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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Mar 1945, p. 3

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Lesson 9-March 4 Jesus Teaches Forgi en-ess Mýatthiew' 18.21-35 Goldau Text-For if yeý forgive- ïmn the,-ir rsaseyour heavienly Father wil iseo for7give you: But - ï f ye forgive net imen thieir tres- passes, neithier will ye)ur - Father ont4,15, Peter iicttired how îatty times shîaJI a brrether sini against uis and st, il frgIe. eter Imust hv thoughit seve tes would be, suf- fintfor aynNtonlly svn buit svnytnisseven Jesuis re- plied. ThUs may bave only bena figurec ýf s cech but regardîcas, there Sheuld lie ne nuýTd te the for- givýinIg of a brother win ay tres- pass againist us. jestis illustrates is mesC.sage b5Y referring te the Kogdioni of 1{aeas an e-arthly kýingdomii The king checks Up oit his ser- vantse Each servant lias te giveý an accounit cïofbssSteward(ship. Likewise each Christianshali be eýalled upn te stand and give an, acitounit of bis life's service, This pairtictilar SeOrvant wýas5 typical of each suinnerwh is u-n - able to pay the price of bis sal- vtation. 'Thle strvant wa oien- rnanmded te, be sold, witb bis pos- sessions, tehelppny the debt. the onnur iscast ite the Lake of Fire. >, The servaniit feil doxin and(! r shiped hisking pèleaig for miercy and foL-giveness, Thie Ser- vantwa forgivenI as is eýveryoüne wbo cCornes te th Saioîseekinig parden forubis sons The serv-at - sdçcin forgot ithe King's gooelness towa.rds humn, and wxent euo ihut mercy seekinig those ind(eb)ted te hlm. How oftc-n is -this the case with those wlic have futnd lie!-p) fi rom the Lord in tiiie ef trouble. The tïebt heIre wsonly a trifle Celn- pared with whýat hie bad been) for- given, but stili e dManded pay- ment, WCon frouhl ai er newlý Fren-ch creLationi for sp.,ring.- Bulît bilh ith rows of baby lace, chapeaufeatu-.res large bouquet of gay colored f!ower-s. fiatwas ànodeled a u FaubLourg St. Hon- oýre srowing Olp Each I'ostriI Qu!ckly ReReve Right Where Trouble IsA Soothing relief from stuffy, painful distress of acute catarrhn cornes fast as Va-tro-nol spreads through the nose,reus swollen mnembranes-soothes irritation, relieves Congestion, helps flush out cold-cloggecdnal passages. Makes breatliingl easier- try it 1 Follow directions in package. Tho Jade QedI BlyI MARY IMLAY TAYLORI CI{APTER XI Landonýi, who h lad neyver for)jgiveni hiîn for tiie resoît of the w,,ager, tumnied back reimuctaifly and u- locked bIis door. Once iiïde th rooii, Banks shutt the doo0r anld ?eaniied bis back sginst it. "Sec here, A r bcie5"lie said boaLrsely,; "thait felewV-thait wg bie', cointted mre! * 5erinilg e aîadon stood ASti Hfe had neth- ing te say, buit lie f it the blood poun3ding in Ibis brait, fie had bat- eu tMark, but neotfor an instant ad he magned this Banks went on te ehucidate is statemenit, te Add a hitte celerte t. "ICiled lis olnd ule Cfifteen years ago; that's why iAsport of forgot- ten-feeble old man," he exphlate breathlessly; "knocked bu on tue hlead itabrc orsomethlling Jike thact; a pefetl bastly imur- dem!" Laudon fedddhIis armai and straighitenied Ilimself a hittile. StiII be saiid niotlinig, and biis fîxed stalre dîsconcerted Bans "Look lereohd chap," h-'e said nevul,"it's a bally kettlie of fishi; whiat are yen going te do about at?" "Do" andon's face ireddenied. "Idlike te b lang yeui, for o)ne tinig," lie replied itr1 ' I' that