Please Phone FridaY for Saturday Delivery Beebive S-yrup, 5 11b tin 55c Crab AppIe JeIIy, 24 ftuid 'oz 33e Peach Jam, 24 fluid oz 35c Plum Jàm, 24 fluid oz s 30c Wagstaff's Bramble- JeIIy, 12 f luid ozs 25c FOR YOUR DOG Kellogg Gro Pup, pkg 25c Bullard's Meaties, pkg 23c Master Terrier Kibbles, pkg I15C Dr. Bullard's Champion Dog Food 10c Pard, 2 pkgs 29c Kellogg's Corn Flakes with -- - -Tumbler, 3 for 25c rg,2 for 15c dIe, lb 17c 33c 17e Coffee, nd with lb 39c ýkg 15C 32c 17e 14c 1- 13EÉF 14e 22c 23c S37c Loca Ne s BWMAVILL VEE ~ 1 - OOD WlILL BIBLIE CLASS agedthtw ' e l n 1, ilTJle Gond Will Bible 'Ciass v'as enl- said that thle people ulse- Thie sniow is rapidjy cîearinig awýay * group ofr3wanil itz er't lined a h roa geÉleon Tues- uch intead of "we', an ifthis- (Aoing tth le w1msushne1, (d lhuthe faiiy and rltvsi vnn.Mrs. C. S. AMCLarenIl' doll ýl aY %ith a lot of o urto o f C. S.ý M. ( Ross) MCKn r iihPr-idlent of the class, cn4tbth would also disa'ppealr. We 1reter .Mrs.R.11. IB rown visited frienids D 1C, on a r ie ent Fridly aftetnoo bu ness period and Mrs. J. C. Tami- the enemiy foi sta'ing the Lwar in Toronito early this week. frtprposioiweoo Il(hme lnand ,Mrs. Littlewood the devo- they-, buit we a e partly to hi, thwhro after a absnceofriv iomal period and theme for thie meet- for the( war also, and that thet Si Miss Edra Best, Toronlto, spent year esas. Possibly one of(, he ingwielh was "Adv\entinÏig togethi- er al people \w1jl refe1toeco Sun'day wth hier mlother, Ms .jhnpetprtcp lt Mon' he rtaCrsta liig!ntep-sni sw adPottl hnwewil i Bet ateig a .SM rthur K il i fe. " A solo by Mrs. M~ary Phas-iey abètter worldl. iDtrcD ..adCroix de Guerre1 u seveýraI readlings and a conitest were 1--o __ _ ýMrL Clence Bell visitedl withl his 191-98) ..M cnib nd nnc enjIiedby the ladies presenit. YOUNG l'EOPIL'S MEETIN, parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Lorne Bel'l at -.Kipatikare the l('only Bo fW Detiled planis were miade for thie Pot Kenidal, ilast week-enid. maniville reietîo psesthle Luck Supper to be put on by thie cias ThY..U.oPakt.n Mr ndMs.S . adw C, feveted .C..,and th(V eywee photo rn Ml Jond(ay ne-xtL,March Sth, Ch Y. P.hImeton 'PhnrkSty eenin Port Hlope, v7isited with Mr. and Ms rpe ste nbae pnt~List week with a- good number i Wm. i-Stainton on Sunday.pator of tile sC.N.R tationi. Oldi- W/I INSTEAD 0F THEY ttenchinice. Theprgrmmç'vas er residen.ts of Oroino should recaîl ý07DM K E T R W R D cu,,ý fteAisoi- -ie Mr. Thos. MuNeil, owan ile.Mr.Kilpatricli, as 'he was ia one timle WOL MK BTERWRL-crge ef .The sonry cenve j Joce Grnis. Th ecrptue le. visied ithfrieids inO ron-o for a townvisran hlere, having. enlisted from pir-tomthlaescas wseabyAaim.eyw few- hours cone day thlis week. Or-olnoin 1914. A truîste mlye t tededÉthe isusio ru t Ann Stap IIles took ca Er ofThe1 of ninten ears se iority at te~ tetSund011coo ijoiS-n eral cftst ield. rW. HWBowToronito~. spent 