Times ry Thursday morning at thie Times Office Rates on request Sw.ibscription, $1.25 Pi. A. Forriester, Publisher Orono,01 Otario0 Imiprovig-School Gr-ounds (Family1 lerald}) A newv comipetition to encourage the im)prýoveirnenett of rural chool grouinds in Ontario is plannied by J. A. Carroll, direetor of the ýgicultural and! horticultural societies hranch of the OntarioDe artmient of Agriculture. This eom-petition jWhiich1 is additional to the rovince-wide comlpetition for the carter tr-ophy, is on a township ý--sis, with a view to selccting' the Woool in each township which, uring the perýiiodi fronii September 1, 1944, teo ieut 1, 1945, makes le greatest iprovemenjt in its sciool grounids. A scor emicad s becu developcd and the responiility of ,coring the school inluenci towvnsiip is placed in tie hands of the istriet school inspector. The score card allows points ns follows: Gmeer care: fln-up, including removal of waste, eradica- ion of wecds, morjnig of grass, cultivation of ail plantstrimming f trees and pruing of sirubs. and acquisition of equipmnent for, care f aubve, 15 points. Improvement: nageetof -grounids, repairs nnd painting If buildings, fences, flag-pole. pump, mOals, gradig of groumnuln oulevards,:;35 pints. Nlew Planting : Sîtnhiliy and arrangement of tcrees, shrubs, 'mes, fiower beds, lamans and garden, 10 points. Total, 100 points. Any rural seooo is ligîble for thisnwd of acetfae [lie heOntario Hlorticultural Association, rviîgsufficient workc has bieen- doue to justify the awýard. The resuits of the judging are to efoade to P)r. V. K. Gre", Onitario Depairment of educeation-, befm oewtner le ,1945i. Good Seed Is Essenitial We note in tii oluinns of a widely rend L9agýriiual journal bat somne six hundred large fanning rul% wAUlbe placedtatntNe dis- posai offres throughiout the Province of Quieb)ecthis yenr. Thie Dpartmnent of Agriculture is providbingthJs service. Having been n1 contact with many of our farmery readers, we know their ppreca- bion ihMenmatte of good seed grain. Although tie municipal seed ieaing faciitie s offered in Qumee may not le availabe here, we bel-ieve ,tint there are sttios to whui i ahfresmy go wicn wlsh- ýng tis type of w,%ork Idonc. One sucih estahlI)ishmat is oprated by Aier Carnet Rtitkard at Newcastle, and excellent work is donie for tie, cleauiug and grading of grauin for seed. While wecnnot say for certain wfiether-t Mr. ]Rickard wlll ha operthing this plant duringth prcent season, we would urge farmiers to getLui toutch witfiln Grain sbouLd Ibe cieanedl now, and farmiers are adlvised to bring grain hi ficint quanties to ther nearet plant for treatment. Particular haste siouldbc ieade by faýrmers with sppliesof eal grains of -wiicltbey ws to dispose. Such grain isý being bougit up rt the proent tbme.Ohers vwitl only sufficient grain for their own seeing should scebtit such grain is well cleaned hefore thir re- serves get too low. It is snîd thait at lenst Ahree bushels of grain are needed teoldhtin one bushel of carefully seleced see. Smlail grain graded out by the machines could lie used es chiken fecd, and thie poover qualities of grain will miake grounld îinalTor live- stock. When fertility in sou', is being considered, fertility in seed is a close second intheIc mmd of the grower. tGradin-iý may not offer a guarantee of fertllity, but it seerns local to suppose tint plunp, well-cloen seel will have the cPoice of chiances in the seasoi that Wie aheail. Knowiugtint steps inay be taken right now, the average far- mner will sec to it that the crop of 1945 will not