feel wger!As hs fe - low-" bis lips t igbt1enCdl-,ý,-'I1se te butii!" "Dyu nwFosdîck àsys ne 's mlaking love te PamehaIý Rod-" "Yen hecave ber eu'1t cf it; yuve donc eissg! -lb if yu'egoing te feist al agiibt he get ne furtbeýr; Lu- edon Itîmnat lihIlm ntinte t IIse hll, leke tle door If Ibis apasivnenit and startc(d dwstisonamn fie \as aare f Tedy's î1g* sp eIfsgIlbehinçl1bita, bt e oo fi la;fnd iieluIc ear-d lyc ladbi loz'iîs~Ul i ordered th taxithee no, sd tbew I',li' ba-Ick l is-tn eice cfl itito m-,uk ieladacc Maks irat meetIlng dandycf I tc baîro1, [lu,1t fily -) ,ined teisarryanl[ , the heis, lad neyer drcaned et alla why lie had brought the t- gethler, r ïged at the thouglit, lie was helIpless, tee. If ihe told the truthi, Mrs. Lynn wonld certainly Mxlde !iark aitogther, buLt -she irai wli)hi hd1niade the w_ý\ager. WhIle _Maýrk stayed awy tou thle bounse!lie ad bethdmore frUeely lie lhad bgnte blivethat ibis trashad taken ffee.1Ilien, by tbey hd met ftLe1. Thethogl had 1tnaddend ;lini; e*na furîouNly Jeatous, aud:itl] adl! d jî lch ad puit is fate te Ilhe todion it te Spot aldl(i ai iirl te ary lm H hd been ho"pe ait ail. Palin waa a;1 modemn, sheU took the.niaItter clly and "I dnt lke.youl well enugli, rcete-)begin ith"shie had said and VOUSre fot dthekind of mnanIi'd imarry anyway. rio've 'sever dene anyth inl your life but play tennllis and d(ance -an ýd tnAke YOMurfagrecabe. lCe dont ibeut tbe sanie tîngs. We' bore eacmll er'teextinction. Nu, tbank Shie ad floit said it Sweettly citlier, btcauce she was seý angry thýathemr cheoeks were pin and Iber eyes flashed. Landon choked down hi,, aliger wîthliut accttsiniglber of b)e- inig in love wýitb thfat "w.,ager fel- lùtw," as T'ýddY 1'ankls had called Mark, buit, ,onte the less, hiekte she was' and he vowed vengeance --net Uon her, buit on th)e ta.H hall beenl in this state of ilnind wIe11 Teddy broke in on i w -,itb lis shfockilng revelation. Landon fel, lie houting; il was f earful! thing te intoduce hKm,, but la .cenld !ose ne moreAby tahleSAd already. Uc ad lest, Plai! Very we'li l the; qse' oudknow before dte n set tha't she ad te give np her- convict! Lanldon, sîtting tighit in the jump- inig tax:, lauighed bitter-ly, WIth kinld ef ghioul-n joy. it was net until the vellicle sopdat tht dor of a dinigy Lbrowj-sýtone fro)nt, thlat it ocre te hlm iite beafraid of 11m oneucc-py ally fie re- m'~meredsuddnly te terrible grip (of Mark's au1ds :il the smok-- ing reoliý ýn; utfotvn ltod ()me onictl ie11,thulit th ninrcrerîrîainglove te beri!" J ealonsysud sexLthinfg deeper, kind cf rutefury, carried hlmi Up tue stepa t thd'oor. But lie met nîydisppoîtinnt.'Ilhe ianld- ago ormore. andon laric againa-t the dorpot, whteftlihelips. it was ne part of lis plan te les the "Di yen iant hlmfor anlytbling he'd bewn iiiai! Landn noded.'~îr\ed a ter-Ii Young man, tee I" Yn'rIlueleI's gee."Lanl- don antd-hi aner ws ntioas-z. toldie; d'l.dn't say wer,"sh addd,"bt ItikNbak. Lauonglncd tbi wtc. h RETRENCHING, LENA? ýiBy GwnoInî.7lre i a certa uinl nm be(ýr Co1 huri s ýcfi and after the war ri-ef work in Europe w\ill surely] be a grim nces sity. Buit if leisuire islased almolst .Centirey foir plasue then de( car belp us! After ail pleasure is neût by ân1y meuiîs dpednttpon Icei-. sure lu a senise ofi sa-tisfaIction oto okweldonse. Or is thlat eid1- Oh wIl, ayhe 1 I antrying ta. cross mly bridges a litle te early'. Aftcr ail, leisure right non, is an inknown ?quantity. At letast ià ta -witb us and nedeubt yen f itldidlt thlat way tee. Without Leave Juatte leao payc~fso that !aY eit a AWL"br in Canada anid "A.W.O.