,i i1(,ook, Mditn fmom y',our inatar-ialsQ. ul]!ting' Carin Mchies J1. 5, Spini- ning Whals 1395 Akfer, cat- agu.Sifton Wý..Prdut1 1000 0HRSEIcS 1000 Exhiitio Tlrsss RegnSask. AiS1 1ý, 1,1,1945, Ail fanmiscd, wcl roencn hese n nddrvesplan11now te attendlu. UMRCIBSleMr o 12 Regînna, k $80 BSLE Y 1RD. SCAR1BOR- 'u l ewei, .miesfrinTe renteb,24acrs,-1odgaren and modem 1stabl. 1,jaleIhoue wri runiig 1,tc ,in nbouse aa TRNTlO CIT EATYv1 ,Il 232 IaflthAve.,Toron toOnt. 11, well-dainad,>,o HiF2 seubwsinefjlaifo1, tn)ewni T ILvnsip, Stbeigf i otf12,cn.2 Tuere are I isera 1 ai1 11 , aa('( 4 Fmae oue., ci-refS uE -d k gaag, vilc l , oar lin Anyhoditwapthsrga blýh rodue igfamIn s bse- ena ý. Appli tGt WýjlilIimStrassar, R. 3,Stratferd,. A00(ACRES, 2 5 MILTS EAÀ-S'T 0F Dudion eui rIonId, J185 acre i ýS iuner cliatoover 510 acrs eaitfor crn,5oed build- barti,go od h ouise w itb Ilfumnc famrm wcillecd ossinsi P)A LE, R. '4, or Cee. Duncan, 110ACEHAFML SOUTH 0l' 1-e1 u lworth' I, 7 mi. 1ies Cnortbof Aibur iion pa vedlIlighJiwa y. Six- ro,omadl,, br ýl Iick bos, lar ge(II)ian)k bamia1, $3500. AIPPiLY M 0Masteýr West, Toreieo. STO1MACE ANO ]) T RiA, OIiýS eenaethe cause ef ll-bealtb la humains ail agesF. Neoea in- inua!Whly let finS eut if ibis la yonir t-teie? lata ,sraisgpar- Ramedias. pcînisis. Torenieil Rhuai an r Ne u 1 1-tis shudtry ixnsRe1d.Mua- ro' Dmg Sore 35 Elgin, Où- taa.Bsipaid 3.0 BAU-jMEEKA P FOiT BAL-M desteys orfansive oSe0r 1in St a Il t.,4 5 hgttIe. Ottawa -agent. Deamnl3 ])muig to're, Oli1awa. GOOD RB'SILTS - EVERI SU F- ferer rei huna.Pains or NeriIs oul]d tmy Dxo'sRm- fmtCenSepaira]tor trouble. Wýe resac nS mtin thlei, wNvc nlot too badly w rot give the equal of new ])itsc service, fer" crieibird te ea uarter thaeqaýt. B;ow maani ase, 'aswela rciininganS d.refitting ef ail MUIAENSTRUMENTS P REf'D A. BO ( iýD j N ( TON BU YS. sa<.xchan;re, iuilalintru- mania. 111 Cbuîrcb, 'foroatlo 2. OFTl'ORTUNTITIES voRnOIE BE A HAIRDRESSER jOI CANAD - LUAI1NG S1,ýCIIOOL Great OpruiyLa' Blessant ilg'xxfied plressinl, goodi wag7es, ihousands suceassfnll.Mavl giraduates. Ainerica's greatest ayr- fein. Ilustrafed ca t alo g Uaofrac. Wriýte or cl M ARVEL PHAIRDR2JSSING SCITOOLS 3-.8 BLOOR W., TORONTŽO Bnce;44 Ring Sit, aio. A 74 -Rideau Stract, Ottewva. PAT rIN'F Ptent Sorlicitors. FOisýt 'l 1 >e 1890: id Kin- Wpeî.Toae Beokitet Inormflin on ê TMIlîddo Misin1. RcSer ilj flic tuth cn boî. San for Gospel Poclamton 1 Nrl TIME TES-'FTED eQUALITY7 SERICE and STSATO RERIT 8rr85 Fou maynet gel al thle films yen2 waîl ýibis year. buat yen ai gelil t Ieuuality aServiceynodu r it eny g ou ilm)s te DONT RSKLOSING "SNAPýS'7 TEY C AN'T 311 AKE G Ge jf1k' Trap'ýnîlewr1s Proropt Mail Srie edyn film relis teStar ýýlapsf1ot Évie te hc davaIüped atýcd prinled This1 is apd' Iargasi finlishing ;(,e- diû, scr\ ing cwetom(i's :su ovel Canada. -Youl'll liSse ouir nl.tee, Any Size Pell-6 or S Ex po, eenrlu DEVLOEnAND) P'NT -,î5 praisin3 Star Snapabeüt Srvce cusfomer et Wjindsorl. Ont..wriies: "I sps1früe lts bar te'i'e î'eur ussial uick scsrvie with help se bard te g'el, but asq lonig as yout tur il eut 1 sncb fine p,', I l'resl. l'il wit-if i have te wait." I l UNTE])ELREMNr 5 Bil 416- ia BeautifulEsaieni mouats;7x9"inaGoW.Sîvr.('r casis W Lnn',or lack P',n meant eolorcO. 9î eac h. .STAR $NAPSHOTSERIC Eux . Pstal 7PT'arna .1 ool PritiYu an a du plajnly on Ail 1Ordafs. ALFAPACLOVRSTIM OTIl PraetPastur 1e Ga' el~ brid Cerni,il No. 3. Be rcs iartsSeed Storle, B"",wsnan,îý villa. Ont. LINTYE ANTEýD, NO. 5Of,> Mo dal. g ive fnýl pýurt1cular' le Wilson P1'biisinb-, Ceý., 7.5 A'd e laidd St.W-,Torunte. foicamp rntg laide W., Torllnte,. M i Bn.Senid flil parIizlar:ý anS phoýto, if psil.Bx7, 7:1 AdelidaW.,Toronte. POW E 1PA 1RC 1I R AS Stj Icu r, Per1,foirator. Cecr1O rn a prin1tingý-, 1108 ýSt.Laa MoSin- WN D:PROTESTAT CH] O Tanlches- for ,funlorraeste comj- salary exacted tef. F.,idin seet uLary. Ee-wivagnat, Ceui Abth.Qnebec. Onlt. A4pply C, A aiFruI.I Domestie er haper ta itoceaof Hepta t live O n. Wblen appl- iag give fflI p r',Var ater- forda eptl e 0,Wtr f er. Ont, C! %VcrA NTeck. ilcl Cof 1ra), amîl Two c, ooS waga-s. tr lstiiar lophlacollcc ltyf;1iý 324. agnu l. ox 0 3Adelaidi ISSTITE -1943 i PARMS FOR SALE

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