be jeopardized by the sowing of poor seed. Too muchlis involved hin De way of time, la- bour ard expense, and the farmer himself i awarc of the attendat Jresponsibility. The Unipredictable Wîinter- As wc write, Vie weatier is, of a very mild and sunny type and thc snow is sinking rnpidly from the numerous mounds and drifts V.o -whiih we have beccome accustcomed. We, do net vwish -toemrplaïsize tint AI told you so" attitde. Such a tMing la exasperatîng to many people At Die saVinem we have feit tint the coming of even a li- tic- ild wether would chase Vie snow in- a iurry. This condition miigîit proffve a boonieranlg. We have cornplained abiout the excess of sniow, and now tie snow miay disappea,.r too rapidfly should there be a steady speli of mild soft weatier. Farin.g peopfle realize tie danger of prolonged frosts late ia tde seans, and ground robbed of the protecting -nantie of snow Ynay heave and crack, causing a possble damage Voecloer and fal grinat Strnwberries toc corne in for considerable mmrn unless well mulcid aii sra or mianure. Periaps tic best thning tint could Lappen us fromin ag clua standpoîut would ha for tic snow tu remnain with us untîl cUon oward pring. Tismigit na btd ronds and diffiut travel, but tdc baudwould be b"eefitcd .The sexton of tic local cemetery tells us tint it has heen pos- sible ths wintr to renove the sniow fron thc surface of the grass aud to ectuàly cut and roll tic sod . We have nîso heard, of people Abgging panips lu tia garden nfter lirst shovelling awvay thc snow whici servcd ns a coveing. IV appears therefora that the suow about ic we have beau doing so nuch cunplaiïig is in reality n ren! safeguard. ht Assid tint snow soakig intto tic soil eonstitutes a grýeat henefit to teic ad itf.Possiy a litte pa - tience on tic part of ahl of us ,vill prove a good -iîng in this wýin- ter of 1945 non; appronching its close. iHowever, as we have ni- ready stated, tice iner, 111e any other season of the yenr, is unpr- diecal. A. lady rcently is said to hiave piied tic people wio have charge of the yvcticr prolrdbAites. 'Tis lady ,vished Vo know wiat the wcather would he about two miontbs heuce as sicwans planning for her daughiter's wedding. Moreover, informnation -was sought as- Ao tie wenther upon a spcideday. Upon bing told tint tic aca- Ilïer was unprodîctahIle at se gr-eat n distance tic lady askad; "inven't you an almanac"? Appnrentlyyour gucss. our gucss and *ý 0 ,s United Churci lasV flhc Vings snid lu Vie ii organization aieandy tation Association n ind 1. H-uga qunntities of utries, aud iiachýiuary oui, "(o Fýurcpean ( coun- Letters to the Editor Out. The Editor, Fdb 23rd, 1945 Oronio Weekly Times, Orono11, Ont-arlo. Dear SIr:1 Af1,e- reading John Armistr-ong-'s letter in the issue just received 1 f ee that i 'ould like to add a litie to the question, hoping that the Deputy jReeve hals flot been discour-aged by theblasting No doubt it was he who presented the proposition to the Chiaiber of Commerce. ln the short time that 1 have known Ted Woodyard I have found that ad-1 mriirall)e quality "arns"to boni 1lrge in lis characiter and believel that heL will not deviate fromiwa he sets out to do. AIso, one of the finest tnings ab)out O-ono1 is the Gomn'unity Spirit that prevails in the buisiniess section whien anything of, a community mat- ter uornes up. Therefure when ~ Deputy Reeve, coming from thai groï- u maks the su-ggestion that thE1 building (Ha11)l)ie rmdla n enlageds nrdeeorCted] nn suggests thatu the comm-unity conýtr-i bute ownrdthe ost, he i,; Very faiirý My uggston nsto turthi le hal! oversto the Orono Police Trustees. fi is getting awavy froni the actual needs of a counicil mieeting place, . M.A st-rouigcalîs it Clarke ' Towniship towri ha.11 We caIll iT Orono town hall. 1 doli't kiluw anythîng a bout Ken- dal or L eskard halls, but Xýewtonvilliý Cûmmunity Hall comm-liittee, bya local1 drive for, funds, now 1havi mkoney in Victory Bonds to rdcrt assoon as the opportuniity pr-esents itself. Also, ,Ce pay $10.00 taxes btc the Township. 