>L." i ye'evisiting l in tt s,11 tlle Doinlion ithe mlilitary çrimla[ ý "Absent WtotLae;south of the bordler it is Astt ibn OfficiaiLeave."5 -Eduionton Maxwell fluse Coffee This ehoice blend is boaglit b-y more p)eople> than any other brand of" coffee àn the world. The ilPurpose Grind SýjjS Us Il types of coffée mcak9er. Aches a.d pains o 'ieTCur Ae u e cnndb PnM.u M eleIfeu oti7e Yo ung (John and J lis 1brothrci: wenlt, te s te thei r Sister y estrer daýy anrd theiiin e three cf theinlwen-,11t by buls itoHans2ilton. 1I expected Johiln te cem. omevery biappy after bis day eu'lt. He_ was anlytbiniig but! Laighý-I couldn't lbelpit.ii[nila very disgusted-voice 301hn',said ._ ',By lbooky, Iwî ld ilive ii the city if you paid ie. I'd dam el go icrazy. The nons ., .,and pae. just shovinig you)rOurnd . . . no- boy caring about dh ermfellw and aih 1 did on the bus and streetcar waýs ke gettin' up te ,give soelemian a seat.Beoy -- arnI glad A te Uhme. .. tkabout a headache!"' Thinking te placaite hlm -,somc- what 1I mntionied that suipper -was waiting for ihlm. "D oilen want ià now,'" I asked, "orswuhd youi rather get your milkîg done first?" "Naw - 1 Ic don't wanti sipper yet --l'vugo eut te the cows fint, whee1I au be quiet and meve lcy- self karoun1d wfthiouit gettinlg somie- one's elbow b mality faic. Gosh saeit'l 1 be *a 1long tiie before _'-11 wanit te go te tdie cityagn. Poor )ohni-two, or tbiree liar-C earned dollars gene west and ail) he go ou cfitc was a headache Whlat a mler-cy it lia we donit ail Alik like -if 1we did Orwe auld ýa lore rudpegs lu qur Isuppose his winteury wiinter bas beenj quite a badsiptea lot of people -I manlIlu iavii t ý,tny lhome m nore thail usuIal. AndI why sbuld Lýt bSurc(ly nc ie p vcryhiti vaue on isplacc w I esil bom if we ('fid ita, ba;rd- slip te stiyiin itfor twe o)r tlire eesat a trteil. \Wbat is thle mlaitr istb us tatwc ae lw- l-ays wanitin t go plaices anld se cenvnicceslI our brnsthlan did orptnsand gadact il. their dayawd agec. Ahredy tereis sntetaîk of a te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ý a etanetet o g ih- e'ut hrd ep.Lsswrk.. oe lesrefr w bt? WVhalt onert wuld pol owt hi ie Chiagofler ad et Icýft yet, Cudhe niake isd gtat hilm at thestto? ferse te taithr it fuIl spcýd ;andusd long tiniie ai ttegae, îltig - eaýrc1Ing the ý_,crewd witb l1sey. Bt theýre gs eigu 0f Mark, Thenth gaesc 11ge 11tî. fHt bad acc u elasu raeet nbr anid Ma[rk ad nt gee.1feLtod awhlIe sain Lt io! ig festo awbIile 1tariîîg at 1nothing Whlri wa~ lieLasîdonlifted Ilis ht adulteated jaloul, sizd lm a Sound liket a pistol sbt1ie, neurves j31rnp11,L'1.blt it wa;s oî ferar ad gveBuleso's i. dresa te hedriverr. HeesSpeedy RlifFor- Yooî test xy tac se 'ienand wes0as illie ae L tin îgh ever th the ptitud true uteîie'sugmean Otan e A,1 An e lscsnene tub tel glas of iate. Cances ar.e yeul'1l dis- coveras tousada hae doe, tat achepain Insituin works iniac ways te bripr -omiptree: 3.Reduces epssdelg, ntn ine neyer panspera an.I' speiahly compoundiced te givequc reli ef. Try it toe eieve m-uscular ache or pain, and frte icmor oceel whna cold gets y ou dowin, AI dru- stoes aveInsantne.12 abits25p. >1 N N N N N N N N N N N 'z N N N N N N N N N N N N N N k N s N 'N N N N N N N 'il' N -s N N N k N ,~ N s N

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