'oodv9,Tire an'd RhhrFsctfory ySll 'lbe weeký-end at homie ithhs par- M.Kptick i.s .alseolead(er of th, 1y.The tepie wsw a , and the Pal to attenid thie Lealers -lnts, -Mr. anid Mrs. R. IH. Blowni. Bwav]eCnda ,~in ~ -usinas "Is War Nece(sPsarY ". Schooi to be field this Tbiursdiay ers are fouight for -xaso n n, ac sa in Pilt Oficr JmesL. owrs 5 oenqest ~n hae eenfouht undy Shol Hal. unider fthedir renin afewdas ithhi pr y hack since bib)lical times. Tt waks tion oôf fte pOabawa rebyerTh en s, Mr.aiM~ C. L. Power's. bown ýthut wars, bring ouiit manmv wile slides shown on ak fL î t.Hwr yls fNwa iw îvenitunls more quickly -thlan if Cpa sn nanid discusS s*lepen1 -toeweek-enid with !his nt wr t gosaiIb e -r iaets M s." eh ______ _________;4,_____ M.anrs. Oliver G'_ibb!s and THEATRE Durbar,ý ltoniwerethey wijli tke up11S) N1 Reeve. T. A.'Reid and lerk T.J J Mellor attei1ded the c (onjvention of the ý OnaoMuipl A ssociatin i Tor-onto th1iswek yancintheC',FQueset ofert.e SarigMihleMranad N ew S r n o d A..Ry .Eiise, fs. Two Tickets to London % r g u 0 d wePek enid withbhis paýrents. anid Alan Clirtis, with Barry Fitz- WALLPAPERS - Mis. R. A Forrester, gerald and C. AuJbrey Smiïth * rn oen' Institute is plani- 11la aI xctig edrma New stock is now in. It is always a good thing ning-l a-oileei1 o ac 6h Cra1mmed fulo suspenlse. to-et your papering dune early whlen the ini celebration of St. Patrick's Dy a.Ol paper hanger is not too busy and the stock of Fui~paticlar I er.MÂlWH 3 papers are complete. Prkced per single roll Mr. anid Mrs. J. B. M1oat, -who have "FORTY THIEVES" from 12e to ..... .... 5C. spenit thieps two anid a h'aîf monthIs with MiESS M. lHll, returnled tetlijeir, Starriîng William Boyd, with home iiu Oakvilie oný Tuesdaiy îast. Anidy Clyde, Jimumy Rogers, CURTAIN MATERIAL DulsDumbrille, Louise Cur- W aenwsoko utis~aeuas 'Loun llardware juist received a car rie sudc Kirk lzJyni.' ehv e tc fCran aeuas of nutt anid sev eaýi,'aise a car ofi Addedgodeecon fyad odsfaikid.Dolt fresh oven Coke. Ple-ase phonle or Holiday put off yrd eeds n f - l- goods D no leave your order. fi ton) per cuistom-ler. Hoosier's Hfdyptofbuying yornes itese gos A.B. Powers, Raymelnd G., soli of StrigDl vn n eo. Wiier G Pwes, f anouer Blyron, popular Radio Enter- SMYRNA IMATS AXIMINSTER RUGS Wilort C Powrs. f Vacouvr, tainlers. spent a Couple of daýys withl bis a1unt, i, f iiSz 3 0 eesb-e Mrs. Will. CohlediLek, enlroute te of r unSîea30 x 6, reverib, 27 x 54, in a real good flia.Mon.-Tues.-Wed. vof mrealgoo q aty, inuait, ov Mr. Ernie Aleof 'the Merchanit . A)C 5-i7 e sat sade. havy uaPity, lov$e.y lvaie eft fer ithe east ceast o n oaofteTw Tuesday last atrs uiga visit Woa fteT nPicd.. ..$90 ptensPic.$75 wvitb bilsfvi'fe 'at the home of Mr. andf Starring Claire - Trever anidrFurCvrnsae 1Wiisok oglu Mr.s. Art Allen.ý Albertl Dekker OrForCvrnsaenwi tc.