1 Ave tried to dilve ino the finn cial 5set-up) of thie Township, lookýinýý tow ri to h pale purchase of mnuch needed rond and snow ploW e-qtipmienit. A cm leteue would cua;t $10,000 tou1500.The onfuis i turbing feature fI have fond ï i t faoabeposýition Orono enijoYs. yoil P'olice Trustee' rateuu teniteI eoôuncil ratuvus by grant and rebata pi-atically nl tice Tow3,nship rate Ito the Polie Tmu.-steas. Thiameenus that Orionio pays nothinig towaids Vie up- kcpof tie Townshi'p, salaries, hall, Whan Viesea nnd other points have been cousidercd, I think thlat past Councils have been most ganerous to Oronlo. And for those of us la tbc Townsiiïp Ltitbave înterest iu our, own ils, bope Vint wa may liecx cusad if we do noV take an active lu- terest Viee clnrging and remrodel- ling of yours. Wa mnust fix 0ourTown Vo Vie extent of wat funds ,;wa ara ýle Vo rmise. T'ic Township mny lavea n rserve fundf of $5,000, ýbut the big question igit uow is, low nucl rond mnachiin- amy are aýe goîug Vo be afile Vo pur- chasa '? Even awith Vint amiouLnt Vo s tart with I ain iu favor. of doubling tic Townýship rate Vo 8 nulls and Vian work awithoin tich dgt Tierefore,Mm Eitor., if I should ask you for ",your Vote aniflutlenie"l iVt will ha Vo build batter roads wlthi better equiipuicut mnd ain Vo keep ticm open tweîve montis l ith eyaar if possible. Your-s sin'eraly, Melvillea Jones, C'oullcillor Tice Editor, Or-ono WckyTimes, Orono1, Onltarlo.' Dealr sir: Rcgndin Mm Amntrog'slatter, I feel t areae u fea hina o ha lar-ifled, Vie- main item being tlint nio or-ganizýtionin a beau approaciad othjer Vian tfic Cýinher of Comj-i mnerce, iind alt tint tVine1I ans spaal- img ns n memiber of tint body and inoV of ie counci) or-ganiization iutaraatad lu promi-oting nnlytiug wii aili ban-efit VIe c onl- rniunity as n wiolc. I tiierefore, ns n mm rsugg-ested Vint o iplucwiti ltic Counclil Vo start ia (Conitýinuad on page aeiglit) ail of these anlgles in ic me iatter, andtiien dx'ew to tlic atteýntion of tic, congriegationtic pitifuil inaýdeqluac-,y of tic Europeaa chuircies in coping witi a r-ehabilîitationi progrfan froni a spir.itual stan1dpoint. Eigiand bad ýsufFercd hcaviiy in tic loss of ciurcl andl ecclesinstical buligbut Enigland was prepavaed to mlake good her own losses. insofar a-s po'ssibl1e, ad ad lre2ady suggcstý-ed tic nid proffercd by Canada an ud btic Uitcd( States he divcr-tcd to Europenn counVicîs. 'Fie is somfcthinig of a chiallenge to al g1ood c-itizens ou tues sida of Vie ,water whani we racali Mr. LittlewoodI's statemeiits Vto Vie affect int Ciristian lîteratur-e lad beau pmcticniy nadj(e unavailable in Germnany and periaps ta a lasser daegrea in France. TieCocon- munity life lu il of tic artouELropean countries (Germîauy in- clluded). mid hacomaL so liopelessly dlisorganized, and a gcnemtion of young people acre growing uip with little or no koldeor rvagard for spiritual or religiouis Vings. Suci a condition mdC been forced uýpon Vbiese Young folk, and \aile tint condition axisted it constiVutedi nfn mancco Via possible pence and liarmý-oniy which e are hopiug to