OflONO, ONF-T.. T Will Bible OIass Pot Lu And Hunt Club I Hiold. Annual Meeting, brok iII bld Fair Wiednlesday, Juge lh e anulmeetinig of the Mill- Faîsr Board was held in the eil Chiamber, Milr oo iesday,, February 2lst, with dient Robert McCnàus, Idail ami and about flfteenl dircctor-s iembers hin tendance. It was tted that owing to an extended-,( s, the Secre yTesrr r Falls, was unable to be presentý. ig hin bis absence 'was Mr. Jay ;igoone of the keen younigerý resof the -,Fairu.1 President reported a veIry balanice ,arter wicb b le improvemlenits made to ~, aslwel as nmanly 11101 ýdedf. eleotion of officers r-esdlteý sînte being nmled for 1 Ithe unanimious decisioi Faniý ia',ïi t-svv i , east of ils for r, Orono, , 1, ,xithj o guide oI direct 1* u r es fatv-1( -I \ATj}IERIC;G( 1F'B] dis- Picýture sho10\v"y: the pictre re left to ih andIH..S.Maidstone, a dj Leonian, zabom d a95 na1amtoluncb pare', n toIAsphani. JuIt aove fH.J une, I If>and11.3US.Cal \vithl 1 eetii us rntey aie wor- considertion andalso whihMr's. Tambly-n 1"A Postwar Chanl ge e" aathf te discuission11 ghtb out maniy reason- ruab le 1projects wrh i[siderat1ion. An initer- aind delicious hlunch eeting to a close. and Father's Ltn uchildrien anid inireturn- ofr tbeirrept- nld Ui1dersýtanding lbelpi On Satu ndthre-ugh a'il a trivi-ilal and ser7 To 10lov hmsteadI Maýy Love and t w ilat(do you ail Happy IHomle By Alice1 Board, (b) the smqme.(r show Ma of the people,ma vliereby aIl live- tbe eriigWhicb"ing ts for th'ie coml- Spa' m a nîdwiches, c-ake anid cof- servedfollowed byj a sliown by W'arden Cn Newcastle. Mîr. Car- picure of bis own, re- f the skating rjink in nd otber intersting ith txvo ilms supplied of pîcturesque scenery ýts of Ontario. The nging to Dr. McXen- ot deal of comment he lasit fim of Dr. s mostly taken at our restation Station, and it was. It brougbt of the placee ini sumn- q the- great beds of ily kept, tbe shrubýs ned and the grounds,: !ition. Et wou-ld seemi ra can bring out the beauty of the place 7the naked eye mben ugh the oesrbut ,e, w ~ar ng utc( of tbainks ren Caýrvcth in g ,vitli his mov Library er wearing a dress of pink sheer l .al maitin-ig accessories, carried ville,( roses and for-get-rne-nots, and 1eh tter, wening ai dress of blue Younal and mthn acesrear- 0Port pik araton m~d forgt-p1 Thie best man was -Mr. [311(lnd F o fWbib.tvt The reception foilloing th(2 e we- dg -was held in tIre Cenitral Hote. of Oshawva, later returning '0to tbe home of the gomsant and uincle, where they wer'e received by F his sister and 3imy friends. Hiere a reception followed, which jncluded thie cutting- of the wedding caike and the opening of many beautiful giffts. they bad received. The happy couple left on a shlort hioneynïoon to Toronto and Western poinits, the br-ide tra-,vel'linig in a gree-n crepe dr-eýs iand hrcewn accesso-ries., Apple Crowers Assured Of CoId Storage Plant, at would Th'le drive for membei-ship s' place il, se-rlitions for.the IDurham iliG-ow-eir's ild the o-oeaieCold Soae is well ujt zcOj-ejnde way anid 1to date its succe1S~s- srsthat a phlnt ill bet buit sole- was ten- where in this district in thie neari ci min Li til e. vdng Joe Diffrenlt plahts w'oere visited by a ýonmittee- of ninle, Harold G i1)So0ni, - Wilfrid CFuhes ore-%es eylanid, H1arl y Jose, Ir win'- CoIw'ilI, W.1rl' ( I CCci Caavith (and W., o nto thfler wit Agiculturl-o Representa tive E. A. Sumimers 1and1districtfleld ard ma 1n rley We 11st 11, nd mny in- The move to obtaini chairter nd regîtr (,f nine bas alrouýdy ibee schlools efteeted, and when subsýcriptionii1 ,s -ICa'tiolfIal were opened 'a suml in th" eg-br anllect'ion hood )fof $FiOwspledged at 1the1 ian o 0e e- lpo thre, h-o' Constable R. Di Comstable PRoi Ipast two yeais manltvillbe detaci vincial polie,dc nedyof last ed On M.Ondi(-i can boarded thie nidn iglit CPR tranan while ire an attempt to 1Leaýve thle train became camught in '0omeimannier and -vas drgge aongÏ ilhe track tow ard Port Hoape. 1t is believed that a second train following the fir-st saw -hlm a lng the trcsand took hlm to Port Hop1 e ihee e was rusbied to Cobour-g bos'pitaI by5S, lac I f was fnunld hth hd stistaihied 'a compllound (leg, fracure nd oher rievouis iluries Given iimmediatesugicl ttenlin. he i 'a stilI concios wen lhîef SidneyVnton eah ]l is sd.Able tspeaik '1ewcould net account for thje imedae ,ppenfings thait led t-obi lke was 2 (er f age lad w-Is highbly popuilarin the flisri,ýlct alin "omneýtent ocffi'e r. 1('e is suIr v ive byý 1bi' widow nnd onýe sml daug- ter. five years of ag.ýp URGE COUNCILS In-q G LW O;N Rom) COSTS Poiigonitt hat 1the Oiutarie G Ov- cr etcould nlot ernbar]ïýl on more ýthni noi- m a-l expn difnçli ur s , -hil cose tar will iny owu MLV1y Love anx mle. To lpil them to ihe lif'e wco k th TInstead of gra1ti MyLove and LOrtare1you ju1t co st nlit fLV I >1i10Ii- Uhdcrst To Teserve l'ime and fe cergyfo mY cbildreon, Sothaýt T.Il an bteir closýe anld inlter- cs ted friend May Liove 'nd Understandiinglheilp Me. l'O fit my ebildren te necet life and peoplo' Brv ly.hnestly and independentý MaUY Love and iUndcrstanding lhelp) ve nv e *frecdomi, but to, use that free- Do aouatten d t!h1e moeetîn O r doyLi s tay aut ihome n and knock ? Do yorake man acive part the okaog, [Or are you satisfed to be thtn ut blong?" Do you evea g~o t-o visit WCo is sick. Or- lealve the ork to jmat a1 t-.ak abut te cique? TIere'sut- a proýgram s tha)t I msure youl'vae beaý And we'Il appreciate it if y Will cone aud hcýlp ius p Th-kthis over. nmemisei- Yo Confuse liberty withi Understanding ,guide )r My Orono