('noer lier offly wecakiless mwas her Rugs ini ail sizes. Feltol Rugs; also y'ard g1oods in 2 A large niumiber from Orono and ' diýstriCt took in tble picturie "Goingstenthinloe and 3 yard widtbs,.. ........... My Way, ,hdi(chwa presented at the Ade..............._______________________ RoalTear o ona, usdy "Rse h Rvte"Kellogg's Dajtes Mus.tard antid 'Wedulesday of this wekih j aerzee an FranCorn Flakes lb. 22ce Large MIr. Robert Mfa bas purcbiased Laregeo Mlr." Geor ge Tayior's bou-,se oFI G1lIurc Romanve -- Musir MirthLae Jar 23c- stretsotb uw ccpîd y r. Its eaîîy apae 2 for 23c Shelled aud Mrs, Cecil Jouies. and Mrus. e - w-M Glass Free Ahuônds Oranges !be occupied by Mrand____Mi________Roy__ Barrabali. ïi ._ 2 oz 12e iMsr.C. "M. Joues, Newtonviiie, W. E Redasd E, Rq. Woodyard were iron:to ion Tuesday lat ookingý oc)ver road equipment, sud we-re sbown moving pieptures on just wbat certain mahnscoukl do in keepîng the ronds cleared in %vinter t-ie. Jimi Tamblyni just recýeived a pair of woo-den ,sboes fo- John and Ross as a souvenir (if Holland from id(ney HUghes, wbe hajjj-s 1bee-n tationed there, "id ertes interestiuglet- ters about life overseas, but bop'es be'il be borne befor-e another 'Christ- OnilWeduesday eveuling isat Ormle Camsby entertaied six mnernbers of Oono Juveuile hockey team At tie hockey gaine il oshawva between OsaaGenieriand Gart Teirriers,l the latter b)y a score of 5 te 4 lu 3 inutes of overime. Tbe chul- dien were, «Charles sud Bill Arm- strong, Jack aud Donald M'ercerand Keîtb and Raye 'West. Attendnce at Park Street United Cburch was gratifying botb a trth merui nsd eveuing services last Sunday. '*ev, S.Litlewood deliver ed a ypical Lenten seanemon r thie moruing, sud bis dîscourse ilu thef evenig was wortby of note because of its breadtb sud visionî. The m-u- sic off the dlay was uînder the direc- tion of MrIisR. H. Brown, organist and choieader. Tw%ýenty-onie mmesfrou-iOrono Lodge, I.O.O.F. No. 43â6, attended thie district niigbt beld uat Cohurg ou Wedniesdlay evenliu I"ast, A dr -a w was he'ld on a pair of bath toweis wbich were woa biy Mr. Art Robbias. wbej) tulned themi back te the lodge again, and were raffled off by nuc- tion Iy 'Mr. W,. jPÇiddeli sud went Series: "Thie Way the Master .Welnt", "'1is Message". 2.30 pn.Chrhsehool. "Bless them which persecute you' Biess and curse flot". OUrono Tinsbop Ail kinds of P lumbig J'-'aches 105 oz tins $ 1.00 No Coupons Largé Lemnons 3for 1oc Cut Wax Beans 2 tins 29e Little Gem Peas Gtade 2 2 for 35e -Walkier's Cream Sodas 2 lb pkg 25e 2 lb 29e Ilarry Horne's Soup Mix pk-g 10e Eclipse Pastry Flour 24 lb bag 6Oc Fno White" Beans 4 lb 2,c Rice 2 lb 25e Oxydol, Rinso or Lux M1ediuni pkg 25e Conifort P& G, Pearl 4 bars 212C Choice Pumpkin 2 tins 25e Peas 2tin 25e Ayliier Tomato Soup tin 8e Aylmner Vegetable' Soup tinIle 200's, 49e 22(Ys 39e Toniatoes 2tfin 25e Toniato Juice 105 oz in 49e Corn Choice tin; 5 Large O.K. Soap 6) bars 25e Grapefruit each 5c Pickles large jar 29c C-Ookirnz