seclicrcd in. It seenrs cîcar VLo thiiking peopla tint Vie temlporal blessiugs affordied by Nuirma and kiudrad services area limited wliea iLV comasý to inenling ý,acodiion su as wýe witness in the Old World o-day. Tic alola Ving is a prolblem for Vlia churci. How far our ow,,n people -would came tVo go iu a project tha--t would heniefit Gar- mnany lerseif, wve would noV came Vo predict. Tint suci aid miny lave f0 be ipre appears nlm-i-ost certain, and our own ney and pence of mmnd nay -depcnd upon our answer just as surely as tint, of tic lund's imploriug our hel1p. Getting Brooder Coal Chick raisers will ha siarting Vo -geVtichir spring orders very sooni. If thay cxpcct to hava enougi coaoil Vo aise Vie youngi.stcrs properly, they miust mnaka sure tint ticir coal is order.ed in Vime, Bacause of thc severlty of Vhe v,'inter' tic poutry industry comm-IIittce of Ontario recently askaed Via Director of Anthracite Goal, W.P.T.B. for n statamaut on Vie situation wvithi ragard Vo Vie supply of bimOd-~ cm coul. WIjle ls reply refera only Vo Onitarlo, it la of interest V1iroughout Eastern Canada as well. bis mapfly (Jan. 20) wals aS folloWs: "Due Vo suow conditions axisting in tlic Buffalo amen, many carsof 'an-tlimucita coul destincd f0 points in Ontario bave beau hld u1P for Vie past tan days. Evary effort is haing nfade hy Vhe malrendi(s Vo clear, up tlis Condition, buit it is one over whiih noua of us las any control. Howvever, we expact tîn its coul siould nove acroýsîs ia biorder witiout nutci futier dcelay. "IJr fully awý,are of VIe Goverumieat food policy la respect Vo1add1ioionl production of poutîry and poultry producta for Vils yenrii. Wahave a definifa coul reg-ulation covering Vihe distribution of coul for brooding pur-poses. We have repeatedly raquestad poultry-brood- Ing opercators Vo filaeaidealrs thaIr signaci statanants showiug Vh i uatityvntawlîl ha eedd y them and waicu delivery ail have Vo haae by tic dealer.. -1Iiiarn sorry f0 say tint we -,e ha d very littie co-operation from members of Vheia ouitrcy industry. Wa nuist of necessity have tuis information in adrance so tlint we can imake propar provision for- shipipm t fmom tic minas Vo tie denIer so that lie i have Vie couil on iand whchVe poultry opeator naieds 1. A h Vhs coul is enr-nrked for tuis puirpose wiea i i is sihippcd froiniVhe nmina-s and unless we have Vhe signaed statem-ients lnuavnce no coul dealer is obiiged f0 carry extra coal lu stock for poultry opemaltors. '4!t would sean Vo ne tint if thîs rnnter isý as imiportant as you say, tien your industry shfould cetainly do somnetiing Vo, speed up the raquests tint have beau made bhy Vie Coul Co'trollar, par- ticulnrly V-'iroug- inVe Departrncnt ~of Agriculture who 1-uoadicasftRis information smeeal infes duriag Vie last mionth. Up Vo nowý,, we have' imequcsVts for approximntelly only 15 cars \viici are hein- akaen ,are of y oýr Regional offile." TF'ic plan to be used la 'ordevlug coul for brooders is simiirr Vo that indecV at year and ia beau explained Vrougi a nuumber of chianneis of publicity. IV seanai, bowever, frorn "Via dimcto's latter, fiat click buyars are noV com-iplyîing aiti Vie pr'ocedure set dlown for Viir owia benefit and Vto service tIamr. Everyouc wio receivas Vils or otlier niotie"tm i fie broodecr eoai situation is asked Vo imiprass upon ciick bayers Vie absolute lieçes- is'ty of anticipating requireumants and placiug orders for- brooder r-ou'l inl advance. If Vhis is noV donc, fiera is bound Vo be a good denlý of confusion and disa pp oin trnfent and scrambling to secura coul. This i have -an adverse effect on Vie hatcheries, ýaad rigiht tirougi to fie final 1945 supply of poultry praýduets. 1 Pr( CMNI-EVENTS Bagorrai and it's Vie Won'aiý Institute that -arc hnving ÊVia grand Irisi 500 Card Party ou Marci 16Vh, at 8 o'ciock lu tic Orange Hall, Oono, viVh special prizes nd uncbI Sure aid-ic'te admission is oal1Y 25c, Cornle oua. comaneail. c8 HIELP WANTED Girl or womian to do light houise- work, by the hour, day or week. Phone 32 r. 8, Orono. c-7-p. LA,%DIES! LADIES! If you are thinkling of papering y oilr1room11s, sec the Emnpire Wall- paper Pattern Book. G. York;, Agenit,l Oronio. WIANTED Live Poultry and Feathners. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, Bethauny I. R. No. 1; Telephione 7 r 13, Bethany. We have ao ag-ents. 3-p. FOR SALE Framie huse, witi stable and garageý, h-ard and soft watcm, five acres of good Ianid. Apply to O. D. saidercock, 0O-ono, Plotic 56 r 9. NE QIPETFOR SA-),E Powaer Binders, Combinaes,' Ha-- mler Milis, Wagon on ub1erSping- Tooti Hai'rows, Mover, horse or tractor dr-awni; Rakae, Aîutotrae At- taýchiments, Ponly Ilisc Plow, Stude- baker Staitinary Motor, set of Rae Sîcýlighs, Used W'agons. Pliouc Cari, Todid, lnrke 15-20, Denier for- J. 1. Case Co., Otaco Ltd. Port Hlope iFereitilizeis. cSp YACLJUMS FOR SALE VACUJUMS REPALRED "GdÔD VACUUlLS FOR GOOL Housekeepiïig". AISo gunrauteed expert rapairs, lubricatuion, etc. C.U.C. Sales &- Service Branci at McGREGOIR HARDWARE Go., Bo-w' mianville; Telephone 774. FOR SALE INEW COCKSHUTT MACHIINERZY Manu,-e Spreader-s, 1 Fer-tilizer- Dii1 Giant loweýr, 1 Wood Wieel Truck, 1, Potato Planter, Grain Bm- deirs, Gomiibinies, Ilammiier ils Gria-1 ders, W.a1Jing Piows, Sini-e anad KÇid; Sping-Tooth Harrows and Drag; 1 NearT Taco 10 ft. Rae.- Keiti Bradley, -Coeklsiutt and Taco Deaier, Ponitypool, Ontario, Plione Orono 81 r 12. -c SHORTHIORN SALE Duvlham Çounty Shoýrthorn iBreed- crs Club wiii hold their 24Ith anniual Auction Sale of Purcbrcd Siorthorns, Tliurisdnay,Mac 8ti. at the farmi of Mr. Alex. Prout, m/ iile souti of Kurv Inn on No. 2 Higiway. Ticre ~Wil 1be offeredý( 14 young uls,15 hIeifer-s and 2- covas with calves ut foot. This is a very choice oýfferipg, aiIl are acreitdnaative Vo tic- blood test and inoculnted f0, preyent shîpping fever. For caaogewrite or phouc C. Chas. Allia, Bownnviilc. Because Roavlan, one hinabeen rmc 1ù 2-1, Nev. a erestE or R Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmà,anvillàt - Oraýno Phones: Bwavle Day 48(j Night, 734 and 573 etory~ A. F. McKENZIE', M.D. PHYSICIÂN and SUR GEON. Offitce Hour: 2.00 t.o 4.(K0 p.ni.; W.0 8.00>la.. PHJONE 47r1 ORONO - LFGAL Lawrence C. MasontB.A. Barrister and:,oIcicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Office 688 Home 553 W. F. WARD BARRISTER,^ Office $25 SOLICITOKt NOTAFY phones:. Residlence 40ew BOWMANVILLE, ONT. VETERIJNARY DR. W. W. SIIERWIN VETERIN4RY SURGEONS O fcice« Main St, Oroxue Je C. GAMEY INSURANCE Filre, CaSUalty, AUtOtomo-, bile and liabiity Orono - Ontario~ AUCTIONEERS TED j'ýJACKSON Auctiorieer and Valu.atoT' Condicts Acinsales o et s.s anCT at reasocnable rates, G~muictewitb hlm a'tPoet Pelr>uy, Ontarlo, or seo bis CIlerk. , E. Morton, -nt Oron, or date. JACK REID Licensed Auctioneer and Speciaize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terma anci daites ]3 -g& 1!5fi - Lgency OBILE, IiIABILITY Clarke rING s insurance anada perty ty qutvou se,ûd tg) quote Ir property rise you. ýR-A4LL SCALE VintthVe nu n is To ha nu le nogcn variety of pr tint tiare wili ltestanlts in tVie omofssus iga ver n6w